Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Eye of the Pharaoh VBT

Publicist Teri Hunter has her hands full promoting Professor Joshua Cain and his new non-fiction book, The Pharaoh’s Mummy. She’s not even sure it’s possible to turn this absent-minded, modern-day, Indiana Jones into a best-selling author.

Dr. Cain’s PhDs in archeology and art history have prepared him for almost anything on the lecture circuit and among ancient ruins. He’s just not sure about a book tour...or the sexy publicist sent to monitor his every professional move.

When an odd request falls in their laps while in New Orleans, Josh and Teri find themselves transported to 1920’s Egypt where they must resolve an ancient curse in order to be sent home. Will the dangers facing them hinder their success and threaten their very lives? Or will help from an other-worldly guardian keep them on-track and safe?

Wake up. Kick ass. Repeat.

Teri Hunter mouthed the motivational phrase she’d chosen for her personal mantra as she stepped across the threshold into the dark and musty storeroom.

A dim light shone from a glass-enclosed workroom in the far corner. Taking a tentative step forward, she faltered when the floorboards creaked beneath her feet. Something fast and furry brushed against her ankle. A shiver ran down her back, yet she fought the urge to retreat.

Do one thing every day that scares you.

This was obviously today’s obstacle. Were it not for her professional commitments and intricately organized schedule, she’d have no doubt bolted for the door and returned to the safety and illumination of the main building.

‘Sorry, but the storage area doesn’t have overhead lighting. Preservation of the antiquities. You understand.’ The dean’s words echoed in her head. What little outside light there was had become nearly non-existent due to an impending thunderstorm.

Drawing a deep breath, she took a second step and then a third, winding her way past a half-dozen crates, some open, some not. To her left she heard a rustling of paper; to her right the distinct sound of footsteps.

Her apprehension grew, the hair on her forearms stood at attention. She’d barely made it halfway across the room before bumping into something large and solid. Reaching out, she laid her hand against the oversized object. Slowly, she raised her head and came face to face with the painted mask of an Egyptian noble. The chipped finish gave the death mask a deranged look.

“You come here often, big boy?” A nervous giggle followed her softly-worded, albeit silly, question and she pressed her fingertips to her lips to stifle an outright laugh before lowering her hand to her side.

Go big! Home is boring.

Silently she cursed her habit of dredging up poster-worthy quotes to mask her fears.

Things That Go Bump in a Book

Whether it’s a straight up romance filled with suspense and unexpected thrills, or a vampire romance that makes you jump at every bite, romance and horror have long gone hand-in-hand.

Bram Stoker’s Dracula, for all its gory details, was a romance. V.C. Andrews’ Flowers in the Attic sent chills down your back and, while the romance was questionable and definitely pushed the envelope, as incestuous as it was, it still possessed romantic elements.

Probably my favorite romance with thriller/horror theme would have to be Nora Roberts’ Carolina Moon. Written in Nora’s wonderfully romantic style, the suspense elements kept me on the edge of my settee. Her heroine’s psychic abilities were the icing on the scary cupcakes!

Gothic thrillers such as classics like Jane Eyre, Rebecca and Wuthering Heights paved the way for modern day gothics such as Honor Bound by Brenda Novak or Carole Mortimer’s Regency era gothics.

There’s also room for humor in an otherwise haunting romance. Mary Janice Davidson’s Undead series is a perfect example. Undead and Unwed, Undead and Unemployed. Even the titles are humorous.

Earlier this month I released a Halloween-themed novella titled Bewitched. Set in the mid-1960s, it was a humorous look at the traditions of the time, complete with Devil’s Night shenanigans.

As a child of the 60s, I remember the excitement of trick or treating and not having to worry about what was in my bag of candy. We wore homemade costumes and went into stores and even bars (which usually proved quite lucrative since the guys on barstools gave us money). You started at dusk and stayed out well past your usual curfew. Houses got egged and trees got TPed but it was all in fun. Neighbors came together to decorate each other’s houses and you weren’t afraid when a neighbor (or even a stranger) invited you inside to bob for apples or have a warm cider if the night was cool.

In my current book, Eye of the Pharaoh, I draw on some of the spooky elements present in other romances. My hero and heroine travel through time to solve an ancient curse placed on a stolen gemstone. There’s talk of reincarnation and mysterious deaths. While not technically a Halloween theme, there’s still plenty of suspense to go around.

I do have to admit, I miss the fun of a simpler Halloween. My grandchildren now trick or treat at the mall and attend school or church organized parties. As for me, I dress up when the mood strikes me.

I wish all you a safe and happy Halloween. May you be blessed with good weather and an overabundance of quality chocolate!

My Review:
3.5 stars

While I don’t always like reading time travel themed books because I find that oftentimes, the time traveling isn’t explained or handled well, the time travel in the book is interesting. We go between three main periods in time, all very different and with interesting historical tidbits woven into the story. It was interesting seeing this, and I liked how it was handled, though it could get a tad confusing at times.

I also liked the mystery and action, though I felt like the romance overshadowed them to the point where they seemed a bit of an afterthought. I still enjoyed the mystery and the suspense/action, though the book’s strength was its characters. Teri and Josh were a fun couple, and I loved seeing them get together. Their interactions were fun and cute, and I also loved seeing how they both interacted with Josh’s daughters, who are freaking adorable and great secondary characters.

Overall, this story has great characters, an interesting plot, fun dialogue, and sets up a great partnership. I enjoyed the book and absolutely loved the epilogue, and would love to see a sequel to this.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

Don't forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
Like most authors, Nancy Fraser began writing at an early age, usually on the walls and with crayons or, heaven forbid, permanent markers. Her love of writing often made her the English teacher’s pet, which, of course, resulted in a whole lot of teasing. Still, it was worth it.

Published in multiple genres, Nancy currently writes for four publishers. She has published twenty-two books in both full-length and novella format. Nancy will release her 25th book in early 2017. She is currently working on a Valentine’s Day novella, her next Rock and Roll novella, and a story about a racy Scot titled “Kilty Pleasures”.

When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

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  1. Congrats on the tour, the book looks great, and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. Thank you for hosting and for the lovely review.

  3. I enjoyed the excerpt and guest post, sounds like a great book, thanks for sharing them and the review! Good Luck with the Tour!

    1. Eva, thank you so much for stopping by. Good luck with the draw.
