Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Earths in Space: We Must Evolve VBT

Life can evolve. Amena saw the evidence on an ancient Earth. It wasn’t pleasant evidence, and it wasn’t evolution into sentient life, but she saw evidence.

So okay, she accepts that no little green men exist on alien worlds, but maybe one of these other Earths holds evolved humanity.

Evolution faces a powerful obstacle, however — humanity itself.

Volume 2: We Must Evolve begins with the discovery of a mysterious ark full of refugees caught in orbit over Pluto…

Wait, an ark full of refugees…?

Well, that’s one Earth that’s not evolving. But another could be doing better. It’s possible, Amena keeps telling herself…

Continuing the action-packed Earths in Space series, We Must Evolve features a novel-length journey told in four novellas — “The Pluto Factor,” “Worlds to Save,” “The New World,” and “On Hold.”

Amena materialized in Renaissance Italy—which wasn’t actually Renaissance Italy, but it sure bore a striking resemblance. It pretty much matched how she pictured it. Smelled even worse, though, but maybe the architecture would stun her nose after it finished stunning her eyeballs. As she clung to the shadow of a tight alley, she wondered if any of these ornate buildings could boast interior artwork on par with that of the Sistine Chapel.

Well. That was a lovely half-second during which she could forget her present company and situation.

“What do you see?” Sharp asked.

“More than you, I’d wager, but I’m sure you’ll tell me the correct answer.”

“Look at the natives.”

Yeah, she got where he was going with this. The street was full of men. From her inconspicuous hideaway, Amena listened to snippets of conversation as they passed. They conducted business, discussed philosophy, debated a new mathematical theorem, and so on. All very interesting, but the tableau felt incomplete.

“Where do you suppose the women are?” Sharp asked. “Perhaps the kitchens? Nurseries? Imagine if you were born here.”

“That is a terrible waste. Yes. That’s a shame—that and so much else. There’s a lot more wrong here than you’d ever notice. These people—the ones alive right now—they’ll never explore outer space. They’ll never even reach the moon. Their descendants will create such wonderful art these folks’ll never get a chance to appreciate. They’ll achieve scientific discoveries that would astound any one of them, that would seem so magical—but these people will never know. Yeah, it stinks that it takes so long to grow a civilization, but the payoff’s amazing. These guys might be too stupid to treat their women as people, but each generation will get a little smarter until that’s corrected.”

“They won’t, because I’m about to kill them.” Sharp tapped his badge. “Location Beta.”

Author Bio and Links:
Daniel Sherrier is a writer based in central Virginia. This is the guy who writes the Earths in Space and RIP series, which you’ve doubtless heard much  about. Occasionally, a play he’s written gets performed somewhere. He graduated from the College of William & Mary in 2005, where he earned a degree in the ever-lucrative fields of English and Theatre. Recently, he achieved his black belt in Thai kickboxing. And there was that one time he jumped out of an airplane, which was memorable.

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Monday, March 30, 2015

Final Surrender VBT

Ten years ago, Angela Meyers told everyone she went to New York to find herself. It was a lie. She fled from the aftermath of one hot night with Clay Waters. A night filled with wet heat, all-consuming releases…then his regret.

Now, with a stalker threatening to destroy her career, there’s only one man she trusts to protect her. The man she still loves, hates, needs with every breath she takes.

It’s not that Clay never craved his best friend’s younger sister. With a ticket to boot camp burning a hole in his pocket, he couldn’t allow himself to love her. The moment he lays eyes on her again, the old need—to take down her tightly wound hair, press her long, lean body to his—surges inside him stronger than ever.

But this is no ordinary bodyguard assignment. The best way to identify the voice in Angela’s shadow is to lure it into the light of day. Even if it means convincing her to trust him with her heart…and surrendering his own.

Clay kept silent and let the new reality of what she was…what they were dealing with sink in. He absentmindedly played with her hair. His fingertips pulled the wet strands slowly to the end. Angela licked her lips nervously, glancing at Clay out of the corner of her eyes.

“Are you trying to distract me?”

“Yes, is it working?” he asked with a playboy smile she didn’t know he still possessed.

“It always works, Clay. Anybody else I can tune out. Everybody else is on the outside, except for you. You’ve always been my Achilles’ heel, but you know that.”

Angela laid her head back against the couch cushions and decided she needed to stop talking. Her insides were already feeling hot and needy, and wanting this man beside her wasn’t going to help her heart or her life stay in one piece. She was brave last night in the near darkness of her bedroom. This morning, not so much.

