Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Extinct NBtM

Theo’s sole purpose for the last ninety-eight years was to protect his wolf. That changed the moment he met Drew and the wolf called ‘Mate’.

Carrying the soul of an extinct wolf alongside your own isn’t easy. Swapping into said wolf is even harder. Ask Theo Grey—he’s been doing it for ninety-eight years. Yet, after surviving two world wars, witnessing the space race and patiently enduring the eighties, you’d think he’d have seen it all, but nothing could have prepared him for meeting Tofino’s new vet, Drew O’Bannion and according to the wolf, his mate.

Drew loves her dog, sleeping in and coffee. She also loves being a vet. The main reason behind her accepting the veterinarian practice offered to her from a family friend. Hoping for a slower pace at life Tofino seemed the ideal spot. What she didn’t expect was Officer Theo Grey. Theo is tall, dark and drop dead gorgeous, a definite 10 on the ‘wow’ scale. Regardless of his looks, there is more to Theo, there is her unexpected attraction for him. It’s unnerving and completely out of character for her, but she is able to match Theo’s hungry kiss, for hungry kiss.

With their desire growing at an alarming rate and the threat of an unknown shooter roaming the woods of the coastal town, Theo must face the ultimate decision—let Drew go for her own safety or claim his mate for all time.

Reader Advisory: This story contains scenes of violence and threats of non-consensual sex

Going on a weekend getaway was what real life couples did. She hadn’t even spent an entire night with him and despite what she secretly wanted he was always gone in the morning. What if he didn’t like what he saw when he woke up?

Holy shit!

Her heart pounded, which in turn caused her to breathe faster.

“Drew?” Connie asked. “You okay?”

“Yeah, fine.” She turned to her office, on the verge of hyperventilating. Damn it, she was going to turn into one of her friends.

“Liar,” Connie said from behind her. “What’s wrong? Are you that nervous about being alone with Theo?”

Drew spun to face her friend and threw her arms up into the air. “I’m not a morning person, Connie, and I just don’t think I have it in me to get up before him so I can fix my makeup.”

“Wait, what?” Connie asked.

“I’m going to turn into my friends. They get up before their dates and reapply their makeup so they look good the next morning.”

“That’s what you’re worried about?” Connie burst out laughing. “You’re worried about a makeup hangover?”

“Yes!” Drew jammed her hands on her hips. “What if he doesn’t like—?”

Me. She whispered the word in her head for fear that she would shout it out loud. What if he doesn’t like the real me?

“Whoa.” Connie smiled. “Theo is in serious ‘like’ with you, he’s not going to care about your makeup. I thought you two already had sex?”

“We have.” Drew crossed her arms as her cheeks flushed.

“Then what did you do the last time?”

Drew shrugged. “My makeup was already off and he never stays over.”

“Then there you go. Take it off and let him see that beautiful skin. As for not being a morning person, that will change. Waking up next to a man is sweaty fun, trust me.”

Connie wiggled her eyebrows before sauntering over to her desk. “Besides,” she called out, “there are a lot of other things you should worry about.”


“You could always fart in your sleep.”

Groaning, Drew covered her face.

Hi everyone, now please welcome back Nancy Adams! This is her 2nd time on my blog, and since I’ve already interviewed you once Nancy, I decided to pick some new questions for you. Are you ready?
Hi again!

Yup! I’m ready. Hit it!

The big question: Do you prefer ebooks or paperbacks?
Oh boy! How to answer...if I say paperback, the ebook groupies will think I’m a snob and if I say ebooks, the paperback crowd will call me traitor.

So I think I’ll just be political correct and go with BOTH. LOL Actually there are pros and cons to both. I love the feel of the paper and the smell of the ink and there is something thrilling about have my name and a story I created in print. But paperback are bulky and take up lots of room. Ebooks however are slim and easy to carry and you have hundreds of books with at any given time plus you can access millions more all without leaving your home.

How do you come up with your covers? Do you design them yourself, or do you have a designer?
My covers are designed for me. Totally Bound has a brilliant group of artists working in their art department. They take the Author’s visions and turn into beautiful covers.

What 5 words would you use to describe your main characters?
Theo – domineering, protective, hardened, lonely, warrior
Drew – impulsive, insecure, compassionate, hardworking, sarcastic
Wolf – feral, curious, fearless, wise, loyal

So, where are you on your writing list right now? Any new releases coming out, new projects in the works?
I’m working on three different stories right now.

A follow up to my Time-travel romance No Matter When, a futuristic sci-fi romance, and another paranormal romance. Yikes...even when I type it out it sound crazy working on all three at once.

Alright, we are now entering the rapid fire round, so first thing to cross your mind. Ready...go!

Vampire or Werewolf (or other)? Werewolf...of course!
Ghosts, Real or Myth? Real...SO FREAKING REAL!!!
Twilight, Cool or Ick? I like Jacob...that’s it.
For the inner foodie...Dark or Milk Chocolate? MILK
Sit Down Dinner or Fast Food? Sit down every night 5:30 SHARP!
Eat In or Eat Out? Eat out... Is it bad that I just giggled?
Cook or Clean Up? Neither, I hate both.

And now for the sexy...Handcuffs or Blindfolds? Oh my blindfold please.
Leather or Lace?  Lace
Kinky or Vanilla Sex? A little of column A & a little of column B

October 29: Wickedly Wanton Tales
November 5: Author Amanda KimberleyLB
November 5: Bunny's Review
November 12: Sharing Links and Wisdom
November 19: Paranormal Romance and Authors That Rock -review
November 19: Writery
November 26: Carly's Book Reviews
December 3: Romance Novel Giveaways
December 10: All I Want and More
December 10: Unabridged Andra's
December 17: Danita Minnis

Author Bio and Links:
I am a full-blooded Canadian, right down to the maple syrup running through my veins. I enjoy watching hockey, but despise skating...and the cold.  I enjoy a good helping of Tourtiere with a side of Poutine as must as the next person, yet I am only bilingual when it comes to swear words.  I am proud to say I survived my token shot of Newfie Screech, although I did refuse to kiss the Cod - that is never going to happen - and I openly admit, that I fell in love with the Rocky Mountains the first time I saw them.

I have many occupations written down in my passport, mom, wife, author...zookeeper!  However, I have to say that writing is by far the easiest part of my day.

I have three small -but legal- addictions: bed lines, lavender, and books.  All of which, are replenished on a regular basis.  Reading into the wee hours of the morning, is one of many bad habits, next to spontaneously rearranging furniture and randomly painting rooms in my house.

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  1. A great interview.


  2. I really loved the excerpt, but then I read your comments and loved them too.

    1. LOL
      Thanks! I have to say I laughed out loud while writing that scene.

  3. Thanks for the interview. I think Drew appeals to me the most based on your 5 descriptive words

    1. My pleasure Shannon!
      Drew was fun to write. Although I have to say I was bummed out that I had to reel in her sarcasm. :-( Booo!
