Friday, January 30, 2015

Rookie Season VBT

Talented young ballplayer Clay Love has just been called up from the minors to play major league baseball. Freelance writer and divorcée Rose Lasting, the world's biggest baseball fan, wasn't expecting to fall in love when she fell into Clay's arms, but fall in love she did. Now they are caught up in a whirlwind romance complicated by the paparazzi, Clay's ex-girlfriend, Rose's ex-husband, and a stalker who puts Rose's life in grave danger. Saving her life and catching her attacker takes you on a roller coaster of emotion and intrigue that you won't soon forget.

Rookie Season is the first book in the Love in the Ballpark Series, by V.K. Robbins. This adult erotic romance tale sizzles with romantic and sexual chemistry, emotion, and suspense. Once you start reading, you won't be able to put it down.

He shared about missing his mother's last days because he had been out on the road with his AA team, and how he regretted it. I thought about telling him about my grandfather, but I didn't. I knew I would cry and there was no way I wanted to cry right then. I did tell him, though, about how my dad left when I was six, and I was raised by my mother and her father, my grandfather.

          And we talked about baseball - how it was my first love, how he only really felt comfortable and at home out on the field, how I hadn't missed a Giants home game in 10 years, how excited he was to finally be playing in the majors.

          There was a pause again and we were silently looking at each other. I was thinking how comfortable it was just to be quiet with him, how I didn't feel like I needed to entertain him...when he leaned forward and kissed me.

          It was gentle and tentative at first, then it became more aggressive and forceful. My mind went blank for a moment. I leaned toward him and he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer. His kiss just pulled me in.  Any hesitance I'd had about him evaporated, and I knew I'd never be the same.

Author Bio and Links:
Veronica Robbins is a published author of both fiction and nonfiction who has been writing professionally for the last 20 years. In addition to writing fiction and poetry (her first love), she is also an expert grant writer and copy writer.  When she's not writing, she's watching baseball, enjoying her children, reading, and trying to train her dog, Handsome, who so far has been very successful at training her. You can follow Veronica on Facebook or through her blog, A Writer's Journey.

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Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Vanishing Wife NBtM

How far will a man go when his family is threatened?  Mason Seaforth is about to find out. He is a mild mannered accountant living a quiet, idyllic life in the quiet community of Gulfport, Florida with his wife, Samantha.  At least, it’s quiet and idyllic until Sami, as she’s known to her friends, vanishes the night of their 20th anniversary.

Mason is thrown into a life that is meant for other people as he and their brash friend, Marcie Kane, try everything to find out what has happened to Sami.  A search of Sami’s computer uncovers notes describing a past that Sami has buried for more than 20 years.  Then come the threatening phone calls: to Sami, to their daughter Jennifer at university in Miami, and to Mason.

Mason and Marcie are thrust into a race against a sadistic killer to discover what has happened to Mason’s wife. He reluctantly exchanges his spreadsheets for a Glock 17 and he and Marcie follow a trail left behind by Sami which leads them to a potential confrontation with some very dangerous men in Canada.  Mason is required to make decisions that he could never imagine himself making and each one has deadlier consequences than the last. The wrong one could result in the death of his entire family.  

Mason Seaforth was waiting.

It was 6 o’clock in the morning and the darkness in the suburbs had begun to ease. The sun would soon make its appearance for another day, causing the shadows to beat a hasty retreat. Mason was now restlessly sitting on the couch in the sunroom that belonged to him and his wife Samantha, or Sami as she was known to her friends. He was staring at the walls and thinking that if he smoked, now would be a good time to light one up.

He hated waiting. Mason was a very punctual man and had always had the attitude that everyone’s time is precious. He never wanted to give the impression that his time was more valuable than anyone else’s. His wife was no different. She had always had the same attitude as he did, and together they’d earned the reputation of being the “Early Seaforths.” That’s what made this so unusual and frightening at the same time.

Mason was waiting for Sami.

