Monday, December 31, 2012

Philip's Watcher Review Tour and Giveaway

Darkness is spreading in the world with only the powerful Agenor family to oppose it. In the guise of a stone gargoyle atop the castle walls, Adrian has protected Philip, the young heir, since birth, watching him grow from childhood into a strong but lonely man without love.
When the clan chief, Philip’s father, is murdered by those he trusted, Adrian resumes his human form to better protect his beloved Philip. And finds his love returned. As lovers, their passion is all-consuming, but as they fight against treachery from within, will their love be enough to stem the dark tide sweeping the land? And will it be enough to keep Adrian’s heart alive…

Guest Post:
My Thoughts on Negative Reviews
Yep, they’re out there and I’m sure most authors have gotten them at one time or another. I’ve certainly seen my share! Do I like getting them? Not so much. I’d prefer it if everyone loved every word I write and bought every story I've ever published.
But in reality, I know I can’t possibly please everyone, as much as I’d like to. So I have to fall back on writing what pleases me and hope others will like it as well.
I do try to be philosophical about them. Not only has this reader spent good money on my book. (Thank you!). But they took time out of their busy lives to not only read it, but to comment as well. Even with the bad review, at least I know I’ve reached them on some level with my story. Which I much prefer over indifference any day.
So, do I like bad reviews? Of course not! But I use them as a chance to improve my writing, see where I might be falling short on plot or character development, what have you.
As the writer of m/m erotic romances, it does tickle me, though, that most of the reviews I receive say that my stories have too much plot and too much sex in them. A curious combination which just might be what sets my stories off from ones by other authors in this genre.
But on the flip side of bad reviews are all the good ones that make up for those few others. My stories always seem to receive their share of both, and one really good review washes away the hurt from the bad ones. If only a few people are entertained and moved by one of my books, then all the work and struggle behind the story is well worth it.
Talking about good reviews, this is the best one I’ve ever received from a reader and I hold on to it when I read something negative about one of my stories.
This is as near as I have come to someone else’s beating heart. -Donald Ford
How can any writer feel bad after that? Take care!

My Review:
4 stars

In defiance, he climbed up on the balustrade and opened his arms. The storm seemed to increase in fury. Rain pounded against him, the wind seemed bent on pulling him from the wall. He shouted and shook his fist at the sky.
“If I fell, Gargoyle, would my Watcher catch me?” Rainwater poured from the spouted demons on the towers down to the valley far below. Mother had said he had a Watcher, a protector given to him at birth, but he’d never seen him. Never felt his presence. Alone, bereft, Philip wondered if he shouldn’t step off the edge…
At once a blanket of warmth engulfed him. He was cherished, guarded, needed. And beneath that he sensed love, deep and pure. “Come down.” A voiced thrummed inside him, full of fear. Philip climbed onto the balcony and stood with his back to the storm. He hung his head, ashamed of the childish, dangerous act.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. The knowledge that his protector was near was a balm to his sore heart, and he straightened. He took a steadying breath. “Evil is moving in the world, Gargoyle. Father had gone to see the wise woman in the village to see if she knew who threatened me. Perhaps I should go see her myself, when the storm passes.”
He ran a hand over his face, cold and discouraged. He touched the gargoyle’s arm. “I’m young and naive to the ways of the world. I need guidance, and if you are my Watcher, dear friend, then it’s cruel not to tell me.” Philip sighed when he received no answer and retreated to the empty rooms within the thick walls of his home.

Dianne will be awarding a $10 gift card from All Romance Ebooks to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour. So, the more you comment, the better your chances of winning!

November 12:  Long and Short Reviews: Erotic Romance Guests
November 19:  Black Velvet Seductions Blog
November 26:  All I want and more
December 3:  Bodice Ripper Novels
December 10:  Immortality and Beyond
December 31:  Sharing Links and Wisdom
December 31:  STOP 2  Ramblings From This Chick
January 7:  Dawn's Reading Nook
January 7: REVIEW ONLY  Reviews by Molly

Author Bio and Links:
After growing up in California and spending the first ten years of marriage in Colorado, I now live in the beautiful Willamette Valley of Oregon with my incredibly patient husband, who puts up with the endless hours I spend hunched over the keyboard letting my characters play.
I have to say, Oregon’s raindrops are the perfect setting in which to write my slightly twisted tales. There’s something about being cooped up in the house while it pours rain outside, a fire crackles on the hearth inside, and a cup of hot coffee warms my hands which kindles my imagination.
Currently, I work as a floral designer in a locally-owned gift shop. Which is the perfect job for me. When not writing, I can express myself through the rich colors and textures of flowers and foliage.

