Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

May you scare and be scared.

May you stay safe and warm.

May you have tricks and treats alike.

And lots of candy too.

Just above all else...

Have a Happy Halloween everyone!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Star Trek Costume Review

Me trying on the costume.
Star Trek Costume from Wholesale Halloween Costumes - 3 stars

So, I was originally going to be Captain Kirk for Halloween, so when I was asked to review a Star Trek costume, I jumped at the chance. I chose the red engineering shirt because it came in the biggest size (no female plus size option, and only one male plus size option), and I had zero desire to wear any of the dresses that the female characters wear. Not only because they all came in tiny sizes, but because I actually prefer the shirt and pants the guys get to wear instead of the small dress the girls have to. And Captain Kirk is my favorite character, so I wanted to be him. Alas, things did not work out that way.

For one, I somehow lost both the pants and the shoes I was going to wear for the outfit, and I didn't want to just wear the shirt. The second was the costume itself. It was very uncomfortable, even after I washed it and used fabric softener. I wore it for five minutes, and couldn't stand it. I would have had to wear a long-sleeve shirt underneath it to put up with it. Also, it's not very flattering (though it was made for a man). I was also upset at the lack of options (though they have since added quite an assortment of items, though their only plus size option is still out of stock) on the site, and would have loved to see more sizes and options, especially from a wholesaler. Also, the communicator pin that came with the costume broke and so kept falling off. 

I did however like that it came with the collar pips, along with an instruction sheet for how many to add to your collar depending on what rank you wanted to be. All in all, this was an okay costume, but I'm not sure if I'm going to wear it in the future or just give it away. If you're interested in the costumes available, check out their website and see if you find something that you'd be interested in.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Handsome Hero Wanted - Review and Giveaway

James is stopping by today to share the first book in his Handsome Heroes series, so read on to discover book 1, Handsome Hero Wanted.

Book Blurb: 
Five men.

One harem.

Drayton Starberg takes his ship to the planet Falla Bray to join a harem in hopes of scoring money to fix up his old space ship. He has to compete with four other human like species to please the king and be chosen to use his DNA for the new heir. Problem is, each of the other males are growing on him and the king is having a hard time picking just one.

Who will be the king’s handsome hero?

Be Warned: menage sex (MMMMMM), BDSM, rimming, m/m sex, orgies

My Review:
4 stars

I'll just say to start, I'm not usually a big menage fan, especially when you add more than 3 people, as characters can get left out, issues arise, etc. That being said, I had to give this book a try, because I'm a huge sci-fi fan. And how can you not want to give the book a try once you read the blurb? But somewhere along the way, a book that I though was going to be so-so turned out to be way better.

The setting was great, but the characters stole the show for me. I enjoyed getting to meet the king and all the men in the harem. To say they were colorful characters would be an understatement. I don't want to give too much away, but let's just say, I can't wait to read the future books in the series to revisit these characters (cough *Lavender* cough). 

Now, pay attention to the warnings, because when it says orgies, James Cox delivers. Now, often too much sex can ruin a story or get boring, leading to me skipping sex scenes, but I didn't run into that problem much while reading. Sure, some scenes were a bit repetitive, but they actually did somewhat further the plot, leading to the twist ending I didn't expect when I started reading (not giving any spoilers away, so if you want to know, you'll have to read the book).

All in all, this was a fun, light read that made me laugh and kept me entertained. If you're looking for something light and fluffy or if you're looking to get all hot and bothered, I would definitely recommend giving Handsome Hero Wanted a read.

James is offering an e-book copy of Handsome Hero Wanted to one lucky winner. All you need to do is comment to enter. Contest ends November 7.

Author bio:
I’m bisexual. I love men, women, reading, dogs (not in that way, you freak.) I like cats but they’re always giving me the evil eye. Yes, I do believe in God, so no ‘God hates gays’ mail, please. I detest smiley faces and people who talk on the phone while they’re driving. I have a crush on my boss who doesn’t know I’m bi and always staring at his ass. I love writing, particularly when it takes place in other worlds or galaxies. I only have m/m books out but one day I’ll venture into pussy territory. I always wanted to paint nude men. Want to know more? Just contact me at my website –

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Heart of Christmas SBB

Just call her Christmas Eve…

Eve Harmon has always enjoyed Christmas, but this year it reminds her of everything she doesn’t have. Almost all her friends are married now, and that’s what Eve wants, too. Love. A husband and kids of her own. But the B-and-B she manages and even Whiskey Creek, the small Gold Country town where she was born and raised, suddenly seem…confining.