Barry, thanks so much for stopping by. So, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?
Thanks for having me. I live in Ottawa, Canada with my wife, Evelyn. We have two sons and three grandchildren. I have been retired from the Canadian federal government for awhile now after a number of roles in the finance area. In 2009, I climbed Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro with one of our sons and we have been raising money for the children of Tanzania ever since. My wife and I went back in 2011 to see the projects and the gratitude they exhibited was amazing. I was fortunate enough to receive the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal in 2013 for my philanthropic work in Tanzania but that was really a bonus for me. The real satisfaction is the look on the kids’ faces, knowing that they have access to clean water and an opportunity to be educated.  

How did you get started writing?
I wrote financial policy in the federal government for about ten years so that’s where I honed my skills. The climb of Kilimanjaro led to my first book, Kilimanjaro and Beyond: A Life-Changing Journey. It was written with input from my son who climbed with me. I didn’t climb with the intention of writing a book. I realized after that it was something I wanted (or maybe needed) to do.

What was the inspiration for your book?
I did a number of presentations after the climb and realized our story was inspirational to people. I climbed at age 60 and after a sedentary career it took some preparation to do. Our story about getting off the couch and doing something for ourselves and others was really a book waiting to be written. There is nothing more satisfying than reaching a goal and helping others reach theirs and to be able to write about just made it that much better.    

What’s the one genre you haven’t written in yet that you’d like to?
I would like to try writing a children’s book sometime. With three young grandchildren who have no inhibitions about saying the first thing that pops into their heads, I have the perfect critics.

Are there any genres you won’t read or write in? Why?
The obvious one that I won’t be writing is erotica. I have nothing against the genre and I have reviewed some great erotica books, but I am quite sure I would not be good at it.

So, what are you working on right now? Got any releases planned, or still writing?
Right now I’m in the promotion stage for my latest release, The Vanishing Wife. I’m starting to think about a storyline for my next book, which just may involve some of the same characters as the last one, but I’m in no hurry to get started on it. Once I start, it should move pretty quickly…at least, that’s been the history.

Alright, now for some totally random, fun questions. Favorite color?
I have always been partial to blue.

Favorite movie?
I like action movies but they don’t really stick with me. This may come as a surprise to some but the one movie that I really enjoyed and can watch over again is Pretty Woman. I think Richard Gere and Julia Roberts are fantastic in that movie and I just like the storyline.

Book that inspired you to become an author?
I can’t think of one book that inspired me to be an author. I’m always intrigued by books that grab your attention at the beginning and hold it throughout.

Alright, you have one superpower. What is it?
That’s easy. I dislike flying more and more so I would like to be able to transport myself from one place to another. Of course, somehow my golf clubs would have to be able to come with me. I hope someone is working on that.

You can have dinner with any 3 people, dead, alive, fictitious, etc. Who are they?
I would like to be able to know my parents better so they would be two. I grew up on a farm so my dad worked all the time. I feel I didn’t know him that well. I would have a tough time whittling down to a third because there are so many. I think it would have to be a great leader, like Nelson Mandela.

Last question: Which of your characters are you most like and how/why?
Mason Seaforth, the mild-mannered accountant in The Vanishing Wife, is modeled somewhat after me. I wanted him to be as realistic as possible as he faced an extremely difficult situation. I didn’t want him turning into a superhero. He would be my choice.  

December 11: Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews
December 18: Long and Short Reviews
January 1: Deal Sharing Aunt
January 8: It's Raining Books
January 15: Straight from the Library
January 22: FictionZeal REVIEW ONLY
January 29: Sharing Links and Wisdom
February 5: Booklover Sue
February 12: Room With Books
February 19: Undercover Book Reviews REVIEW ONLY
February 26: Bunny's ReviewREVIEW

Author Bio and Links:
In 2009, Barry Finlay went up a mountain as an accountant and came down as a philanthropist. After over thirty years in various financial roles with the Canadian federal government, he took his life in a different direction and climbed Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro at age sixty with his son Chris. The climb and their fundraising efforts to help kids in Tanzania led to the award-winning book, Kilimanjaro and Beyond: A Life-Changing Journey. He followed that up with the hilarious travel memoir, I Guess We Missed The Boat, which was named Best Travel Book of 2013 by Reader Views. Now, he has completed his debut fiction book, The Vanishing Wife. Barry was named to the Authors Show’s list of “50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading” in 2012. In 2013, he received the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee medal for his philanthropic work in Africa. He lives in Ottawa, Canada with his wife Evelyn.