The Silver Sphere Super Book Blast

Shelby Pardow never imagined she could kill someone. All she wants to do is hide from her troubled father… when she is teleported to awaiting soldiers on the planet Azimuth. Here she is not a child, but Kin to one of the six Aulic Assembly members whom Malefic Cacoethes has drugged and imprisoned. He seeks to become dictator of this world (and then Earth by proxy).

His father, Biskara, is an evil celestial entity, tracked by the Assembly with an armillary device, The Silver Sphere. With the Assembly now deposed, Biskara directs Malefic and the Nightlanders to their strategic targets. Unless….

Can Shelby find the other Kin, and develop courage and combat skills? Can the Kin reassemble in time to release or replace the Assembly, overthrowing Malefic and restraining Biskara?

There are two tours going on for The Silver Sphere, the Super Book Blast, and the Review Tour. Michael 

will be awarding a $75 Amazon or giftcard to a randomly drawn commenter during the tours. So, 

the more you comment, the better your chances of winning!!

Super Book Blast: 12/31:

Review Tour:


I've been writing since first setting pencil to steno pad at age 8. A year later, I began developing the world of my current series-in-progress, and even created its title, The Silver Sphere. Now, with the support of years of experience, those early maps and back stories have progressed into what I hope is a fresh and entertaining take on the classic young adult fantasy adventure.

Despite my frequent escapes into parallel worlds, I root myself firmly in my very real family and community. When not pacing the yard maniacally after every few pages of writing, I spend as much time as possible hanging out with my studly 9-year-old son, and my inspirational wife Jenna. I also coach several local youth sports teams in Beverly Hills, and alternate between yelling at my two crazy Corgis and hiking with my trained German Shepherd.

For more, join me in my favorite fantasy worlds, from Lord of the Rings to the creations of C.S. Lewis, Anne McCaffrey and Terry Brooks. Even more importantly, stop by and say hello on my Facebook page at AuthorMichaelDadich, tweet me at @MichaelDadich, and stalk my website at

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Finding Claire Fletcher Tour Review and Giveaway

Down on his luck, Detective Connor Parks takes solace in the arms of a woman he meets at a local bar, but in the morning, Claire Fletcher is gone, leaving behind clues to a decade-old mystery—her own abduction. Perplexed and driven by an unsettling need to see Claire again, Connor must solve the mystery of her disappearance and find her once and for all.

My Review:
4 stars

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

This was an intensely thrilling, moving book. It not only took me along for the ride, it practically dragged me. Now, I don't want to say too much for fear of spoiling the book (it's kind of like the movie Inception. To fully review it would be to give away some of the secrets), so I'll do my best. 

Now, when I first read the synopsis, I'll admit, I was skeptical. I like the show Cold Case, and I figured this would be a lot like it. A crime thriller about a cold case. Man, was I wrong. Finding Claire Fletcher was so much more than that. I was blown away with the way Ms. Regan handled the topic of child abduction and the feelings and emotions of those involved, which oftentimes is glossed over or barely mentioned. I felt like I was in the story, like Claire was my daughter, like I was the one who was kidnapped, like I was Connor, trying to find the truth. And it was more than just finding out whodunnit. It was about Claire finding her way back home.

All in all, the book was very well written and thought out, the suspense was simply amazing, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say this wasn't Ms. Regan's first book. I also give you fair warning here: this book will make you cry. It will break your heart. It will also make you laugh and believe that there is hope in the world. This is a very complex and wonderful book, so if you're just looking for some simple crime novel, look elsewhere. If you're looking for a wonderful, moving, thought-provoking crime/suspense/thriller novel? Look no further.

I cannot wait to see what Ms. Regan comes up with next.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sound interesting? Here's where you can get your very own copy!

Ebook                                    Paperback

Lisa Regan is a suspense novelist. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in English and Master of Education Degree from Bloomsburg University. She lives in Philadelphia with her husband and daughter.
Twitter: @lisalregan
Don't forget to follow along on the rest of the tour!
12/10  Books Are Cool  
12/18  Musings From An Addicted Reader 
12/19  My Cozie Corner
12/20  Cindy Vine  
12/21  Sweet n' Sassi
12/21  Just a simple mom 
12/26  I am, Indeed
12/26  Everyone Loves A SiNner
12/26  A Book Lover's Library
12/27  Bunny's Review 

12/28  Queen of the Night Reviews
12/31  Andi's Book Reviews
1/1    Books, Books, and More Books
1/2  Forget the Housework, I'm Reading.....

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas Giveaway!!