As Eve turns thirty-five, she’s worried that her future will simply be a reflection of her past. She’s dated all the eligible men in the area. There’s no one she could even imagine as a husband—until a handsome stranger comes to town. Eve’s definitely attracted to him, and he seems to have the same reaction to her. But his darkly mysterious past could ruin Eve’s happily ever after—just when it finally seems within reach. Just when she’s counting on the best Christmas of her life!

There was a naked man in her bed.

Eve Harmon’s stomach tensed, and her heart skipped a beat—but she was pretty sure she’d invited him. From the way their clothes were strewn carelessly around the room, it was obvious that, not long ago, she’d been happy to have him with her.

She nearly groaned as her eyes swept over him. What had she done? She didn’t have a boyfriend and she never slept around. She hadn’t been with anyone since Ted Dixon—an old friend who had briefly turned into more a year ago. And before him, it had been much longer. Most people, at least those younger than her parents, would consider her extended periods of celibacy rather pathetic for a woman her age. But she lived in a small town, cared about her reputation and had been holding out for the kind of love that came with a white picket fence.

She just hadn’t found the right guy, and she was beginning to think maybe she never would. The odds weren’t in her favor. Now that most of her friends were married, she didn’t get out all that often.

But she had a lot to be grateful for in spite of her dismal love life, she quickly reminded herself. Although she’d never been the type who wanted work to become her sole focus in life, she liked her job. She ran Little Mary’s, a B and B in a converted Victorian owned by her retired parents. They lived in the house a hundred yards in front of her own small bungalow—when they weren’t traveling in their RV like they were at the moment. Thanks to them, and the quaint, bucolic area where she’d been raised, her life had always been pleasant and safe—and predictable. Absolutely predictable.

Until now.

God, she hadn’t even slept with someone she knew. And since there were only about two thousand people in Whiskey Creek, it was hard to find someone she didn’t.

Shifting carefully so she wouldn’t wake the man lying next to her—she needed to regain her bearings before confronting him—she tried to get a look at his face, but a thunderous headache made it difficult to sit up. That headache also explained how she’d ended up in this predicament. Last night she’d made the mistake of going out to celebrate her thirty-fifth birthday even though her friends weren’t available until tonight, and she’d drunk too much. She’d been determined to do something wild and fun and completely out of character before reaching such a significant age, the age at which some doctors advised against getting pregnant.

Now she was paying the price for her out-of-control evening.

Had they even used birth control?

Briefly squeezing her eyes shut, she sent up a silent prayer that she’d had the presence of mind for that at least. It would be entirely too ironic for someone like her—someone so cautious—to get pregnant because of a one-night stand.

What have you done?

The 12 Days of Christmas Contest:

Author Bio and Links:
New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Brenda Novak is the author of more than fifty books. A four-time Rita nominee, she has won many awards, including the National Reader’s Choice, the Bookseller’s Best, the Book Buyer’s Best, the Daphne, and the Holt Medallion. She also runs an annual on-line auction for diabetes research every May at (her youngest son has this disease). To date, she’s raised over $2 million. For more about Brenda, please

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Buy Links:
Amazon     |     Barnes and Noble     |     iTunes

Necromancer VBT

A primeval fiend is loose in the ancient metropolis of Malkandrah, intent on burning it to a wasteland. The city's leaders stand idly by and the sorcerers that once protected the people are long gone.

Maldren, a young necromancer, is the only person brave enough to stand against the creature. Instead of help from the Masters of his Guild, he is given a new apprentice. Why now, and why a girl? As they unravel the clues to defeating the fiend, they discover a secret society holding the future of the city in its grip. After betrayals and attempts on his life, Maldren has reason to suspect everyone he thought a friend, even the girl.

His last hope lies in an alliance with a depraved and murderous ghost, but how can he trust it? Its sinister past is intertwined in the lives of everyone he holds dear.

Can only evil defeat evil?

Bar Fight

“My brother was running Gold that night. Died of ’is burns. Yer come to ’elp ’is widow pay ’er bills?”