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Monday, January 26, 2015

Enticing Hart Book Blast

Hart Emile is tired of cruising for guys, living a soulless existence. He needs a change; so when an acquaintance gives him the number of the gay friendly Red Fox Ranch that’s hiring for staff, he heads south.

Oak Redman is eighteen years old and desperate to explore his awakening sexuality. The moment Hart lays eyes on the handsome young rancher he’s smitten. Not only is Oak hot, spirited and very persistent, he is also the ranch boss’s son and strictly off limits. Hart tries to fight his feelings and to respect his boss and the family who quickly become dear to him, but after Oak's Grandma suggests he gets with Oak he can't deny himself the most exciting and enticing man he has ever met.

Hart’s not the only man to have noticed how sweet and charming Oak Redman is. A family friend, Steve, is also anxious to have the affections of the young rancher. Can Hart work out Steve’s dark secrets before it’s too late and keep his job, his lover and his life?

The following morning, Bay took Hart into town to pick up supplies. The boss had shown a lot of hospitality to him since he’d arrived two days before, and Hart wanted to work hard and prove Bay’d made the right decision in employing him.

Dark sunglasses hid Bay’s eyes, but the look suited him. Hart guessed Bay must be about thirty-five, and then he added a few years to account for Oak’s age. The man didn’t appear gay, but none of the other cowboys on the ranch did either—not even Oak with his pretty, elfin face. Hart had always believed he could spot gay guys, but now he wasn’t so sure.

As they approached town, Bay turned the radio down. ”Understand you and Oak are planning a fishing trip next week.”

Caught off guard, Hart searched for words. “Yeah…we arranged to go huntin’ and fishing sometime. I didn’t know Oak planned on next week, but it’s fine if we can get the time off.” He cringed. He’d only been in the job five minutes, and now Bay knew he wanted time off.

“I need to make one thing clear to you before you go anywhere with my boy.”

Hart glanced at him with caution. “Okay.” He took a deep breath.

“Now, I don’t know anything about you or your sexuality, and I don’t want to know. Those things are your business. I will say this, though. My son…is not available.”

“I understand.”

“I hope you do, Hart. There are few things can make a man angry, and one of ’em’s messing with his family. Same goes for my daughter. She's not available either.”


“I’m not saying you can’t go fishin’ or nothing, and I know it’s Oak pushing me to give you time off and not the other way around, so I’m not worried about that.  It’s fine if you want to be friends, but remember what I said.”

“Yes, sir. I understand.” Hart swallowed hard, feeling nauseated. He stared out of the window, having second thoughts about going because he didn’t trust himself. He’d intended to finish what Oak had started in the barn, but now? Hart didn’t want to put himself into a situation where something might go wrong—or right, as the case may be.

He’d thought about nothing but Oak since he’d first seen him on the porch, strong muscles moving with easy grace, and with each move Hart had felt the slamming in his chest. He wanted to trace each curve with his tongue and sate the urgent need to satisfy the young man. With his body as powerful and mature as his father, Oak didn’t seem like an eighteen-year old.  Nevertheless, it didn’t make Hart feel any better about taking advantage.

The last thing he wanted was to see an angry Bay coming after him for messing with his son. It would be ungrateful and disrespectful to get involved with his boy. Hart had to try to think of a way to keep the two happy.

Hart loved being in Oak’s company—he was open, trusting, inquisitive, and intelligent—a real turn-on, but an obvious combination for trouble. Oak complemented Hart’s own quiet persona well. At least their friendship could continue.