Merry Christmas y'all! Thanks to everyone who's joined my list, visited my blog, commented, and supported me, y'all are amazing! I know at times I've forgotten things or didn't post when I said I would and my only excuse is inexperience. I'm learning as I go, and I greatly appreciate all the feedback.

As a final thank you and farewell to 2012, I'm doing one final giveaway. I want recommendations on what I can improve, what you'd like to see more of, etc. If you know of any weekly memes you think I could do, let me know where I can find them/sign up/find more info.  For every suggestion, you can get an entry in the Rafflecopter, up to 5 (thanks to Kharysma Rhayne for this idea!). 

Mistletoe Mischief by Stacey Joy Netzel

Christmas recipe for love--combine a matchmaking Santa, lots of mistletoe, one iron-clad rule, fated hearts; mix and stir. The Riley siblings don't stand a chance.

Christmas in July at the zoo is the last place single parents Eric Riley and Marissa Wilder expect to find love. Thanks to some mistletoe mischief in the form of their two young daughters and Santa, they discover mistletoe rules were not made to be broken.

The Sweetest Christmas by Em Lynley

It's Christmas and Jake brings Erik home to meet his family, but he's got some surprises in store for his nervous boyfriend.

Take one hot, naked blindfolded guy, add a deviously creative boyfriend and mix in a bowl of truffles and an empty house on Christmas Eve, and you’ll get the sweetest Christmas you’ve ever seen (or tasted!). Will Jake’s family figure out what he and Erik got up to when everyone else gets back from Midnight Mass?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Well, I'm still posting some stuff up till the 31st, so have a good rest of 2012, and I'll see you in the New Year!! Don't forget to stop by for the New Year's Blog Hop and even more giveaways!

Also, go check out this awesome New Year's giveaway here at Pages Blog.

EDIT: I'm extending this giveaway till the 7th of January due to lack of responses.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Seduction of my Proper Wife Tour Review and Giveaway


Philip Thornton adored his new bride but found she was frigid in their marriage bed.

Lillian did not know how to ease her fear of the bed until she was freed from her past.

Aria was paid to educate and entice, but what she found was more than she ever dreamed possible.

The Parisian Exposition of 1889...the world is changing and the three of them are caught in its whirl. Philip and Lillian went to Paris to save their marriage and to help Lillian overcome her fears. Aria danced and seduced Lillian, but before Lillian left, Aria found herself seduced, in turn, by the beautiful Englishwoman.

When Philip and Lillian break all the rules and escort Aria around Paris for a week, will it be the beginning of their future? Or will this seductive interlude be nothing more than a dream?


Lillian stood before the closed bedroom door and stared at the fine finish. She barely noticed the intricate woodwork or how the fading sun shone through the open windows. Never in her life had she expected such a turn. When she’d married Philip she hadn’t thought about the marriage bed.

She also hadn’t known about her reaction every time Philip touched her, but she hadn’t given it any thought, not until that first night. They had been friends, and she’d shared everything with him. The closeness they’d developed during his courtship had opened up her world just as her world grew smaller.

It was during this time she’d begun to think she’d never leave her house.

Looking to the hook on the far wall, she saw the wet chemise drying there. Until Philip, she hadn’t realized how…frigid she truly was. People, she was now given to understand, did not bathe fully covered.

But that’s how Miss Gwendolyn had raised her after her mother’s death. As her father had left her entire education up to Miss Gwendolyn, Lillian had listened to every word the governess had said.

And bathing in her chemise had been for modesty sake’s; a lady simply did not reveal her flesh no matter what the circumstance.

My Review: 4 stars
Now, I’m not a very big fan of historical romances and I’m not a big fan of girl on girl, but I was looking for a book to challenge me, a book outside of my usual comfort zone. I’ve read one of Kristabel’s books before and so I decided to take a risk on this one, and it paid off. 

The characters were wonderful. I fell in love with all three, especially Lillian. I saw parts of myself in her, and so I loved when Lillian overcame her aversion and discovered her dominant side. It reminded me a bit of the story about an underdog beating the odds and rising above. As for Philip, he was an amazing hero. I was not expecting him at all. Usually, heroes in historical romances (or at least the ones I’ve read) all start out as big alpha males (coming off as jerks usually), or big macho men who can’t ask for help, and yet when I read everything Philip did to help Lillian, I just fell even more in love with him. As for Aria, at first I didn’t want to like her because I thought she’d ruin Lillian and Philip’s marriage, but she just made their relationship even better. Sometimes, three isn’t a crowd.

