Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Two Worlds Two Men NBtM

Jocelyn and Neely are having a perfectly pleasant dinner at the Sheep Heid Inn when it happens: Jocelyn suddenly finds herself sitting across the table, not from Neely, but a strange man dressed in medieval garb. This man is no apparition. His eyes, the deepest brown, clearly look on her in intimacy; his touch causes her pulse to rise.  Jocelyn realizes two things: from his clothes, he is clearly an aristocrat, and that she, Jocelyn Stewart, seems to be in some sort of romantic relationship with him! Minutes later Jocelyn returns to Neely, in the present day, weak and terrified. Together they begin to unravel the forgotten past and find themselves facing the reality of medieval Scotland. A strange world steeped in folklore and superstition; where life begins and often ends with the sword. As Jocelyn travels back to medieval times she learns that the man she keeps seeing is no other than Sir Colin Campbell of the powerful Campbell Clan. When Jocelyn is with Colin, she wants never to leave his side; then she returns to the present and cannot imagine herself with anyone but Neely. Jocelyn struggles with a choice. Which man will gain her heart when both offer such different love? She is in love with two different men in two different worlds.

Jocelyn looked around for the driver who was supposed to be waiting for her arrival with a sign. She had hired someone to pick her up because, as an American and first-time visitor to Scotland, she had figured it would be less stressful.

She didn’t see the driver anywhere; then, just as she started feeling nervous, she saw a man holding a sign with her name on it. And what a man he was! He was broad shouldered, strong and had dark brown hair with reddish tints. He exuded masculinity like some cologne, and even across the airport, she thought she could smell it. Smoothing her unruly hair, she started to walk over to him.

The man, seeing her approach him, took a step toward her. “Are you, Jocelyn?”

When he spoke her name, she found herself frozen in place unable to respond. She’d heard this voice before; she knew this voice. This man spoke her name exactly like the dream she had had all those years ago! She had been stirred awake in bed by a voice of a man, who spoke her name with a Scottish accent. His voice was gentle and low; as if he wanted to gain her attention, but not cause her alarm. Jocelyn had clutched the sheets to her chest and stared out into the darkness of her bedroom almost feeling his intimate presence beside her. She lifted her hand up to her ear having sworn his warm breath had brushed her skin. Jocelyn remembered she had turned her head, anxiously, toward the pillow next to her and almost thought she would be looking into the eyes of a stranger; yet she had not been frightened. This man, his voice, somehow comforted her.

Now, she stood in the airport and caught her breath as she faced the man before her. Her eyes searched his face for something; though what it was she wasn’t sure. Jocelyn felt her heart beating so fast she was certain the man could hear it as memories flooded her mind of that night so long ago when he or someone spoke her name in the darkness. Was that the reason for her vacation to Scotland? Was she unconsciously trying to find the man?

Joy, thanks so much for stopping by. So, how did you get started writing?
I began writing as a creative outlet. Once I began writing I couldn’t stop until the manuscript was completed. I was completely enamored with the process.

What was the inspiration for your book?
I had several incentives to write Two Worlds Two Men. First, I wanted to use my love of words to achieve a creative fulfillment and prove that I could do it. Also, to create a book that would entertain readers and engage them in my fantasy world. I hoped that readers would connect with my characters and find them memorable.

What’s the one genre you haven’t written in yet that you’d like to?
I really enjoy the medical thrillers about Dr. Scarpetta by Patricia Cornwell. The whole series is very engaging to me as a reader. However, please see my answer to the next question that ties into this and explains things better from my perspective.

Are there any genres you won’t read or write in? Why?
I think medical or political thrillers are amazing reads. I would like to write one someday, but the truth is I probably won’t because I am not certain I’m disciplined enough to educate myself to do it right. I think many writers of those genres have a background of some kind in the medical field or law enforcement etc. that makes the whole process less intimidating. Having a background of some sort in your genre can also gain you access to firsthand experience. Obviously, every writer does not have “hands on” experience for their thriller, but I am not confident that I could manage a top notch manuscript. There are so many details we take for granted as readers on these kinds of books and when an author is not able to calculate those details due to inexperience or knowledge it isn’t beneficial for anyone. 

