Thursday, February 28, 2019

My Darkest Prayer VBT

Whether it's working at his cousin's funeral home or tossing around the local riff raff at his favorite bar, Nathan Waymaker is a man who knows how to handle the bodies. A former Marine and Sheriff's deputy, Nathan has built a reputation in his small Southern town as a man who can help when all other avenues have been exhausted. When a local minister with grandiose ambitions is found dead, Nathan is approached by his parishioners who feel the local police are dragging their feet with the investigation. What starts out as an easy payday soon descends into a maze of mayhem filled with wannabe gangsters, vicious crime lords, porn stars, crooked police officers and a particularly treacherous preacher and his mysterious wife. Nathan must use all his varied skills and some of his wit to navigate the murky waters of small town corruption even as dark secrets of his own threaten to come to the surface.

I handle the bodies.

That's what I say when people ask me what I do for a living. I find that gets one of two responses. They drift away to the other side of the room and give me a sideways glance the rest of the night or they let out a nervous laugh and move the conversation in another, less macabre direction. I could always say I work at a funeral home, but where's the fun in that?

Every once in a while when I was in the Corps, someone would see me at Starbucks that modern mecca Wal-Mart in my utility uniform. Sometimes they’d catch me in my dress blues after a military ball just trying to grab something before heading back to the base. They would walk up to me and say, “Thank you for your service.” I'd mumble something like “No, thank you for your support” or some other pithy rejoinder, and they would wander away with a nice satisfied look on their faces. Sometimes what I wanted to say was, “I took care of the bodies. The bodies with the legs blown off or the hands shredded. The bodies full of ball bearings and nails and whatever some kid could find to build his IED. I loaded the bodies up and dragged them back to the base, then went back out on another patrol and prayed to a God that seemed to be only half-listening that today wasn't the day that someone would have to take care of my body.”

But I don't think that would have given them the same warm and fuzzy feeling.

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
S.A. Cosby is a writer whose work has been published in numerous magazine and anthologies. His story "Slant-Six" received an honorable mention in Best Mystery Stories of 2016. His life experiences include being a retail manager, a bouncer, a forklift driver, a landscaper, a roadie, a construction worker, a mortuary attendant, and he once wore a cow suit when he worked for Chik Fil-A. He majored in English at Christopher Newport University and now lives in Gloucester, Virginia.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

One of One Review Tour

A young Nigerian telepath faces a crisis. After Somadina’s sister is forced into a frightening marriage, Somadina cannot find her sibling or even her thoughts. She seeks another telepath to help.

What she finds is Lola, a busy Texan scientist who has ignored the disturbing phenomenon in her mind for decades, and has no intention of embracing this nonsense now. Yet these two have more in common than they know, and a powerful link will be forged.

Once Somadina discovers her sister is a pawn in a dangerous political game, the stakes rise for everyone, including an ancient organization of telepaths compelled to intervene. Both women are stronger than they realize, and they have ignited the wrath of a fanatic willing to kill anyone to alter his nation’s future.

On Wednesday Lola decided to sleep in late, then spend a few hours by the pool relaxing before the nineteen-hour trip home. Sleep came and went that night, with nothing upsetting. It wasn't until morning that she felt the sense of turmoil.

You're leaving? You just got here. You can't go! It was an unmistakable thought, as clear as if it had come from a distraught lover, needy parent, or clingy friend. There was anger and disappointment. Even a bit of panic. Who the hell cared if she stayed in Nigeria?

Impatiently, she got out of bed, began to gather together her toiletries. Leave me alone, she thought with vehemence. I do not want to hear from you. Whoever you are. Get out of my head.

Then to herself. Stop thinking this is real. It is not. You have a thirteen-year-old daughter and two other kids counting on you and this is absolutely no time in your life to have mental issues. You are fine. Get a grip. Act like a normal person.

She took a moment and sat in the uncomfortable easy chair and forced herself to use the mental imagery she had learned in Lamaze classes so long ago. Instead of picturing a beautiful lake at sunset like they had taught her to do in order to relax, she pictured the giant steel doors to a vault, glimmering in a cold artificial light, clanking closed in her head. The doors seemed to work. She got out of the chair feeling better. As she finished packing and headed poolside for lunch, she felt fine, although strangely alone.

My Review:
4 stars

I have to admit, it was odd reading this book. You see, I previously reviewed the final book in the 46 Ascending series, which featured numerous characters from this book. Coming to the beginning of the series after seeing where everything ended definitely provided a different perspective. So, with that in mind, here are my likes and dislikes.