The sex scenes were hot, and I actually enjoyed them, which I wasn’t expecting since I don’t usually like girl on girl scenes. Ms. Reed did a wonderful job of making it more than sex. Heck, there were times I almost started crying due to all the emotions (especially when I found out what happened to Lillian). And when Philip was added in? Superb. 

 Ms. Reed does a wonderful job of drawing you into the story, which definitely helped me connect with and enjoy it. Her descriptions of the Parisian Exposition alone were so realistic, it felt like I was there. I enjoyed this book far more than I thought I would, and I would definitely recommend it to others as well.


Kristabel will award one commenter at every stop an e-Book copy of any backlist title, and one randomly drawn commenter on the tour will receive a $25 Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift card plus a copy of any e-Book backlisted title. So, the more stops you visit and comment on, the better your chances of winning!

 Book Tour:
December 3:  The Menagerie Authors
December 4:  Bodice Ripper Novels
December 4:  STOP 2  Books Are Magic
December 5:  My Reading Obsession
December 6:  Sugarbeat's Books
December 7:  Christine Young Romance Writer
Review Tour:
December 10:  Long and Short Reviews: Erotic Romance
December 11:  Reviews by Molly
December 12:  Harlie's Book Blog
December 13:  BadBarbsPlace
December 14:  Sharing Links and Wisdom


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Kristabel Reed lives on the East Coast and loves to explore the steamier side of historical romance. "There are so many sexy situations that didn't just pop up in the 21st century and my goal is to burst the myth of the prim and proper debutante."

She loves romances but historical ménages particularly which add an element of danger and discovery not seen in contemporaries. Historically speaking, unusual romantic connections put lives on the line-people were ostracized and some even put to the death.

She loves reading, watching old movies, and anything Cary Grant. And is always interested in talking about erotic romance, so drop her a line:; or Tweet her @kristabelreed; find her blog:

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Candy Cane Kink Giveaway Hop!!

Welcome to the wonderfully kinky hop! Now I don't know about y'all, but the funnest Christmas gifts are the naughty ones! So, to all you naughty hoppers out there, here's to you and I hope you have fun this week! And remember, it's funner being naughty!

Candy Kane Kink

So, for my giveaway, I'm giving away two ebooks. For those who like some Kink:

Mia's Submission by Sandra Bunino
Mia Lavender has been offered a promotion she can’t refuse—VP of Client Experience at New York’s exclusive BDSM club, The Satin Rose Experience (SRE). Mia's kept her submissive tendencies a secret, until now. She'll have ample opportunity to explore her fantasy, because to succeed in her new role at SRE, she will need on-the-job training at the hands of Asher Cane.

During Asher Cane's very first training session with Mia, he fails to follow his own rules and has the hottest vanilla sex of his life. Mia needs training, and Asher is damned if he'll allow another Dom to touch her. Can Asher be the dispassionate trainer Mia needs to learn the exquisite give and take of dominance and submission? Or will her submission come only at the cost of his heart?

SRE, New York’s elite BDSM club, contains ten uniquely themed suites, each with its own story to tell. Find the introduction of SRE in The Satin Rose Experience, a short story in Evernight Publishing’s Keyboards and Kink Anthology.

And for those who want a little Christmas erotica (cause I do read some of these pure erotica books and thought I'd share):

Christmas with Jack by Brooklyn Reese

I hadn't seen Jack, my Dad's best friend, in three years. I didn't know what to expect. I had fantasized about him for years, and now that I'm nineteen I find that he's sexier than ever, and still gets me wet with just a look. Before we even get out of the airport I know that I have to see if the reality lives up to my fantasies. But can Jack overlook who I am long enough to let me give him a Christmas present he'll never forget?

And in the spirit of Christmas, I'm sharing two of my fave sexy free reads. For those of you who like BDSM and m/m, check out Raven McAllan's Where There's a Will.

Where There's a Will by Raven McAllan

When William Lord Barlow gets lost in a snowstorm he does not expect his rescuer to ambush him in the stable, even less to realize his tormentor seems familiar.

Blindfolded and helpless, he soon accepts that the only way out is to submit. Will the Dom manage to turn into a Sub for one night?

Be Warned: m/m sex, BDSM, forced seduction

Also, one of my favorite authors, Amber Kell just released an awesome Christmas story called Santa Wishes, so check it out (plus, the cover totally goes with this hop)!

Santa Wishes by Amber Kell

When Gregory Brown takes a dare to sit on Santa's lap, his Christmas wish lands him in the bed of a sexy model who's more than pleased to unwrap his Christmas present.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't forget to check out the other blogs on this hop!!

Candy Cane Kink Sign-up!!