So, what are you working on right now? Got any releases planned, or still writing?
I am currently working on a nonfiction book about how to achieve your goals.

Alright, now for some totally random, fun questions. Favorite color?
Peach. I am a complete lover of deep luscious peach and enjoy complementing it with turquoise or fire engine red colors to create a cozy environment.

Favorite movie?
Under the Tuscan Sun with Diane Lane. Love it! It’s such a feel good, woman power movie that always inspires me.

Alright, you have one superpower. What is it?
I would fly because I could travel all over the world anytime I wanted with no limits. Superman could fly anywhere in a moment’s notice and I would like to do the same. It’s a great big world out there and I have so much left to see of it.

You can have dinner with any 3 people, dead, alive, fictitious, etc. Who are they?
I would have dinner with author and speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer because he has devoted his life to the masses on how to find fulfillment. I would also want to meet Oprah Winfrey because she has overcome amazing odds to become a woman who makes her own rules for happiness which is admirable. I am not really sure on the third person, but actors Reese Witherspoon or Will Smith come to mind because both have managed to morph themselves from just being in the movies to making the movies. I respect their ability to foresee a new place in their industry and have the courage to do it. It’s not always easy to flow with change and some people won’t embrace it and become stagnant.

Last question: Which of your characters are you most like and how/why?
I am kind of a cross between Jocelyn and Neely. The character Jocelyn faces the unknown, but still manages to press onward regardless of the consequences or how hopeless it may seem. I can honestly say that I’ve done that more times than I can count to the exasperation of many. On the other hand, Neely is a character with a good and decent heart that is extremely loyal. He seeks to find the humor in most things and I have those attributes as well. 

February 24: Susana's Morning Room
March 3: Booklover Sue
March 10: LibriAmoriMiei
March 17: Nancy Adams
March 24: Yeah Books!
March 31: Writers and Authors
April 7: Long and Short Reviews
April 14: The Buttontapper
April 21: Books Direct
April 28: Sharing Links and Wisdom
May 5: GothicMoms
May 12: Books and Other Spells
May 19: Romorror Fan Girl - review only
May 19: It's Raining Books
May 26: Unabridged Andra's
June 2: Laura's Interests
June 9: Musings and Ramblings

Author Bio and Links:
Joy Frawley is an author and writer of the upcoming romance novella; Two Worlds, Two Men due to release on October 2014 by Resplendence Publishing. Joy lives in beautiful Traverse City, Michigan relishing in living the life of the classic “townie” with her two dogs Piggs and Diggs.

Website     |     Twitter

Buy Links:
Amazon     |     Barnes & Noble     |     Resplendence Publishing

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Craving Stains Book Tour

Wynn Brenwood has been trapped by his mother since birth, shut away in a sterile, hospital-like apartment.

Is it her desire to keep him safe that sees him locked up in his pristine cage? Or are her motives less innocent and well-intentioned?

Wynn longs to break free to experience the world he sees beyond his window.

Desperate to escape, he meets Doyle, a handsome, leather-clad, and enigmatic stranger.

But is Doyle real, or is he just a figment of Wynn’s imagination?

Book Trailer:

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About the author:
Writer, traveler, and coffee addict, Alina Popescu has been in love with books all her life. She started writing when she was ten and she has always been drawn to sci-fi, fantasy, and the supernatural realm. Born and raised in Romania, she finds her inspiration in books of all genres, in movies, and the occasional manga comic book. She is a proud geek who needs her fast Internet and gadgets more than she needs air.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Red Tide Rising Super Book Blast

Ages 18+. Contains strong language, explicit sex and elements of horror. This book is the final installment in the Immortal Touch trilogy.

What good is immortality when every moment is agony?

The vampire Ash has returned from his watery grave, proving that death is merely a minor inconvenience. Picking up where he left off? That might not be as easy. Because someone else is vying for Sami's attention - the last person he ever would have expected.

Fulfilling her desire for immortality seems the surest route to winning her favor. But for Sami, this gift will come at a terrible price. One simple lie of omission is all it takes to send her spiraling into a terminal state of madness. And as the last remnants of her sanity slip away, Ash can no longer deny that her maniacal behavior is putting them all at risk. His perfect angel has become a perfect liability.