“I’m nothing special. You could have any man you wanted, and that’s the God’s honest truth.”

He got up and took his cup back to the kitchen and didn’t hear her whisper, “Not every man I want, apparently.”

After he sat back down he asked, “So, want to go out and take a walk, or do you want to stick around here, order in and watch reality TV?”

She lifted her head off the couch with a scoff and said, “You don’t really watch that crap, do you? Every moment you watch is more brain cells you’ll never get back.”

“Please, what do you watch, almighty TV guru?”

“The Big Bang Theory, which is the only sitcom that should be allowed on TV. It is fantastically funny. Always makes me laugh no matter what I have going on. Have you ever seen it?”

“Nope, but if it makes you laugh, with that perma scowl you’ve got going on, then it must be pretty good.”

Clay got hit with a pillow out of the blue and he turned to see Angela hiding a wicked grin behind her hand.

“Oh, if you didn’t have a concussion, it would so be on.”

“Well, see, there’s the silver lining of being blown off those steps. I win a pillow fight with you by default. My day is complete. Oh no, not yet. I haven’t had any chocolate.”

“Chocolate, the way to every woman’s heart.”

“Of course it is.”

“So you want to venture out?” he asked again.

“I don’t know,” she answered softly.


“Little bit. I feel like I’ve got a big target on my back. I don’t want to hunker down and hide from the world, but maybe today we could keep a low profile. I’ve gotta call Mark and my parents.” She stammered again at the thought of being alone with Clay all day and the rest of her breath left her lungs in a rush as Clay’s knuckles brushed her cheek.

“How about we’ll dress you up.” His voice was soft and seductive. “That way you can feel safe and still get out for a little while.”

He stood and looked down into her wide doe eyes and without thinking, she took his hand and let him pull her to her feet.

He mesmerized her with a simple glance. He was two different people, one when they were alone and another when others were around. But she was too, if she really wanted to admit it. They were more alike than she cared to recognize.

The head injury had left her weak and a bit dazed, but Clay standing in front of her threw her completely off balance. He pulled her into his arms and she rested her cheek on his chest as he stroked her hair.

“We’ll fix this.”

“My stalker or us?” she asked before she could clamp her mouth shut.

“Hopefully both before you get completely sick of me and kick me out, like you’ve been threatening.”

“It’s no threat, Clay,” she said, pulling away from him so she could wander back to her bedroom. “It’s a promise,” she added with a snicker.

“Ah yes, but I know the secret to making you happy now,” he said as he moved to follow her.

“What’s that?”


Jennifer, thanks so much for stopping by. So, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?
Thanks for having me!!! I write….a lot. A little bit of everything to keep myself entertained while writing and hopefully the readers when they pick up one of my books. I’m also a business owner, and a mom. Love being a mom. I also have the coolest kid ever so I really lucked out!!!

How did you get started writing?
I had a set of three dreams back in 2008. Three nights in a row. A piece of a scene, and then a continuation and then a continuation and then….NOTHING!!! Are you kidding me?!? I was so discombobulated the next day that I HAD to know what happened. So I wrote the dreams down, and then filled in the story. Final Promise was born. (Not published yet!!) So awesome!

What was the inspiration for your book?
The word No actually. A lifetime ago I was sitting in the car with someone I had a crush on. He asked a question and my answer was no. The inspiration for Final Surrender is what I imagined happening to someone in that same situation but if they said Yes.

What’s the one genre you haven’t written in yet that you’d like to?
Paranormal. Fans can get rabid over books but they really tend to latch on when it’s paranormal. Gonna throw my hat in the ring this summer!

Are there any genres you won’t read or write in? Why?
Historical. Can’t stand them. Know there are lots of people that are passionate about them. And they can keep them!

So, what are you working on right now? Have any releases planned, or still writing?
Writing on Violet’s Shadow – my first tow dipping into the Paranormal pond! And coordinating Elite Ghosts, book two in the Elite Warriors Series. And outlining the next book in the Surrender Series – Ultimate Surrender. And writing the next in the Members Only Series – Kneel. Femme Domme. Booyah!!

Alright, now for some totally random, fun questions. Favorite color?Pink. Makes me happy!

Favorite movie?50 First Dates

Alright, you have one superpower. What is it?Flying. I want to fly so bad.