He swung the flagon at my head. I dodged and it smashed against my shoulder, drenching me. His fist was like a sledgehammer against my stomach and I doubled over, blowing out all my breath. I half turned before a stick cracked on the inside of my knee, knocking out my left leg. I crashed to the floor, sending a chair flying. You asked for this, Maldren, you fool.

The mob closed in. Their dirks remained in their scabbards, but I imagined their fists would do more damage. I made no attempt to go for my own knife or else they would kill me. There was a risk that they might in any case. I tried to roll away under the table but One-eye stamped on the same leg, and kicked me in the kidneys. Pain lanced through me.

“Oh, come on,” I cried, hand clutching my side. “I’ll pay for information. No need to break bones.”

One-eye reached down, grabbed the front of my robe, and dragged me to my feet. I groped desperately for something to hold on to.

“Should’ve brought yer skeleton army,” he said, causing his friends to guffaw.

He smashed his head into my nose. Blood spurted all over us. The metallic taste was disgusting. The room spun around me, and for a moment One-eye had two eyes. He released his grip on my robe as if flicking away a spider, and I crumpled onto the floor again.

“Aren’t you going to cast a curse on us?” someone shouted.

“He’s too craven to fight back.”

I moaned and blew blood from my nose.

“I told you, I’m trying to help. Just listen, will you?”

“I’ve heard about enough from you.” He kicked me in the side again.

I wouldn’t take any more. Lak curse them all!

I grabbed One-eye’s boot and yanked him off balance. He careened into the bargee beside him, and I twisted his ankle as they both went down. Then I slithered under the table and pushed up on it with my back, walking it forward until its edge smashed two of them in the face.

Can’t go down without a fight, but my odds were worse than a virgin in a bikka den.

Graeme, thanks so much for stopping by. So, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?
Hello. I'm a Brit who relocated to California 18 years ago, where I live with my wife and 6 crazy cats. By day I'm a software engineering manager, but that's boring and I much prefer to write in any spare moments I have. My passion is spec-fic, particularly fantasy, but I plan on writing sci-fi, cyberpunk, steampunk, urban fantasy and romance. It's all fun! If that isn't enough to keep my busy, I love to travel the world, stargaze and I'm an armchair mountaineer and explorer.

How did you get started writing?
I started writing in my early teens, typing on a manual typewriter. Yes, I'm that old :) I grew up on fantasy and sci-fi, and wanted to create my own worlds and characters. I wrote the odd story now and then but didn't really return to my dream of becoming an author until about 8 years ago. It took me more than 6 years to write my debut novel Ocean of Dust and about 2 years to write Necromancer. That's just the beginning: I have dozens of plot outlines whizzing around my head.

What was the inspiration for your book?
I'd always wanted to write about a Necromancer. Every similar book I'd read involved gnarly old men huddled over ancient tomes, plotting to summon evil demons to do their bidding. I'm stubborn enough that I wanted to tell a different story, one about a young and heroic necromancer desperate to protect his city from nasty creatures. Why can't necromancers be good? Even so, I intended the book to be dark and sinister, with ikky monsters, so I drew upon the mythology of the undead to bring in unusual creatures like wights and ghouls and wraiths, and then I invented some repulsive ones of my own, like my grak. The theme of the book is betrayal. I thought it would be fun if each character had a hidden agenda such that the reader begins to wonder who could be trusted.

Are there any genres you won’t read or write in? Why?
As a reader I indulge in all genres, yes even romance. Obviously I prefer spec-fic, but I've read historical romances, thrillers, mysteries, police procedurals, pretty much everything. As a writer, it's very unlikely that I'll write anything completely contemporary. The real world is too restrictive for me. I find it hard to bring it to life in a new and unusual way, whereas with a fantasy world I can be as elaborate and bizarre as I like, inventing everything from scratch. I may have a political thriller in me but even that is likely to involve some futuristic tech or some form of alternative reality.

So, what are you working on right now? Got any releases planned, or still writing?
I've got a busy schedule! Right now I'm writing a fantasy romance trilogy of novellas, inspired loosely by Arabian Nights. I plan to release them back-to-back in mid 2015. It's pretty terrifying writing a romance from the female POV, but I'm really excited about it. I hope readers enjoy it. After that I have a time-travel thriller that involves dinosaurs. Then I plan to write the next two sequels to Ocean of Dust and probably a Necromancer sequel. That should keep me out of mischief for a bit.