But can he find it in his heart to destroy her?

Almost simultaneously they blinked, the two heads bobbing about in disoriented confusion as they struggled to assimilate. Straightening, Ash took a step back and spread his arms open with a haughty smile.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the freakshow! I am your host and master of ceremonies. Tickets are nonrefundable and the rules here are simple. There are only two, so please give me your undivided attention as I will not, I repeat, will not be going over these instructions twice. Listen up, here we go. Rule number one. Do. Not. Scream. First motherfucker in here that wigs out on me gets their gray matter painted all over the walls. Unless you want this place redecorated with your brains, I suggest you take ol’ Sparky’s advice here and – how’d you put it? Oh, yeah. Keep. It. Down.

“Rule number two. I am in charge here. In case you illiterate hillbilly dumbasses don’t know what that means, I’ll clarify. You will do what I say, when I say it, without asking why. These rules are non-negotiable and subject to change at any time, without any warning, in accordance with my whim. Do we have any questions from the audience?”

Sami watched, enthralled, as the startled couple exchanged panicky looks. Once again almost synchronously, their bulging eyes returned to the gun being waved around in front of their faces. Neither of them seemed to know what to do.

The woman was the first to hazard a question. Bringing a shaking hand to her chest, she coughed twice before saying in a croaky voice, “P-please…I need a Xanax. I think I’m having a panic attack.”

“A panic attack? Really?” Asher’s free hand flew to his mouth in exaggerated dismay. “Oh, my. Now that is unfortunate. Regrettably, management won’t allow us to stop the ride and let you off once it’s started. However, we will have some nice parting gifts for you. May I have your name, please?”

“My…name?” Her cheeks grew even more wan if that was possible. She looked dangerously close to face-planting into the floor.

“Yes. Your name. What people call you. Comes above the street address on your mail. Generally the first line on your birth certificate. Any of that ring a bell?”

“Brandy,” she whispered before coughing again.

“What was that you were asking for, Brandy? A Xanax?”

“Yes…please. They’re in…in my purse. Over there.”

“My dear, you don’t need medication. What you need is a transfusion. Request denied. Next?”

At her side, Kemper seemed to suddenly spring to life. “What’s going on here?” he snapped indignantly. “Who are you people?”

“I apologize, but due to union rules we are only permitted to answer one question at a time. Kindly select just one.”

Not only baffled but clearly getting pissed off, Kemper gritted his teeth so that his lower lip protruded in a way that reminded Sami of Slingblade. “I said…who ARE you people?”

“Oh! That’s right! You don’t even know how to address me yet, do you? Please pardon the oversight. Let me introduce myself. I am known as Alpha to the fortunate, Grim Reaper to the unfortunate, and Total Prick to everyone else. You can simply call me Sir. To my left is my lovely assistant Samara. Take a bow, gorgeous.”

Smiling brightly, she gave a dainty little curtsey. “How do you do?”

Author Bio and Links:
Allie fell in love with books from the moment she was issued her very first Sally, Dick and Jane reader. Born and raised in Alabama, she now resides in the sunny panhandle of Florida with her own blue-eyed Prince Charming and two fat, obnoxious cats. When she’s not busy obsessing over the lexicon of her latest project, she can usually be found watching B-movie horror (the cheesier, the better!), reading or playing online computer games while indulging her unhealthy Pepsi addiction.

Stalker Links:
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Buy Links:
Amazon US     |     Amazon UK

Monday, April 20, 2015

The Weight Loss & Detox Secret: Green Smoothies Review

Let me introduce to you the newest fast food: the green smoothie. This mixture of sun ripened fruits and earth harvested vegetables can be made in seconds. You can say “Goodbye,” to the regret that normally comes along with eating fast food.

Green smoothies are nutritious, providing your body with vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. Packed with nutrients used to fight diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, you will begin to wonder why you have gone so long without enjoying green smoothies.