I love the amount of research this author puts into her books. This time, it was regarding Nigerian culture and socio-political history, which really added to the story. The author even included links to allow the reader to go and learn more if they so desired. I also enjoyed the ethics exploration regarding telepathy. I always love exploring ethical angles like this, so to see it delved into in a well-thought-out manner was great.

On the downside, the pacing was problematic. There was slow build-up, followed by details flying, followed by dumps of science information trying to explain how telepathy is possible, etc. There was a lot going on, which made it hard to focus on all the different plot points at times. Also, some of the plot twists were a bit out there, but again, having read the end of the series, this didn’t bother me as much as it would have had I read this book first.

All in all, this is an interesting series, and having read how the series begins and ends, I would recommend giving this book a try if you’re looking for something different (and are a sci-fi fan).

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
Sherrie Roth grew up in Western Kansas thinking there was no place in the universe more fascinating than outer space. After her mother vetoed astronaut as a career ambition, she went on to study journalism and physics in hopes of becoming a science writer.

She published her first science fiction short story long ago, and then waited a lot of tables while she looked for inspiration for the next story. When it finally came, it declared to her it had to be a whole book, nothing less. One night, while digesting this disturbing piece of news, she drank way too many shots of ouzo with her boyfriend. She woke up thirty-one years later demanding to know what was going on.

The boyfriend, who she had apparently long since married, asked her to calm down and explained how, in a fit of practicality, she had gone back to school and gotten a degree in geophysics and spent the last 28 years interpreting seismic data in the oil industry. The good news, according to Mr. Cronin, was that she had found it to be entertaining and ridiculously well-paying. The bad news was the two of them had still managed to spend almost all of the money.

Apparently she was now Mrs. Cronin, and further good news was that they had produced three wonderful children whom they loved, even though, to be honest, that was where a lot of the money had gone. Even better news was that Mr. Cronin turned out to be a warm-hearted, encouraging sort who was happy to see her awake and ready to write. "It's about time," were his exact words.

Sherrie Cronin discovered that over the ensuing decades Sally Ride had already managed to become the first woman in space and apparently had done a fine job of it. No one, however, had written the book that had been in Sherrie's head for decades. The only problem was, the book informed her it had now grown into a six book collection. Sherrie decided she better start writing it before it got any longer. She's been wide awake ever since, and writing away.

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Touching the Sky to Save the World

For Fox Sake Book Blast

Tate and Clay's newest case has all the earmarks of typical investigative work: lies, deception, collusion, and a dead body - except the body was found in Fetish Alley, and nothing that happens there is typical.

Tate sat beneath the covers, his iPad propped up against raised knees as he scrolled down the screen. His brow furrowed as Clay climbed in next to him. “Look at this. Rick’s sent me the police report from Dixon’s case. No one could find them earlier in the station. He made a stink about it and hey, presto. Now we have it.”

Clay picked up his reading glasses from the bedside table, unfolded them, and perched them on his nose. “What am I looking at?” he enquired, peering over at the tablet.

Tate’s finger moved across the screen as he pointed out areas of interest. “The man who alerted the cops didn’t find the body himself. He saw a severed hand, and what appeared to be a costume, then called the cops.”

Clay blinked. “But Dixon wasn’t missing any hands.”

Tate nodded. “I know. Turns out it was a prop, something used in a previous production of who knows what. The place was full of old stage stuff.” He ran his finger across another area of the report. “The cops checked it out, just in case, and they were the ones who discovered the real live body.” He sniggered. “Well, not live, but you know what I mean.”

Clay did. His partner’s dark and often twisted sense of humour was entertaining even if sometimes it bordered on being downright scary.

Tate frowned. “They found Dixon in the basement, still dressed in his fox costume. He must have had his suit on underneath, because, look here.” Tate pointed to what looked like an amateur mobile phone shot. “There’s a cufflink right there.”

Clay leaned in and sure enough, there was a gold cufflink in the shape of a fox in the right shirt cuff. “Hmm,” he mused. “The report says he’d collapsed there on the spot. Then the doctor on scene confirmed it looked like a heart attack and that was it. No bloody post-mortem or anything.” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “He must have been boiling in his suit and the costume. I suppose it was a cold night, and it was raining, so that might explain it. I’d be interested as to why no one saw a man dressed as a fox walking down to the theatre. I mean it’s not that far from the club, but the area is populated.”