Alright, now for some totally random, fun questions. Favorite color?

Favorite movie?
Blade Runner. That movie stands the test of time and is still as relevant as when it was made. I'm attracted to bleak, gritty futures.

Book that inspired you to become an author?
Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series. I grew up on those books and regularly re-read the entire collection. She was an expert at characterization and drawing out real emotion from the reader.

Alright, you have one superpower. What is it?
A bullshit elimination ray. I think I'd wear it out though. Very few politicians would escape it for a start. I'd have to build a B.E.R. app too, so I can zap some of those idiots on Facebook. The world would be a better place without bullshit.

You can have dinner with any 3 people, dead, alive, fictitious, etc. Who are they?
Wow, great question. The Dalai Lama, Emperor Caligula and Mother Teresa. The conversation would be incredibly entertaining and I'm sure I would learn incredible truths from each of my guests.

Last question: Which of your characters are you most like and how/why?
My answer is a bit of a cop-out but none of my characters are based on me. That would be too boring. I'd like to think of myself as the dashing and heroic Maldren from Necromancer, but I'm probably more like the grumpy Guildmaster Fortak, heh, heh. I've probably put most of myself into Salim, one of the characters in my upcoming fantasy romance, but you'll have to read it to compare he and I. :)

That’s all from me, thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!
Thank you so much for having me here and for the fascinating questions. :)

October 27: Kit 'N Kabookle
October 27: Christine Young author
October 28: Sharing Links and Wisdom
October 28: Coffee Books and Art
October 29: Long and Short Reviews
October 30: Ashley's Paranormal Book Blog PROMO
October 31: Books and Other Spells
November 3: Danita Minnis
November 4: Unabridged Andra's
November 5: The blog of C.R. Moss
November 6: Bunny's Review
November 7: Dalene's Book Reviews

Author Bio and Links:
Graeme Ing engineers original fantasy worlds, both YA and adult, but hang around, and you’ll likely read tales of romance, sci-fi, paranormal, cyberpunk, steampunk or any blend of the above.

Born in England in 1965, Graeme moved to San Diego, California in 1996 and lives there still. His career as a software engineer and development manager spans 30 years, mostly in the computer games industry. He is also an armchair mountaineer, astronomer, mapmaker, pilot and general geek. He and his wife, Tamara, share their house with more cats than he can count.

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Buy Links:
Amazon     |     B&N     |     Apple iTunes     |     Kobo

Monday, October 27, 2014

Damon Snow and the Nocturnal Lessons Blog Tour

DamonSnow Tour Banner
Damon Snow #1 
Genres: Fantasy, M/M, Regency

Purchase from Amazon

Damon Snow thinks he has the world figured out. As an incubus and male prostitute, it’s a cruel, dark, lonely place where men only want one thing. But when his long-time patron Byrne discovers he’s dying, Byrne offers to leave his entire fortune to him. There’s just one catch. Damon has to write about the reason why another patron procures his services. Caught up in his patron’s impossible love life, Damon suddenly isn’t so sure he knows the answer.