You can have dinner with any 3 people, dead, alive, fictitious, etc. Who are they?My two best friends in Buffalo and my son. Best dinner ever.

Last question: Which of your characters are you most like and how/why?
I think I put some of myself in every one of my female characters. Probably because I normally put something that has happened to me in each of my books. Makes each book special when I go back and read them again. I can remember what it came from and what I felt when it was happening, and then when I was writing it from another characters POV. Love that!

Author Bio and Links:
Jennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her family in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. She’s the Amazon top seller and award winning author of the Members Only Series and the Surrender Series along with several stand alone novels and novellas. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

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Kaylen's Rising Book Blast

Kaylen has been in the dark for fourteen years – in every sense. His people are hunted, so they must struggle to survive within underground caves. His community despises his family, taunting him constantly. His parents keep him housebound, forbidding him from wielding sword or wand.

When he is finally allowed to attend school, the harsh truth reveals he has much to learn – including a unique magical ability. Kaylen can summon and control skeletons!

With surface-dwellers threatening war, he will need every friend he can make, and to stay true to himself if he is to survive what is to come.

Chapter 3: Kaylen summons his first skeleton

As Kaylen repeated the words, the strangest thing happened. The earth in Kaylen’s hand started moving. At first it was very slow but then much quicker, in a circular motion like a tiny tornado. The small twister then hopped off of Kaylen’s hand and headed straight for the ground. Once it hit the ground, it disappeared into the floor.

As this was the first sign that Kaylen had any magical powers, he was smiling brightly when he asked the professor what was going on.

“Wait,” said the professor, not looking up at the boy. His eyes were still trained on the floor.

Suddenly, the ground started shaking. In the middle of the floor where the dirt had disappeared, a skeleton hand popped out from the ground. Then a second skeleton hand popped out. The hands seemed to brace themselves on the floor to pull up the rest of the body as the head, torso, and, eventually, the legs magically appeared from below. The full skeleton stood up in the middle of the room. It was at least six feet tall, with sparkling white bones, and… strangely enough… it had Kaylen's bright green eyes.

Author Bio and Links:
Yves Robichaud is originally from the small Acadian community of Grand-Barachois, New Brunswick, Canada. He has studied Business Administration and Information Technology, currently works for the federal government, and is the proud father of one son: Jeremy. Inspired by a love of fantastical, magical tales, Kaylen's Rising is Yves' first attempt to share this literary passion with his son and the rest of the world.

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Shadow's Embrace VBT

On the run from evil, her only hope is the Shadows.

Devyn James escaped hell once. A rare technopath, she eventually broke out of the genetics testing facility with the help of the Shadow Elites—General Conver’s super soldiers, who rebelled and now fought to protect psychically enhanced humans.

For the past few months Devyn, or Indy as she’s known on the street, has covertly passed intel to the SEO. Even though the street doesn’t trust the Shadows, she does. They rescued her once and she knows they’re the only ones who will be able to save her from Conver and figure out what she uncovered.

 Dagan is determined to save the female being chased by Conver and his squadron. He soon discovers her identity and vows he’ll do anything to keep her protected—even if it’s from herself.

Together they discover everything is possible when you trust A Shadow’s Embrace.

Turning away from the cause of the discord, she telepathically accessed the surveillance system. So far it had been quiet.

Almost too quiet. Paranoia was her middle name where Conver was concerned. The fact that her team was out there gathering intel to cover her ass made her stomach pitch.

“I’m thinking we need to get a couple of things straight.” The husky whisper, its proximity, startled her. Warm tingles spread beneath her skin where he touched her upper arm.

“I’m thinking I’ve heard enough of what you have to say.” She should pull away, demand he respect her personal space, but she inhaled his warm, musky scent. Woodsy vanilla. His breath tickled her cheek.

“If you think I don’t respect what you and your crew do, you’re crazy. It takes balls, brass ones, to put yourself on radar to help others. Y’all do that without the tactical training we’ve got behind us.” He squeezed her arm slightly. “Not a single Shadow I know isn’t terrified at the thought of Conver getting his hands on you or someone in your group. We’ve seen what he’s capable of. It’s worse than you could imagine.”

“I don’t have to imagine it.” She turned and held his gaze, even though the fiery obsidian depths made her thoughts falter. “You weren’t the only group held. You might’ve endured more, had to do more black ops than we could imagine, but I assure you the cages were the same, the restrictions the same. The punishments the same.”

