Friday, January 23, 2015

Sunsinger VBT

Her desire unites them. Her secret could destroy them all.

The lord.

The sole survivor of the Sunsinger massacre, Lord Degalen Fairren spends his days reading tales of the family he never knew. When a rival house threatens to enslave Cyprena, Galen is forced to pull his nose out of his books and enter into an alliance with House Morningstar, and a dangerous mission to save his world.

The assassin.

Lady Andelynn Harrow isn’t House Morningstar’s eldest or prettiest daughter, but she is the deadliest. After her father’s murder, Andee must defend her new house and mate—the shy, reluctant Galen—but every battle risks revealing her terrible secret.

The slave.

Malcolm gets his first taste of freedom when the Cy’ren recruit him to locate the cure to a deadly virus—and feels the burn of desire for Galen, the lord he can never have, and for Andee, who awakens memories of a long-lost first love.

The danger they face fuels the heat between them, but with Cyprena’s fate hanging in the balance, the race to find the cure could come with devastating costs.

Warning: Contains a blushing, virgin lord, a sexy geek, and an empathic assassin who always brings lube on a mission.

“Greetings, Lord Degalen. I trust you are calling for instructions on how to return my property.” The vid screen remained dark—apparently Archivist de la Cruz didn’t trust anyone with his image.

“Malcolm is not property. He is a free citizen of Cyprena.”

“According to the latest reports, Cyprena is no longer a free world. Lord Bildanen has returned your planet to the Syndicate, under his rule as High Lord.”

Galen scowled, imagining wringing Bildanen’s traitorous neck. “Lord Bildanen’s rule is not recognized by my house. But I did not contact you to discuss Cy’ren politics.”

Chuckling crackled over the speakers. “No, you called to bargain for keeping Malcolm yourself. I understand that both you and Lady Andelynn are fond of young Malcolm. He is quite…entertaining, but he is not for sale. Malcolm is too valuable for me to part with.”

A growl rumbled from Galen’s chest, but he bit his temper back. Of course Andee was fond of Malcolm. Everyone was fond of him—he was shy but endearing, and tempting in ways that a Cy’ren lord should certainly not think about.

“I require Malcolm’s aid, and he requires access to the Collective in order to provide that aid. What will it take to restore his access?”

“Return him to me, and I will restore his access.”


“Malcolm is my property. That is non-negotiable. I could be persuaded to lease him to you, for, say, six standard months,” the archivist proposed. “That should be long enough for you to conduct your business, but after that I will collect my property.”

Robyn, thanks so much for stopping by. So, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?
Thanks for having me today! I’m a paranormal and erotic sci-fi romance author, and I have nine books with Samhain Publishing. I’m addicted to coffee and twitter, and when I’m not writing I’m usually playing video games.

How did you get started writing?
I’ve always been a writer. Apparently I wrote my first book when I was three years old (or so my mother says). I started my first novel in 8th grade.

What was the inspiration for your book?
Sunsinger is the third book in the Cy’ren Rising trilogy. I knew I wanted a book for Galen as soon as he showed up in the first book, Nightfall. He was shy and awkward and longing for a happy family, so I had to write one for him. After putting him through a good amount of angst-ridden drama, of course. ;-)

What’s the one genre you haven’t written in yet that you’d like to?
I’ve written a few fantasy books but I haven’t found a home for them yet. I hope to use them as my self-publishing guinea pigs.

Are there any genres you won’t read or write in? Why?
Inspirational, because I’m not Christian.

So, what are you working on right now? Got any releases planned, or still writing?
My next release is out in March, and it’s an erotic paranormal romance called Bite Me. It’s set in a post-zombie-apocalypse Chicago, and is full of snark and mayhem and steamy romance.

Alright, now for some totally random, fun questions. Favorite color?
Pink is my signature color.

Favorite movie?
I can’t pick just one! Right now the Avengers is probably it. I can’t wait for the second one to come out.

Book that inspired you to become an author?
No idea. I always wanted to write, so…maybe it was Green Eggs and Ham?

Alright, you have one superpower. What is it?
Nooooooo! No super powers! They only end in angst and spandex!

You can have dinner with any 3 people, dead, alive, fictitious, etc. Who are they?
Nigella Lawson, Carla Hall, and Robert Irvine, as long as they do the cooking. (Seriously, that would be the best meal ever.)

Last question: Which of your characters are you most like and how/why?
Definitely Cat in Blood, Smoke and Mirrors, though I have moments of Patience from Fire in the Blood. For so many reasons.

My Review:
4 stars

I just want to start out by saying that I have not read the first two books in the series, but I still was mostly able to understand what was going on. So, while I would recommend reading the series in order, you don’t have to.

Moving on, I greatly enjoyed this book. I’m a big sci-fi/romance fan, but many times, the focus is more on the romance and the sci-fi side suffers. However, here the world-building was very well-done (though I imagine most of it was done in the first two books) and left me feeling like Cyprena was a real place that I could go and visit.

As for the characters, it took me a bit to warm up to them, but by the end of the book, I was in love with them. Andee in particular was a big fave of mine, as she was a very strong and wonderful female character. I especially enjoyed that the “innocent virgin” in the book was a male, and that the “more experienced teacher” was female, as I’ve gotten tired of the female virgin/damsel in distress trope that occurs so often in M/F or M/M/F. It was a fun twist and wasn’t over-the-top or overdone (another pet peeve of mine).

Unfortunately, what kept this from being a 5 star read for me was the ending. After all the detail and world-building in the book, the ending felt rushed and left me with several questions. I don't know if they will be addressed in the next book or not, but all in all, this was a great book that I would recommend for all you sci-fi/romance/menage fans out there.

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Author Bio and Links:
Robyn Bachar enjoys writing stories with soul mates, swords, spaceships, vampires, and gratuitous violence against the kitchen sink. Her paranormal romance Bad Witch series, historical paranormal romance series Bad Witch: The Emily Chronicles, and spicy space opera romance trilogy Cy’ren Rising are available from Samhain Publishing. Her books have finaled in PRISM Contest for Published Authors, the Passionate Plume Contest, and twice in the EPIC eBook Awards.

As a gamer, Robyn has spent many hours rolling dice, playing rock-paper-scissors, and slaying creatures in mmorpgs.

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Sunsinger is available at:
Amazon     |     Barnes and Noble     |      iTunes     |     Kobo


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed the book! :) I do have another trilogy planned (I can't wait to torture Soth). ;)

  2. the excerpt.loved hearing about your book.