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Byrne dropped his hand. “The physician came today.”
“What did he have to say?” I asked. I made a face. “More leeches?”
I didn’t know how such learned men expected leeches to fix dyspepsia, but I had heard enough from Byrne’s rants that physicians were desperate to use them. And the maggots. Physicians had a fetish for letting bugs eat their patients, apparently. Medical nonsense. It was why I never serviced physicians, however well they paid.
“No. No leeches,” he said. “It’s too late for that.”
“Too late?” I asked. “But you have money.” I had known many people to die young because they could not afford even a surgeon. A real one, who had studied in a university and not the cowherd recently arrived from the country.
“Money doesn’t buy everything,” Byrne said. “It didn’t buy me a family.”
“If you had been as ardent about chasing fillies as you are colts,” I said and shrugged. He’d probably have a whole stable of children by now.
“I don’t care much for fillies,” Byrne said.
“Who does?” I shrugged again. “But that’s how you beget children.”
“I always thought I would have time,” he said.
“You still have time,” I said.
Byrne laughed, which turned into a harsh coughing fit. I rubbed his back through the thin cotton of his night gown.
“Doctor Morson said I wouldn’t last a year. Maybe two,” Byrne said.
“From dyspepsia?” I asked.
Byrne shook his head no. “It’s not dyspepsia.”
Oh. If Byrne didn’t wish to share, then I wouldn’t enquire further. “Well, I knew a boy who got roughed up pretty bad — I mean, I knew a boy who had been gravely injured. His — his abbot was flush enough to summon a surgeon. The surgeon said he wouldn’t last the night.”
“But then the boy lived for fifty years and died a happy old man surrounded by grandchildren,” Byrne finished.
“How many years do you think I have?” I asked. “He did outlive the prognosis, though. He made it a whole week before they called the coffin-maker.”
Byrne laughed again, as if he couldn’t help but laugh instead of cry. Tears ran from the corner of his eyes. He pressed his hand into his side again. “Are you trying to make me feel better or worse?”
“Better,” I said. “If he can live seven times longer, it should be easy for you. You can do a lot in seven years.”
“Not like this,” Byrne said. His hands trembled in his lap.
“It’s a lot of books to read,” I said. I glanced at the god forsaken book on the ground. “Not that one.”
Byrne laughed again. When his coughing fit rescinded, he whispered, “You must endeavour not to make me laugh, or I won’t have a year. It would be worth it, though.”
“Well, then what do you want to do?” I asked. The few people I had known with wasting sicknesses had not been afforded the luxury for such a question, except for something really simple. Apologising to their mother for the life they had lived, for one.
“I want to read something… hopeful,” Byrne said.
“Then the newspaper is out,” I said. “Everyone’s saying the French wars will ruin us.”
“Oh, let the French have Perceval,” Byrne said. “I’ve had three ships go down off the coast of Africa, thanks to his moral idiocy.”
“Yes, terrible that,” I said. “Can you believe him? Actually thinking that men shouldn’t be owned by another? Where is the profit? Well, besides with the former slaves, who would then get a fair wage for their work instead of the whip.”
Byrne sniffed. He looked to the fireplace on the other side of his bedroom. Small flames licked the blackened logs. Perhaps he had realised just how silly it was to complain to a molly about the loss of slave ships. Or perhaps he was just imagining keeping me in a collar, chained to his bed to do whatever he desired. Without pay.
“May I ask you something?” Byrne asked. I shrugged. I hoped it had nothing to do with politics. I cared little for what happened at Westminster, unless it involved a gift of coin and me on my knees. “Are you happy?”
I mouth opened and I almost laughed. “Halfway to the grave,” I said, “and you still find time to mock me.”
“How does that question mock you?” Byrne asked. His forehead furrowed, as if he actually had to think hard on my response.
“No, I am not happy,” I said. “I expect no one really is, not at the bottom of the barrel. Although, I’m not actually at the bottom. That place is reserved for those poor halfwits stuck in St Giles.”
“Damon’s Circles of Hell,” Byrne muttered. “How clever.”

My Review:
4 stars

So, I didn't realize that this is not only a series, but more of a serial when I started reading it, so I just wanted to give fair warning. While the book does have a satisfying conclusion, it also has a bit of a cliffhanger ending that leads into the next book, so be warned.

Overall though, this was an interesting story for me. Part romance, part erotic, part mystery, and part suspense, and totally intriguing. I thought this was just going to be some erotic short story, but instead I got a lot more. I was drawn into the story, searching for answers and wanting to know the truth behind both Bryne and Damon. I enjoyed it more than I though I would, which is saying something.

Even though this book does bring the conflict to a close, many questions still remain. Who is Bryne, and why is he doing this? What is going to happen to Damon at the end of his lessons? Are all my crazy conspiracy theories going to come true??!! Ahem. Sorry about that. 

Anyways, while I have my ideas about the answers to these questions, I will definitely be keeping my eye out for the next books in this series, as I can't wait to see where the author takes these characters and storyline. I would definitely recommend giving this book a try, you might just be pleasantly surprised.

About the Author:
Olivia Helling doesn't believe in love at first sight... but maybe, just maybe, it blossoms along a few books. That is, after all, how she fell in love with her husband. Olivia writes about the darkness and flaws from within, the struggle with self-confidence, self-perception and fear of failure, and fantasy and historical worlds that refuse to allow love between men. So be warned: happily ever after is not guaranteed. The protagonist and love interest don't always end up together by the end of one book. But when they finally come together, their love will be a thing of beauty. 