His gaze darkened, narrowed. “You were in a facility? You weren’t in the halfway houses or camps? Which facility? Where?”

Cara, thanks so much for stopping by. So how did you get started writing?
I grew up in a family of voracious readers. My mom, uncle and grandparents all read as many Harlequin Romances as they could and I remember wanting to be part of their cool inner circle of readers. Then when I was a bit older my mom started writing her own book and I thought “That’s so cool. I want to do that too!” Fortunately she gave me some time on her manual typewriter and I pecked out a story that my grandfather happily escorted me to the post office to mail off. Oh to be that naïve again.

What was the inspiration for your book?
I’ve always been intrigued by psychic phenomena and covert operative books are a favorite of mine. Mixing in my love for world building and the Indigo Shadows series had a pulse. Devyn appeared pretty quickly, followed by Dagan. The two of them unraveled A Shadow’s Embrace and carved out the world for the series. It was a lot of fun to write and a challenge to offer a different twist from what I’ve personally seen in other series.

What’s the one genre you haven’t written in yet that you’d like to?
Hmm…I’ve been trying to cover them all as the ideas present themselves. But I think I’d like to write a full-fledged sci-fi, a full-length one at least. I’ve written a novella, but I have a series I’ve wanted to do for a long time which is going to be a true challenge from the characterization standpoint. I love creating and building worlds, etc.

Are there any genres you won’t read or write in? Why?
I read all genres but could never picture myself writing historical. While I love the genre, I lack the voice and the knowledge base of the period clothing and environment to give a story the justice it would deserve. I so admire those who can write and are familiar with all the etiquette, etc.

So, what are you working on right now? Have any releases planned, or still writing?
Well, my releases are sort of all over the place this year genre wise. I’ve got a novella out in an upcoming anthology in May that’s the start to a New Adult rock star/small town series I’m rolling out. I loved the characters in Twisted so hard and I’m really hoping everyone will enjoy the Delirium series. I’m planning to have the series starting in June.

I’ve contracted the second book in my New Adult paranormal series. Phoenix Crossing should be out in a few months and follows Riletta’s sister, Xandra, as she carves a place for herself out in the strange new-to-her world of an Earth college campus.

I’m currently finishing up the second book in my paranormal dystopian-style shifter series, The Rending. The first book, Hell’s Playground was in the Under A Wolf Moon anthology. I’ve really enjoyed this series and am looking forward to rolling out the second and third books during the summer.

There are a few other exciting adventures on my computer right now, but those are the ones circling closest right now. I’m looking forward to an exciting, busy and adventurous 2015.

Alright, now for some totally random, fun questions. Favorite color?

Favorite movie?
Oh I couldn’t choose just one. It changes all the time. Right now it’d probably be Too Fast Too Furious cause I just saw it. LOL

Alright, you have one superpower. What is it?

You can have dinner with any 3 people, dead, alive, fictitious, etc. Who are they?
George Washington, Robert Jordan (my mom loves his work) and Acheron from Sherilyn Kenyon’s series. 

Last question: Which of your characters are you most like and how/why?
Oh wow. That’s a tough one. I like to think there’s a piece of me in all my characters because I try hard to make them all relatable.

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Author Bio:
Born in small-town Texas, Cara Carnes was a princess, a pirate, fashion model, actress, rock star and Jon Bon Jovi’s wife all before the age of 13.

In reality, her fascination for enthralling worlds took seed somewhere amidst a somewhat dull day job and a wonderful life filled with family and friends. When she’s not cemented to her chair, Cara loves travelling, photography and reading.

More information about Cara can be found at www.caracarnes.com

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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

EMP: Struggle for Survival VBT

In a flash of searing light, the world changed. A massive solar flare has crippled the modern world and brought chaos and destruction. David Hartsman is stuck in the remote farm town of his youth on what was expected to be a short visit to check on his ailing parents. While his wife and his daughter are hundreds of miles away at home in Chicago, David must face the dangers associated with his own survival and the pressures of not being with his family. In a worldwide catastrophe, every struggle is personal.


The days had turned warmer and the rains had come to a stop. The fields were planted with the food that would allow us to survive, and everyone anxiously awaited the first harvest of lettuce and beans. Anything other than radish and turnip soup seasoned with a little green onion and boiled squirrel.

I walked past one of the fields and waved at the boys. Two of them carried rifles and several others had sharp spades. Those with the rifles were scanning the edges of the field making sure no rabbits came in to eat the precious crops. Those with spades walked along each row, making sure no moles or other burrowing varmint was making itself at home.