In this book you will discover:
·         What is a Green Smoothie?
·         What’s So Good About Green Smoothies?
·         Nutritional Value and Health Benefits of Green Smoothies
·         The Healthiest Weight Loss Program Methodology
·         Types of Green Smoothies
·         Tasty Tips

˃˃˃ 50 delicious recipes inside
The book includes 50 delicious recipes that use green leafy vegetables, fruits and non-dairy milk or yogurt to create nutritious, filling drinks for your day-to-day menu.

Whether you are brand new to the world of green smoothies or you’ve enjoyed them in the past, don’t miss this great book!

Each recipe offers different variations or tips and tricks so your job is truly simple: follow the recipes and enjoy a glass of pure, healthy food!

Available on Amazon

My Review:
4 stars

I’ve been trying to find ways to be healthier for a while now, so when I was given the opportunity to review this book, I jumped at the chance. The health benefits of green smoothies have been talked about all over the place lately, and I’ve wanted to try them. Only problem being, that while they were healthy and had all these benefits…they tasted disgusting. Or at least, that’s what I thought. I loved trying out the different smoothies in this book. I’ll admit, a few weren’t quite to my taste (the Minty Avocado, Celery and Apple), but the majority of them were good, and a few have even become favorites of mine (Arugula and Raspberry, Almond and Strawberry). I also like how the nutritional information was provided for every smoothie, making it easier for those tracking their food intake.

All in all, this was a great recipe book, though I would have liked to see more recipes using regular milk instead of almond milk, as (to me at least) the ingredients don’t always work when you switch the type of milk used. I would also have liked to see more recipes using chocolate and berries, as those are ingredients I commonly use in my smoothies. However, this is a great book for the price, and one I would highly recommend.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

Friday, April 17, 2015

The Luxorian Fugitive Release Day

The Luxorian Fugitive

Sergeant Liam Jacks is the security chief of transport vessel, The Santa Claus. He travels the planetary cluster with Marc Danverse, his best friend and captain, seeking to escape his tortured past and find some peace of mind.

Having been through a civil war together, Danverse and Liam are close. Maybe too close….

All that changes when mysterious stranger, Hadrian Jamison, an escaped Adonirati, books passage to Alpha Centauri. Can he be trusted? Can the stories of his past be believed?

As Liam’s fascination with Hadrian grows, jealousy threatens to tear apart his friendship with Danverse.

When Hadrian’s owner shows up, Liam is forced to go against orders in order to launch a rescue mission to save him.

The ensuing conflict may be more than any of them expected.

Buy Links:

Amazon US     |     Amazon UK     |     Amazon AU
WIP     |     ARe     |     B&N

Book Trailer


Cold sweat rolled off Liam’s body as he sat upright in bed, sheets tangled around his legs. His deafening pulse drowned out the soft whirr of the environmental systems and the mechanical hum of the ship’s movement. There was a hollow quality to the titanium hull of his private quarters that seemed to amplify the resonance of the dream.

“Pull it together, Marine. You’re not a child.” The horror refused to recede even now that he was awake.

Liam looked around his room as his reality began to settle. The windowless room was nearly pitch-black; the only illumination came from the data screen on the wall, its soft cyber-green time code proof that he was not lost in the abyss. Yes, he was aboard the cargo vessel the Santa Claus. Yes, they were en route to Luxorian from Alpha Centauri Prime for a supply delivery and pickup. Yes, he was the security chief of the thirty or so men employed on the ship. Yes, the dream was of a harsh memory, but still just a dream.

“Mrs. Claus. Status report please.” Liam spoke in quiet, shaken tones while his unsteady hands threaded through his hair. A synthetic voice, sounding like a middle-aged woman, hummed back in response.

“It is zero three seventeen, Sergeant Jacks. We will be docking at Luxorian Spaceport Alpha at approximately eleven fifteen. System sync to the Luxorian environment is in progress and will be complete in two hours and twenty-five minutes. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

“No.” His reply was brusque, but Mrs. Claus’ feelings couldn’t be hurt; she was artificial, after all. Normally, Liam found Captain Danverse’s penchant for ancient Earth history—including the ship’s name and the computer’s voice identity—endearing. Marc was his best friend, after all. But tonight there was no comfort in it.

