Friday, February 20, 2015

Right Here Waiting VBT

In 1942, Ben Williams had it all – a fulfilling job, adoring friends and the love of his life, Pete Montgomery.

But World War II looms over them. When Pete follows his conscience and joins the Army Air Force as a bomber pilot, Ben must find the strength to stay behind without the love of his life, the dedication to stay true and the courage he never knew he'd need to discover his own place in the war effort. Good friends help keep him afloat, until a chance meeting on the home front brings him an unexpected ally—one who will accompany him from the stages of New York City to the hell of the European warfront in search of his love.

Written in the style of a 1940s film, Right Here Waiting pays homage to classic wartime romances from the Golden Age of Hollywood.

Pete realized he’d be completely and perfectly happy if this were the only thing he could hear for the rest of his life—just Ben’s heart, strong and vital; if the only things he could feel for the rest of his life were Ben’s chest rising and falling steadily beneath his cheek and Ben’s breath gently rustling the curls on his forehead.

His patriotic zeal had dimmed a bit since coming over here; there was so much pointless death and destruction on every side. And while he was determined that right and good will eventually prevail, really all he was fighting for was the right to go back home, to this man—to Ben, his Ben—and live the rest of their lives together in peace and harmony. He clutched his fingers in Ben’s shirt, daring anyone to take him away.

February 9: Carly's Book Reviews - review
February 10: The Buttontapper
February 11: We Love Kink
February 12: Hearts On Fire Reviews
February 13: Yeah Books!
February 16: Nessa's Book Reviews - review
February 17: Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words - review
February 18: MAD Hoydenish
February 19: Prism Book Alliance
February 20: Sharing Links and Wisdom

Author Bio and Links:
K. E. Belledonne is a writer, editor and translator based in the French Alps. A native New-Englander, Kat spends her spare time listening to Glenn Miller records, reading history books and cheering on her beloved Red Sox.

Ms. Belledonne describes her story as “like an old friend—the book you curl up with when you’re not feeling well. You know how it goes. You know how it will end, but it just makes you feel better reading it.”

Right Here Waiting is her first novel.

Connect with the author on her website, on Facebook, on Goodreads, and on Twitter.

Amazon     |     IP Print     |     IP Ebook


  1. I'm not usually an M/M reader, but I like this twist on the war time/homefront story. Very innovative.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'd love to read this book, it sounds like a story you don't want to miss.

  4. Thank you for the post. The book does look intersting and I've added it to my wishlist.