The boys waved back and went back to their vigilant sentry work.

I shook my head as I thought about what Lexi would say if she had seen this. She was afraid of guns. She never grew up around them and did not like them. I didn’t care one way or another. To me, they were just another tool. One I grew up with, but found no particular joy in using. It was like a hammer. Lexi was afraid of them and didn’t want one in the house, so I acquiesced to her demand.

But now they were needful things. The right tool for the right job. At night, the dogs were set free in the field and the snares were set along the edges. But in the daytime, a stray rabbit taken with a .22 meant not only saving our crops, but more meat in our stew.

Author Bio and Links:
Wilson Harp is a writer based out of the American Midwest. As a military brat, he traveled and met people from many cultures and backgrounds. Exposure to so many different views has led him to an appreciation of an eclectic collection of music, film and literature.

His sense of wonder at stories and folklore started young and continues to this day, often affecting the themes and ideas in his writing. In his works you will find the old fashioned ideas of virtue and honor as the lifeline that pulls many of his characters through the situations they often find themselves.

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Monday, March 23, 2015

Op-Dec: Operation Deceit VBT

A shadowy past becomes a sinister future… It's 1933 and the height of Boston's social season. Claire Healey overhears a terrible argument between her industrial-tycoon father and her socialite mother. Claire's father sends her mother away, declaring she is hysterical with fatigue. Displaced by this disastrous outcome, Claire is brought to New York by her spirited aunt, to be raised beyond the reach of the damaging turn of events.

Nine years later, Claire returns to her childhood home to face her past once more. The world has long since exploded in war. A mysterious stranger named Carsten Reiniger has infiltrated the scene, placing his commanding presence among the old familiar faces of Boston's elite. Intrigued by the newcomer, Claire struggles to piece together his identity and finds a dangerous connection to her troubling past. When Claire's prying comes to light, she and her aunt are whisked away in the middle of the night to ensure their silence. Can Carsten Reiniger be trusted or is he implacably loyal to duty alone?

Aunt looked to Claire, who was nestled tight against her. She squeezed Claire even tighter and warily eyed Father. He glared at Claire with an unspoken threat.

“Carroll,” Aunt said with disbelief. “Look, it doesn’t have to be like this.”

“I don’t expect you to understand, Noreen,” Father said, lifting his chin arrogantly. “Let me make it simple. Your sister is sitting in a hospital in Switzerland for discovering the very same thing your niece did this evening. Do you really think I’m just going to let both of you walk out the door—to waltz off and talk to the police?”

Aunt’s mouth popped open. She struggled to find the right words to sling at him.

“You—f-f-ink,” Aunt said.

Father chuckled. “Careful, Noreen, or I may put you there with her.”

Carsten reappeared from the office and handed Claire’s father a slip of paper. The younger of the pair seemed a bit anxious. Claire’s eyes switched back and forth between them as her father read.

“Tonight,” Father murmured. He rubbed his chin with two fingers and exhaled. “So be it.”

Father tucked the slip of paper into his pocket. He pivoted back to Claire and her Aunt, throwing his hands up and joining them in a loud clap.

“So be it,” he cried at them. Aunt tensed, drawing Claire tighter to her side. “Mr. Reiniger—take the women into the office and keep them under guard while I have the servants make our final preparations.” He smirked, amused by something. “You can finish your date.”

K. Williams, thanks so much for stopping by. So, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?
Thanks for inviting me to the blog!  A little about me…I’m an avid dreamer turned writer down of things—a dog mom, film studies graduate and sometimes painter.

How did you get started writing?
The other day, I saw this gif of Stephen Fry talking about how he loved the typewriter so very much that he literally copied out a novel simply because he liked to type on a typewriter. I stared with joy at this for a moment, thinking, I did the same thing! I grew up with a small library of my own. My parents were very much in favor of reading and learning. Those stories, I remember just being immersed in them, visuals in my head like films. Film was also a very big thing in my house, documentaries, classic film, 1980s blockbusters. I suppose, also being located in a rural area without a lot of other children around, the mix of books and film led to a very big imagination (Sesame Street plays in my head even now, reinforcing the idea of imagination and its wonderful uses). So came High School, when the film Memphis Belle released, I was ripe for being obsessed. The story was everything for me all at once. I wanted to turn my reading and my ideas and all I had learned into stories like that one—something to remember history, inspire and entertain.