IndieSage PR

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Starling - Reviewed by Trix

Starling by Racheline Maltese and Erin McRae 
Series: Love in Los Angeles #1
Publisher: Torquere Press

Be careful what you wish for...

When J. Alex Cook, a production assistant on The Fourth Estate (one of network TV’s hottest shows), is accidentally catapulted to stardom, he finds himself struggling to navigate both fame and a relationship with Paul, one of Fourth’s key writers. Despite their incendiary chemistry, Alex’s inexperience and the baggage they’re both carrying quickly lead to an ugly break-up.

Because the stars aren't benign.

Reeling from their broken hearts, Alex has an affair and Paul has an ill-advised reunion with an old flame. Meanwhile, the meddling of their colleagues, friends -- and even the paparazzi! -- quickly make Alex and Paul’s real life romance troubles the soap opera of the television season.

But while the entertainment value may be high, no one knows better than Alex and Paul that there are no guarantees when it comes to love in Los Angeles.

Trix’s Review:
3.75 stars

The story is written in the present tense, which (along with the multiple POVs) I found distracting in the beginning. In their blog tour for the book, Maltese and McRae revealed that they used it for a reason; scripts are written that way, and they wanted to amplify the Hollywood setting and feel of the story. Admittedly, after a while I couldn't imagine the story told in the past tense, though it still felt awkward at times. The style does give you a feeling for the hectic day-to-day feeling of life on the set of a nighttime soap. On the other hand, for me it tended to tamp down the emotional factor of the romance. Alex is a very mercurial young guy who, confused by the sudden changes that stardom has induced in his life, tends toward rash and reactionary decisions about love. Paul, meanwhile, has had much more emotional baggage to deal with, and his guarded reactions can make him hard to decipher. Maltese and McRae's use of the present tense is great for immediacy, but there's so much emphasis on the play-by-play of life on and off the set that it feels almost journalistic at times, with a journalist's emotional distance. There are some heartrending situations in the past and present of the story, but some (such as an implied suicide attempt in Paul's youth) are merely touched on. Likewise, Alex and Paul's biggest confrontation happens so suddenly that I spent most of the second half of the book wondering if I missed something. Alex's inconsistent decision-making is understandable coming from a confused young guy who is suddenly famous, but some of it doesn't ring true in the context of the story. (Alex spends most of the first half worried that bloggers and paparazzi will see him with Paul, so he seems too carefree in the second half of the book to be credible.)

There are quite a few characters in the mix, many of whom have been involved with each other on and off the set. (I don't want to spoil too much by revealing more.) One purely platonic presence is Alex's housemate Gemma, who manages to be a sympathetic and interesting presence in spite of having a fairly thankless role in this installment of the story. (If I never see another scene in an m/m book where the straight best girlfriend watches TV with her pal on another dateless night while jealously asking him nosy questions about his sex life, I'll be happy.) On the blog tour, the authors have implied that she'll have her own success and happiness in the end, and I would like to see that.

 In spite of my issues, I did find STARLING entertaining. The authors do give you a feel for the behind-the-scenes of a series, and I was thrilled to see as much attention given to the staff writers' room as to the soundstage. DOVES, the forthcoming second installment, will apparently pick up the action a year and a half later, and I'll be fascinated to see how that time has affected the characters and their relationship.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Highland Moon Rising (Cry Wolf #4) Book Blitz

Book Description:
A kitten in a werewolves’ lair…

A Highland reunion...
After months of trying to rescue her werewolf half-brother Colin who was abducted by evil research scientists, wereleopard Caitlyn has come home to Scotland to console her sibling. But her problems are far from over...

Red in tooth and claw...
Still heady and wanton from the power of last night’s full moon, Caitlyn is in mortal danger. Werewolves have little respect for other shifters, and she’s trapped and caged at the Scottish Pack's HQ and at the mercy of Alistair—the vicious wolf who fathered Colin and abused her mother, and who’s capable of murder…

The sweet smell of arousal...
Her scent can save her, or kill her. Dougal, the Pack’s new Alpha, hungers to strip her naked and satiate his fiery lunar lust. But he also senses this beautiful feline with clover-green eyes that shine through the bars of her prison with burning desire is nearing the end of her strength. Will he deny his dominance, and the moon’s lingering power, to be the protector she needs?