He admired the actions Bay had taken to protect his kids. His own father had always been distant with him. On the other hand, at almost nineteen years old, Oak should be able to make his own mistakes. Would it be a mistake? The ranch was a workplace, and most employers discouraged relationships between employees.

“How’re you settling in?” Bay asked in a lighter tone.

Author Bio and Links:
I enjoy writing both academic and fiction material. My research interests include focus on people who experience marginalization, both in historical societies and modern. Themes include disability, neurosis, homosexuality, addiction, mental illness, slavery and prostitution. The most important part of my work is creating multi-dimensional, believable characters that are able to build lasting romantic relationships against the odds. I want all my readers to laugh, cry and enjoy the erotic journey towards a happy ending.

Link to my website 
Link to my blog
Twitter: @Hancockfiction

Friday, January 23, 2015

Sunsinger VBT

Her desire unites them. Her secret could destroy them all.

The lord.

The sole survivor of the Sunsinger massacre, Lord Degalen Fairren spends his days reading tales of the family he never knew. When a rival house threatens to enslave Cyprena, Galen is forced to pull his nose out of his books and enter into an alliance with House Morningstar, and a dangerous mission to save his world.

The assassin.

Lady Andelynn Harrow isn’t House Morningstar’s eldest or prettiest daughter, but she is the deadliest. After her father’s murder, Andee must defend her new house and mate—the shy, reluctant Galen—but every battle risks revealing her terrible secret.

The slave.

Malcolm gets his first taste of freedom when the Cy’ren recruit him to locate the cure to a deadly virus—and feels the burn of desire for Galen, the lord he can never have, and for Andee, who awakens memories of a long-lost first love.

The danger they face fuels the heat between them, but with Cyprena’s fate hanging in the balance, the race to find the cure could come with devastating costs.

Warning: Contains a blushing, virgin lord, a sexy geek, and an empathic assassin who always brings lube on a mission.

“Greetings, Lord Degalen. I trust you are calling for instructions on how to return my property.” The vid screen remained dark—apparently Archivist de la Cruz didn’t trust anyone with his image.

“Malcolm is not property. He is a free citizen of Cyprena.”

“According to the latest reports, Cyprena is no longer a free world. Lord Bildanen has returned your planet to the Syndicate, under his rule as High Lord.”

Galen scowled, imagining wringing Bildanen’s traitorous neck. “Lord Bildanen’s rule is not recognized by my house. But I did not contact you to discuss Cy’ren politics.”

Chuckling crackled over the speakers. “No, you called to bargain for keeping Malcolm yourself. I understand that both you and Lady Andelynn are fond of young Malcolm. He is quite…entertaining, but he is not for sale. Malcolm is too valuable for me to part with.”

A growl rumbled from Galen’s chest, but he bit his temper back. Of course Andee was fond of Malcolm. Everyone was fond of him—he was shy but endearing, and tempting in ways that a Cy’ren lord should certainly not think about.

“I require Malcolm’s aid, and he requires access to the Collective in order to provide that aid. What will it take to restore his access?”

“Return him to me, and I will restore his access.”


“Malcolm is my property. That is non-negotiable. I could be persuaded to lease him to you, for, say, six standard months,” the archivist proposed. “That should be long enough for you to conduct your business, but after that I will collect my property.”

Robyn, thanks so much for stopping by. So, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?
Thanks for having me today! I’m a paranormal and erotic sci-fi romance author, and I have nine books with Samhain Publishing. I’m addicted to coffee and twitter, and when I’m not writing I’m usually playing video games.

How did you get started writing?
I’ve always been a writer. Apparently I wrote my first book when I was three years old (or so my mother says). I started my first novel in 8th grade.

What was the inspiration for your book?
Sunsinger is the third book in the Cy’ren Rising trilogy. I knew I wanted a book for Galen as soon as he showed up in the first book, Nightfall. He was shy and awkward and longing for a happy family, so I had to write one for him. After putting him through a good amount of angst-ridden drama, of course. ;-)

What’s the one genre you haven’t written in yet that you’d like to?
I’ve written a few fantasy books but I haven’t found a home for them yet. I hope to use them as my self-publishing guinea pigs.