Even without the nightmares, it was hard to sleep well when forced to acclimate to a new planet’s environment and timeline every time you came into port. The ship’s systems were designed to gradually shift the sleep cycles of everyone on board to match up to the active hours for each destination. Add the dreams into the equation, and his rest was as fractured as his self-esteem.

“Lights. Low,” he commanded. Twin light panels on opposite sides of the small room began to glow. The undecorated metal walls were nothing more than panels hiding the storage spaces within. The large bed looked out of place in the three-by-four-meter space, but was required for any chance of a comfortable night’s sleep. Not that he’d seen many of those in a long time. A lone desk sat in the corner with a basic chair on wheels, covered in dirty clothes. Several recessed shelves held stacks of paperwork, but the entire room was devoid of anything personal.

Liam peeled himself from the dampened sheets, the fabric refusing to release from the tackiness of his salty skin. He knew he couldn’t sleep anymore, even if the bed weren’t already cooling and saturated. The ship ran warm, but he couldn’t suppress a slight shiver as the air hit his bare skin. Even the dense pelt of hair that covered his chest, arms, and legs provided little warmth at the moment. He slid into a pair of cargo shorts and sleeveless shirt that were piled in the corner, too shaken to care if they were clean enough to wear. A pair of thick-soled sandals waited for him in front of the room’s exit. Out of habit, he picked up his communicator from the random pile on the desk and put it in his ear.

He placed his hand on the plexiglass palm reader embedded in the hull and the door slid open with a loud hiss. From the outside, he slapped the matching panel to close the door and trudged out into the hallway.

His footsteps gave a soft metal echo as he wandered in no particular direction through the dimly lit tunnel. This was no luxury liner; a subtle vibration could be felt at all times from the tech and mechanicals hidden behind the scuffed and weathered walls. The Santa Claus was sturdy, but not designed for creature comforts. Captain Danverse had purchased the decommissioned cargo ship nearly a decade ago and offered Liam a job when the pair had left the military following the Centauri Prime civil war.

Intelligently, Danverse had populated the Santa Claus with a crew of men who could stand the long distance between stops and could appreciate the company of their fellow men. Ports were few and far between, and it was a small world to live in for an extended span.

About the Author:
MannRamblingspic-225x300Like many gay men, when Mann Ramblings grew up, there weren’t any heroes he could relate to. The world held him back while he tried futilely to hide the real person inside. So much has changed since those hollow days. He finally found his voice, the voice that says it’s all right to revel in the so-called inappropriate joys, laughs, and loves that storm inside a man’s head. It took a long time to find that courage and now that it’s here, he plans to use it well.

While spending years more focused on visual arts, he never let go of his innate passion for storytelling—he wanted to write and draw comic books when he grew up. Once he discovered M/M fiction, a whole new world opened with new possibilities. Why couldn’t you have fantastic and dynamic tales with an M/M cast? He started reading the online tales of authors like, Night Tempest, Rob Colton, and Alicia Nordwell, which only fueled within him the need to create. Eventually he found GayAuthors.org, and with a little coercive nudge from Night Tempest, started sharing his tales with an unexpected level of positive response. That experience and support gave him the courage to cross his fingers and aim for the world of M/M publishing.

Born and raised in Michigan, Mann Ramblings continues to type away, wishing it was practical to use a noisy, old fashioned keyboard that clacks with each strike, if only to annoy his loving partner and spoiled miniature dachshund.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Cute and Cuddly Pet Supplies Pet Odor and Stain Removal Spray Review

• WANT A FRESH, ODOR-FREE HOME? IT WORKS OR YOUR MONEY BACK! -Everyone wants an odor-free home, but with pets it seems impossible. We get it. That's why we created a 100% safe and proven product that WILL keep your home odor and stain free, guaranteed.

• SICK OF HAVING SMELLY FURNITURE OR FLOORS? THIS IS YOUR ANSWER! -Wouldn't it be nice to have fresh smelling furniture and floors when you come home from work or entertain guests, without having to spend hours scrubbing and cleaning? Try it risk free.