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Hinges squeaked on a door that hadn’t seen use in several months. Months I’d spent struggling to rescue my younger brother. My attempts had been in vain. Not only had the scientists who’d captured him discovered my existence and fervently chased me, but no matter what I’d tried, their research facility had been nearly impenetrable for a lone wereleopard. The tall fences and heavy-duty searchlights would have been challenge enough, but the plentiful armed guards that crisscrossed the compound had made it impossible to proceed.
Fortunately, the werewolf Pack he’d transferred to had broken him—and the other shifters—free with their numbers and brute strength. However, I could only wonder how Colin had fared after all he’d been through. From the brief phone call we’d shared yesterday, I barely recognized him. He didn’t sound at all like the easygoing guy I’d known. He was weary and solemn.
But that was understandable. Whatever had been done had changed him and his beast.
With each minute, hour, day, I neared the brink of complete exhaustion. Sooner than later, I needed to rest up. The scientists had stayed so close on my tail for so long that I remained vigilant at all times. It was so hard to let my guard down.
While I was in Scotland to support Colin, I craved the comfort of home and the ability to run in my feline form without having to keep constant watch over my shoulder. Och, to feel the lush grass and dried leaves beneath my padded feet and to smell the forest air mixing and lingering with the soft undertones of early morning rain. My beast stretched lazily inside my chest, eager to unsheathe her claws and return to nature. But there was no luxury for that yet.
Colin would be arriving back any day now, and I wanted to clean the place up before his return. His absence had made the house a dusty mess. However, this provided me with a temporary place to stay, since I’d given up my flat and the majority of my belongings shortly after he’d gone missing.
Now that he was safe, I looked forward to rebuilding my life and getting back into a comfortable routine.
Tossing my duffel bag on the floor, I took a deep breath, trying to push aside the stress weighing on me. My brother’s scent still lingered in the air after all this time. However, I wasn’t alone. Another musky smell—of a wild beast—urged me deeper into the apartment, calling to me from just out of reach.
As far as I knew, Colin wasn’t expecting company.
A loose floorboard groaned behind me. I spun around, slinging my fist at the intruder as instinct took over. But the hulking man looming over me easily dodged my punch and landed a hard kick to my outer thigh. I stumbled into the living room’s leather armchair but jerked back to my feet, quickly regaining my balance. My cat-like reflexes suffered from being so bone-weary, but I needed to persevere.
Sucking in a deep breath, I scented my attacker’s lupine odor and my blood chilled. Shite.
Werewolves weren’t exactly fans of other shifters, especially felines. The dog and cat politics between us were as hairy as our domestic counterparts’ at times.
“What are you doing here, kitty?” The man snarled the words, sounding every bit the hungry wolf. Dark brown hair swept across his forehead, and he brushed it back with the swipe of his meaty hand. He stalked closer, invading my personal space. I didn’t dare to move away and show weakness.
Questions raced through my head. Who was he? Should I answer him? Something about him seemed familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Keep the secret safe.
He slid his blue-eyed gaze down my body, pointedly lingering on my curves. His momentary distraction was exactly what I needed to attack.
I leapt into the air, slamming both feet against his chest to knock him down in a fierce hit. My plan nearly succeeded—even if his massive chest was as solid as a brick wall—but he grabbed my ankle at the last minute, dragging me down with him. I twisted, struggling to land on my feet. Unlike my feline counterpart, I wasn’t that agile. Not with a werewolf holding onto me.
Air burst from my lungs as I smacked the floor with bone-rattling force. I gasped, struggling for each breath after the hard blow. A gentle gust of wind made the open front door creak a little. My gaze rose to the lush green outdoors. If I could just make it there, then I could outrun this wolf. Leopards were quicker, so I’d be safe from him.
Shame forced its way inside my chest. My life had become one giant race. Constantly running from one problem to another. That wasn’t me. The fact this wolf had even managed to gain an advantage over me showed just how desperately I needed to rest. If I were at the top of my game, he would be running from me.

About the Author:
NYT & USA Today bestselling author Sarah Mäkelä loves her fiction dark, magical, and passionate. She is a paranormal romance author, but she’s written all over the romance spectrum with cyberpunk, sci-fi, fantasy, urban fantasy...even a sweet contemporary romance!

A life-long paranormal fan, she still sleeps with a night-light. In her spare time, she reads sexy books, watches scary movies (and Ghost Adventures), and plays computer games with her husband. When she gets the chance, she loves traveling the world too.