Are there any genres you won’t read or write in? Why?
Inspirational, because I’m not Christian.

So, what are you working on right now? Got any releases planned, or still writing?
My next release is out in March, and it’s an erotic paranormal romance called Bite Me. It’s set in a post-zombie-apocalypse Chicago, and is full of snark and mayhem and steamy romance.

Alright, now for some totally random, fun questions. Favorite color?
Pink is my signature color.

Favorite movie?
I can’t pick just one! Right now the Avengers is probably it. I can’t wait for the second one to come out.

Book that inspired you to become an author?
No idea. I always wanted to write, so…maybe it was Green Eggs and Ham?

Alright, you have one superpower. What is it?
Nooooooo! No super powers! They only end in angst and spandex!

You can have dinner with any 3 people, dead, alive, fictitious, etc. Who are they?
Nigella Lawson, Carla Hall, and Robert Irvine, as long as they do the cooking. (Seriously, that would be the best meal ever.)

Last question: Which of your characters are you most like and how/why?
Definitely Cat in Blood, Smoke and Mirrors, though I have moments of Patience from Fire in the Blood. For so many reasons.

My Review:
4 stars

I just want to start out by saying that I have not read the first two books in the series, but I still was mostly able to understand what was going on. So, while I would recommend reading the series in order, you don’t have to.

Moving on, I greatly enjoyed this book. I’m a big sci-fi/romance fan, but many times, the focus is more on the romance and the sci-fi side suffers. However, here the world-building was very well-done (though I imagine most of it was done in the first two books) and left me feeling like Cyprena was a real place that I could go and visit.

As for the characters, it took me a bit to warm up to them, but by the end of the book, I was in love with them. Andee in particular was a big fave of mine, as she was a very strong and wonderful female character. I especially enjoyed that the “innocent virgin” in the book was a male, and that the “more experienced teacher” was female, as I’ve gotten tired of the female virgin/damsel in distress trope that occurs so often in M/F or M/M/F. It was a fun twist and wasn’t over-the-top or overdone (another pet peeve of mine).

Unfortunately, what kept this from being a 5 star read for me was the ending. After all the detail and world-building in the book, the ending felt rushed and left me with several questions. I don't know if they will be addressed in the next book or not, but all in all, this was a great book that I would recommend for all you sci-fi/romance/menage fans out there.

December 29: Romance Novel Giveaways
December 31: Dena Garson - Real... Hot... Romance
December 31: Words of Wisdom from The Scarf Princess - review
January 1: Unabridged Andra's
January 2: Carly's Book Reviews - review
January 5: From Me to You ... Video, Photography, and Book Review
January 6: A Book Addict's Delight - promo
January 7: Bunny's Review
January 8: Writers and Authors
January 9: Queen of the Night Reviews
January 12: Danita Minnis
January 13: Wickedly Wanton Tales
January 14: Edgar's Books
January 15: Long and Short Reviews
January 16: Wicked Readings By Tawania - promo
January 19: Punya Reviews... - promo
January 20: DRB1stChp Blog - promo
January 21: Archaeolibrarian - I dig good books!
January 21: We Love Kink
January 22: Paranormal Romance and Authors That Rock - review
January 23: Sharing Links and Wisdom - review

Author Bio and Links:
Robyn Bachar enjoys writing stories with soul mates, swords, spaceships, vampires, and gratuitous violence against the kitchen sink. Her paranormal romance Bad Witch series, historical paranormal romance series Bad Witch: The Emily Chronicles, and spicy space opera romance trilogy Cy’ren Rising are available from Samhain Publishing. Her books have finaled in PRISM Contest for Published Authors, the Passionate Plume Contest, and twice in the EPIC eBook Awards.

As a gamer, Robyn has spent many hours rolling dice, playing rock-paper-scissors, and slaying creatures in mmorpgs.