What was the inspiration for your book?
A dream. I mean that in all seriousness. I had a dream I was Claire, though she was unnamed at that moment. The scene of her homecoming, the window, meeting Carsten and her aunt sweeping in were all straight out of the dream. So was the date scene and the final few scenes, which I will not giveaway here. Usually dreams seem like really great ideas until you think about them a while, but this one…minus the date movie being Star Wars (oh, yeah, I’m a total fan), it held up to the day.

What’s the one genre you haven’t written in yet that you’d like to?
I have completed two historical fiction novels and moved onto a cross-genre trilogy called The Trailokya Trilogy. I’ve puttered around with fantasy before (High Fantasy), but never felt like it was the right fit for me. I was treading ground already well laid out. There was something else that could be done that wasn’t so well trod upon. I thought bridge the gap between fantasy and science fiction! Take things that are philosophical and put them into realistic terms. For instance, I make angels and demons real—they coming from a plane outside our universe, but they’re absolutely real and the things in religious texts are gleaned from the broken memories of us—humans—and it’s all so mixed up and confused between the reality of it, what we want things to be and what we tell ourselves it is.

Are there any genres you won’t read or write in? Why?
I favor Historical and fantasy because I write what I know or enjoy myself. I used to read a lot of romance, and that may show somewhat in my work, but it’s something I have chosen not to pursue. Women writers are often shuffled into the genre for lack of a place to put them. I’d like to write where women are usually not so welcome. It’s a challenge on more levels, breaking ground for those to come and having to outperform male counterparts substantially just to prove you belong. That might not be fair, but it’s the way it is. The challenge will make me a better writer in the long run, and that’s really more of what I am looking to do.

So, what are you working on right now? Have any releases planned, or still writing?
The first installment of the Trailokya Trilogy will be released in April along with a reissue of my first novel Blue Honor. Currently, I am finishing up the sequel to OP-DEC (OP-GHO: Operation Ghost) and will make plans once that is settled into the publication cue for what project I pick next. Trailokya two and three will come out in the next couple years.

Alright, now for some totally random, fun questions. Favorite color?
Cobalt blue (or as I call it, Giants Helmet Blue)

Favorite movie?
Just one? Young Frankenstein – I keep the script on my coffee table even though I could probably recite it to you without it.

Alright, you have one superpower. What is it?
Healing like wolverine.

You can have dinner with any 3 people, dead, alive, fictitious, etc. Who are they?
Wolverine…lol…I know. I know, I can do better than that…Boba Fett doesn’t talk much—R2D2 is unintelligible…How about Sherlock Holmes, yes! An amazing dinner conversation. Winston Churchill – former Prime Minster of Britain, WWII—I’ve read he was an awful misogynist and swore like a pirate. My future husband—‘cause I’d like to finally meet him. Or Captain America…whoever comes first.

Last question: Which of your characters are you most like and how/why?
In OP-DEC? Possibly Claire. She’s mostly an introvert as well. She internalizes a great deal to process it, unlike her best friend Sarry or Aunt. Claire is a young woman in development and the book tracks her progress on that front, and some of her behaviors are my own—longing to be more like Sarry or Veronica Lake, being attracted to Carsten and not knowing how to approach that venue without mangling it, hanging in there with zeal through some interesting times. We both have Irish ancestry and sharp tongues when needed.

Author Bio and Links:
Born in Saratoga Springs, New York, where she continues to reside, K.Williams embarked on a now twenty year career in writing. After a childhood, which consisted of voracious reading and hours of film watching, it was a natural progression to study and work in the arts.

K attended the State University of New York at Morrisville, majoring in the Biological Sciences, and then continued with English and Historical studies at the University at Albany (home of the New York State Writer’s Institute) gaining her Bachelor’s Degree. While attending UA, K interned with the 13th Moon Feminist Literary Magazine, bridging her interests in social movements and art.

Currently, K has completed the MALS program for Film Studies and Screenwriting at Empire State College (SUNY), and is the 2013-2014 recipient of the Foner Fellowship in Arts and Social Justice. K continues to write and is working on the novels of the Trailokya Trilogy, a work that deals with topics in Domestic Violence and crosses the controversial waters of organized religion and secularism. A sequel to OP-DEC is in the research phase, while the adaptation is being shopped to interested film companies. Excerpts of these and more writings can be found at: www.bluehonor.com.

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