1. Close Encounters with the Night Kind (US and INT)  65. HEA Romances With A Little Kick (INT)  
2. Natasha Blackthorne (INT)  66. A. Sangrey Black - The Darker Side of Desire  
3. Gabrielle Bisset, Erotic Romance (INT)  67. H.A. Fowler's Bloodthirsty Muses  
4. Wendi Zwaduk ~ Romance to Make Your Heart Race  68. Vanessa Morgan (worldwide)  
5. Lia Michaels  69. Lea Barrymire (INT)  
6. Tammy Dennings Maggy  70. Read Our Lips! Book Review Blog  
7. Holley Trent (US)  71. Justus Roux  
8. Karyn Gerrard (INT)  72. Taboo Reviews  
9. Morticia Knight  73. Roxanne Rhoads  
10. The Jeep Diva (US & Int)  74. Krista Ames  
11. Fangs, Wands & Fairy  75. Elodie Parkes  
12. Lucy Felthouse  76. Amber Kallyn (INT)  
13. Savannah Chase  77. Jessica Scott  
14. Mochas, Mysteries and More  78. Kim Carmichael  
15. FranJessca & Anna @ Book Lovin' Mamas  79. Reading A Little Bit of Everything (INT)  
16. Patricia Green  80. Faearotic Prose (INT)  
17. Nette's Bookshelf Reviews  81. Read Between The Lines  
18. Salacious Reads  82. Milly Taiden  
19. Felicity Heaton, PNR author (INT)  83. I am a book addict...and proud of it! (US)  
20. Gillian@Tattooed Book Review  84. Susan Frances, Romantic Adventures  
21. Amanda J. Greene (U.S. & INT)  85. Jaxx Steele  
22. Talk Supe  86. Dana Littlejohn  
23. Megan Slayer ~ Erotic Romance  87. Book Monster Reviews (INT)  
24. Rosanna Leo  88. Suzi Love  
25. Layna Pimentel  89. Booked & Loaded (US/CAN)  
26. Tarah Scott  90. Ayla Ruse  
27. T. C. Archer  91. Diana MacArthur  
28. Malia Mallory (INT)  92. Delena Silverfox  
29. herding cats & burning soup (int)  93. A. M. Griffin  
30. Jennifer Labelle (INT)  94. The eBook Reviewers  
31. Nicole Morgan  95. M.L. Ryan  
32. Danita Minnis  96. Waves of Fiction (INT)  
33. Riverina Romantics (INT)  97. In Love with Romance  
34. Sandra Bunino  98. Book Me! (INT)  
35. Lolita Lopez  99. Kelli Scott  
36. Jessica E. Subject (Int)  100. Sara Trimble  
37. May Water  101. Beth D. Carter  
38. Kristal Baird  102. Raven McAllan  
39. Kristine Cayne  103. Tonya Ramagos  
40. Cathryn Cade  104. Ciaran Dwynvil  
41. Dawn Roberto  105. Lizzie T Leaf  
42. Dana Delamar  106. Simply Ali  
43. Lyric James  107. JL Oiler  
44. Ann Cory (US)  108. Natalie-Nicole Bates (INT)  
45. Jazmine Devyne  109. Jezebel Jorge  
46. Giselle Renarde Erotica (INT)  110. Fierce Dolan's Writing Utopia, One Word at a Time  
47. Passionate Encounters  111. Sharing Links and Wisdom (US and INT)  
48. Parker Kincade  112. Ann Gimpel  
49. Mandy Harbin  113. SnifferWalk (Int)  
50. Gayl Taylor  114. Blood, Lust and Erotica  
51. My Reading Obession  115. Cindy Jacks (US)  
52. Susan Griscom  116. Roxanne Rhoads  
53. Angelica Dawson  117. Michelle Graham INT  
54. Lily Graison, author, (INT)  118. Innovative Online Book Tours  
55. Jennifer Conner  119. Kindle Fever  
56. SMARTMOUTHTEXAN (US)  120. Tonya Kinzer  
57. Jane Wakely  121. Shades of Rose (US)  
58. Full Moon Bites (INT)  122. Lena Loneson - Paranormal erotic romance (INT)  
59. Dianne Hartsock  123. BA Tortuga  
60. Blackraven's Erotic Conference (INT)  124. Serena Zane  
61. Blackraven's Reviews (INT)  125. Eliza Gayle (INT)  
62. AJ's Reading Nook (INT)  126. Jolene Beauchamp  
63. The Readers Roundtable After Dark (INT)  127. Rochelle @RoRo's World  
64. Dark Divas Reviews (INT)  128. AVALON  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)