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Sunsinger is available at:
Amazon     |     Barnes and Noble     |      iTunes     |     Kobo

Thursday, January 22, 2015

2014 Christmas Collection BBT

Seven complete sweet to sensual romances from seven multi-talented authors in settings that are sure to be magical this holiday season. There's a story for everyone.

Caroline Ross, a Confederate widow, desperately seeks medical help for her little son in the Union Army camp.

John Oldham, a soldier disowned by his family for choosing the wrong side, comes to her aid. As they keep a vigil for days at Danny's bedside, a close relationship develops between them. John longs for a family and wants to make Caroline and Danny his own.

Will his wish come true in this season of miracles?

AT FIRST SNOWFALL by Cecilia Corona
May all your dreams come true, takes on a whole new meaning when Xiomara finds out she's an Oracle with Fae witch powers, and her boyfriend is a werewolf from another realm.

When her half- brother shows up on her doorstep with his prophecy, the true nightmare begins. She must stand beside him in the battle of Galant or the evil Queen will destroy the kingdom.

Some faerytales are all too real, but if she can unleash her powers and learn to control them before the first snowfall, she just might find her happily ever after.

MR. CHRISTMAS ELF by Stephanie Burkhart
Jules' Christmas list is looking pretty pathetic. She needs a new muffler for her car and a hundred dollars to pay off her root canal. Her niece is asking for an iPad, but all Jules can afford is a Barbie doll. The peppermint on the top? Her boyfriend dumps her in a text message.

Jules could use a little Christmas magic, so when Elvis pops up claiming that he was sent by Santa to fill her Christmas list, all she has to do is believe – in the magic the season has to offer.

The wait is finally over. Today is Theodore Lewis' 18th birthday and his essence has switched places with his soulmate for the day. His people have practiced this tradition for centuries. They are granted the chance to see the world through each other's eyes before actually meeting.

Only the Fates may have missed their mark. Theo's life is in 1940 and his soulmate is in 2014. This couldn't be happening. Is he doomed to never be with his soulmate, or will the Fates find a way to make this right?

CHRISTMAS TEARS by Rebecca J. Vickery
What's a widowed mother to do with two children to provide for and Christmas coming soon? Noelle Welborn is in dire straits when she loses her job, is cheated out of her pay, and has no relatives to which she can turn. Then they lose the roof over their heads. Sleeping in the car seems the only option left.

Officer Nick Stewart stops when he spies a familiar looking car parked in a church parking lot late one night. Sure enough, she's the same pixie-faced woman he warned before. When he discovers she has kids asleep in the car, he insists she park in his yard or go to the police station with him.

But what about the next night, and the next?

ROOM AT THE INN by Nan O'Berry
Welcome to Magic Hallow, Pennsylvania. On the day before Christmas Eve, Helena McCray finds herself driving from New York to Washington, D.C. with a car load of Felicity Adams designs. She wasn't expecting the storm of the century to send her car careening off the road. Rescued by James Buchannan, she is taken to a grand old Victorian he has been fixing up as a bed and breakfast.

Gift of the Magi has been handed down in James Buchannan's family since his great, great, grandfather brought his Russian bride home from Europe. But the Magi is a secret place where James can hide from the world. Helena McCray slowly melts his heart and together they find out the magic of the inn could be in opening their hearts to a new beginning.

BLAME THE MISTLETOE by Markee Anderson
Do you believe in love at first sight? Or love after a kiss under the mistletoe? Neither did Tasha or Cal...

Tasha Adams owns a bakery and catering shop after losing her nursing career. Lack of confidence and low self-esteem make her an almost hermit, especially during the holidays.

Calvin Miller, busy doctor and bachelor, receives a sudden and unexpected visit from his young niece and nephew for the holidays. There go his work plans.

Then a fateful collision on a staircase changes all their lives.

Excerpt from MR. CHRISTMAS ELF:
The bus slid up to the stop near the coffee shop. I hustled out the door and rushed toward the store, noticing a guy reading the letters to Santa in the window. There were five minutes 'til opening. I didn't want to disappoint Joe again by being late, so I broke into a trot – and slipped on a hunk of ice. The sidewalk was coming up fast, but I fell into the arms of the letter reader.