• BIO-ENZYMATIC ODOR & STAIN ELIMINATOR SAFELY TAKES BACK CONTROL OF YOUR HOME -Unless you want to try out dangerous chemicals, or do nothing and continue to deal with the odor and stains...Our proven odor & stain eliminator is your answer!

• PERMANATELY REMOVE THE ODOR, LIFT THE STAINS, AND ENJOY YOUR HOME AGAIN! -For less than the cost of a movie, you can enjoy a clean and fresh home without the pain and hassle of traditional cleaning products! Take back control, try it today.

• MUST READ: DON'T BUY A PET ODOR REMOVER WITHOUT SEEING THIS --> -Other products are cheaper in price because they're cheaper in quality! They're less effective & some even contain dangerous chemicals that can harm your pet. Ours is 100% safe.

My Review:
4 stars

Living with three cats, my roommate and I are dealing with an ongoing pissing contest/dominance battle between the three, so this spray definitely saw a lot of use. It worked well, and I loved the fact that there weren’t lots of chemicals in it, like sprays we had previously used. Plus, I loved that it worked on the smell, as that has been a big issue in our house. That being said, the only downside to this is that it was a lot of work to use. It was an 8 step process for me, and took a long time for a simple cleaning job. Plus, sometimes I had to reuse the product after waiting several hours to fully remove stains. However, it still worked really well for me, and it’s healthy for both humans and pets, so I’m satisfied by and recommend it.

*I received this product in exchange for an honest review.*

Friday, April 10, 2015

The Wolf's Torment Review Tour

It's 1865 and Moldavia is a country nestled against the shores of the Black Sea. Lady Theresa travels from Austria to this country that's haunted by tales of vampires and werewolves. She's going to marry the Crown Prince, but she harbors her own unspoken secrets.

Prince Mihai has just returned to Moldavia to discover he's a witch. He's intent on being a good husband and modernizing his country, but he must find a balance with his supernatural heritage. His best friend, Viktor, accompanies Mihai and marries Mihai's sister. In an unfortunate twist of fate, a werewolf bites Viktor.

Viktor's transformation threatens everyone around him, including his wife's safety and Mihai's happiness, but he's especially dangerous when he's near Theresa. Can Mihai save his family from Viktor's lies and deceptions?

Theresa wrung her hands together, worried. Sonia was in her eighth month and her baby was nice and round. Sonia reminded Theresa of when Victoria had given birth. She hoped that wasn't happening now.

"She's not going to have the baby, is she?" asked Theresa.

"No, the pain is in the wrong place. I'm going to get Dr. Stanza and the willow bark pills."


"I will." Mrs. Nocesti rushed out the door.

Theresa knelt next to Sonia, rubbing her hand over Sonia's hair. "This is so sudden. Did the baby kick?"

"I don't know...Theresa...am I bleeding?"

Theresa shivered at the thought, but visually checked Sonia's dress. "I don't see any blood staining your dress."

"Thank God. Theresa, it hurts."

"I'm sorry. I wish I could do something."

"Hold my hand."

Theresa offered Sonia her hand. Sonia gripped it so tightly, Theresa's knuckles turned white. Her own pulse accelerated. Spots appeared before her eyes. Theresa's breathing grew rapid. Theresa saw the baby in the womb, kicking the spot of Sonia's discomfort. The baby struck the blood barrier. It was weak, and because of that, was causing Sonia pain.

"Baby, no, don't kick your mother there. You're hurting her. Please, don't kick. Turn around, please, turn around," Theresa said, gasping for air as sweat trickled down her brow. The baby turned. It was a boy.

Sonia let go. Theresa's link with the baby disappeared.

"What did you do?" whispered Sonia.

Author Bio and Links:
Stephanie Burkhart is a 911 dispatcher for LAPD.  She was born and raised in Manchester, New Hampshire.  She served 11 years in the US Army and currently calls Castaic, California her home. Stephanie was married in Denmark in 1991 and has two young sons. She adores chocolate and is addicted to coffee.  She writes paranormal, contemporary, and steampunk romance and has two children's books published with 4RV Publishing.

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Buy Links for The Wolf's Torment: 
Amazon     |     B&N Nook     |     AllRomance Ebooks     |     Publisher