He smiled one of the most adorable smiles I've ever seen and a cute little dimple popped out in his cheek. "You smell like peppermint," he said.

I opened my mouth, stammered like an idiot, and shut up. Mr. Dimple held me close. I didn't want to move. He owned a very solid body, with unkempt, curly, sandy blond hair that covered his ears and ice blue eyes that pierced my soul. I melted like a snowman in June.

"I'm Elvis."

"Hi, Elvis." I managed to squeak.

He chuckled and helped me to firm footing on the ground. "And you are?"

"Julie Erwin, but everyone calls me Jules."

"So, you're the one with the depressing Christmas list."

Author Bios and Links:
Linda Swift divides her time between her native state of Kentucky and Florida. She is an award-winning author of published poetry, articles, short stories, and a TV play. Linda holds an Education Specialist Degree from Murray State University with post-graduate work from U. of Alabama and was a teacher, counselor, and psychometrist in the public schools in three states.

Linda's first two books were published by Kensington. She currently has twelve E-books (also in print) and seven short stories available at Amazon and other distributors. Her Civil War novel, This Time Forever, has been adapted for a short film titled Clarissa's War which will soon be available through Vimeo.

Visit her website

Cecilia Corona is a massage therapist by day and enjoys the adventures of writing by night. When she's not sitting at her computer plotting her next tale, she's enjoying the Southern California weather. She loves movies, animals of all kinds, especially her three dogs, and she's a big fan of mermaids. When she was young and saw the movie Splash for the first time, she believed sprinkling salt in the bathtub would magically allow her to grow a tail. She was sadly disappointed when the experiment didn't work. If she can't be a mermaid, then maybe she'll just have to write about them.

You can visit Cecilia here

Stephanie Burkhart is a 911 dispatcher for the Los Angeles Police Department. She served in the U.S. Army between 1986-1997 in the Military Police Corps. Raised in New Hampshire, she now makes her home in Castaic, CA. Stephanie adores chocolate, enjoys coffee and participated in the Walk to End Alzheimer's held in Santa Clarita, CA on 20 Sep 2014. She writes romance and children's stories. Stephanie is published with Victory Tales Press, Desert Breeze Publishing, and 4RV Publishing.

Katrina Gillian is a big fan of Marvel comic books and superheroes. Only a real man would dare to wear tights when facing down the bad guy. Gotta love that!

When she isn't thinking of ways to take down Hydra, she creates pre-made book covers at: Gillian's Book Covers, "Judge Your Book By Its Cover". You can also check out her published cover art designs at Western Trail Blazer and Rebecca J. Vickery Publishing. All That You Have is Your Soul is her debut story with Victory Tales Press.

Visit the author at: or

Rebecca J. Vickery has been married to the same very patient man for quite a while now. She has one son, a special daughter-in-law, and three wonderful grandchildren.

She lives in South Carolina, USA, and slips away to go camping at Myrtle Beach whenever possible. Long walks on the beach help her to unwind and often ignite her imagination with new stories.

She enjoys the challenge of adding a special twist to her stories of romance. Usually they involve the paranormal, mystery, adventure, suspense, or a bit of fantasy along the way to a happy ever after ending.

Recently Mrs. Vickery has branched out into speculative fiction and has several short stories published in that genre. She owns Publishing by Rebecca J. Vickery, a small independent company, and also Victory Tales Press, where invited authors share their stories in various anthologies.

You may visit Rebecca at these sites online:;;

She loves to hear from readers and fellow authors.

Nan O'Berry lives on a small farm in Western Tidewater with her family and pets including a Black Angus cow named Esmeralda. A graduate of Old Dominion University with a degree in education, she taught elementary school for several years before turning her attention to writing romance. She loves hearing from readers.

Please feel free to contact her on Facebook or at her website.

Markee Anderson resides with her husband, three older children, and various pets in Wisconsin.

See more information at and more information about her other pen names at

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