Tate nodded. “I wondered about the lack of witnesses too. Someone should have seen something. And how could the cops not find the death suspicious, even a little, when the man was wearing a fox costume over his suit?”

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

About the Author:
Susan writes steamy, sexy and fun contemporary romance, some suspenseful, some gritty and dark, almost all M/M, and some stories that she hopes makes you think. She’s also Editor in Chief at Divine Magazine, an online LGBTQ e-zine, and a Charity Board trustee at The Being Me Campaign in London.

Susan attained PAN status with the Romance Writers of America with her first M/M book, Stripped Bare. She’s currently a member of The Society of Authors in the UK, and the Authors Guild in the US. She enjoys being a member of Queer Romance Ink, All Author, Book + Main Bites and the Paranormal Romance Guild.

The ‘Unofficial’ stuff

She loves going to the theatre, live music concerts (especially if it’s her man crush Adam Lambert) walks in the countryside, a good G &T, lazing away afternoons reading a good book, and watching re-runs of Silent Witness.

Her chequered past includes being mistaken for a prostitute in the city of Johannesburg, being chased by a rhino on a dusty Kenyan road, getting kicked out of a youth club for being a ‘bad influence’ (she encourages free thinking), and having an aunt who was engaged to Cliff Richard.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Amazing, Unfolding World of Machine Civilization Series VBT

A history beginning in our near future, these stories are set in a world where the US dollar has been displaced as the world’s reserve currency, prompting its economic and political collapse, with a few areas able to hold onto civilization.

At the same time, across the Pacific, under a resurgent economy brought about by the implementation of new technology and deregulation, three Japanese companies produce breakthroughs in both artificial intelligence and robotics.  These newly made people exhibit an odd interest in the goings-on of the former United States.

To-date, my chronicling of this interest of theirs has led to stories that populate five novels, which I would like to share with everyone now!

The Fourth Law - In the near future, 23-year-old apprentice nurse Lily Barrett lives in a shattered time.  Following its economic collapse, the US has devolved into a group of a few barely functional smaller states and vast swathes of barbarian badlands.  His sister has been missing for years, and her father, after earning the opprobrium of most of the world for running a state terror organization, presumed dead.

Two things keep her going: her live-in job at a small, Catholic orphanage in the city of Waxahachie, Republic of Texas, and Ai, her odd but dear friend, whom she met online; a young woman who only shows herself to Lily as a rendered CG image.

Troubled by her past, haunted by her name, and facing an uncertain future, Lily seems only a quiet, simple life.  But, that past and her present conspire against her.

Echoes of Family Lost - Alive!  After four years believing her older sister lost and presumed dead in the horrible Breakup of the United States, Lily Barrett gets word from her dear friend, Ai – and Ai’s family of Machine Civilization – that Callie Barrett is very likely alive… but over 900 miles away in Knoxville.

Using the resources of her and Ai’s family, Lily puts together a search party to go find Callie:  old, broken, and burnt Orloff – an expert in surviving in the Badlands, Ai’s little sister, Fausta – her machine mind controlling a Combat Android to protect her friend, all together in a cart pulled by their sturdy pony, Clyde.

It’s almost a thousand miles to go, with something very odd trying to limit their ability to communicate over distance and even to cross bridges.  A chance meeting along the way in Huntsville, former Alabama, wrecks their plans, and puts all of their lives in danger.

Cursed Hearts - Even with San Diego occupied by the Mexican Army, Katarina Sosabowski pursues her MBA at UCSD, and is happy to welcome and put up her visiting step-cousin from Japan, Christopher Dennou, for a night so he can complete his enrollment the following day.

But a minor earthquake brings a major surprise:  Chris’s younger sister, Maya, murders their mother and escapes Neuroi Institute, the research facility that created them.

While Chris and ‘Cat’ grow closer to one another, Maya inexorably crosses an ocean and half a continent to take back her brother, killing anyone who gets in her way.

Friend and Ally - Model 5 is a prototype designed to fit seemlessly into human society.  A meeting in Tokyo derails Nichole’s planned training as she is dispatched to Portland, former Oregon; the last working deep water port on the West Coast of the imploding US.

There, under her cover as a Graduate Engineering Student, she is to do her utmost to nurture the people and politics of the City-State into a Friend and Ally of the Japanese Empire.  But from the first day in her new home, all of Nichole’s plans go awry.

Beset by those who want this small lamp of Western Civilization snuffed out, Nichole must find within herself the courage and ability to protect her new friends, at whatever consequence to herself.

Foes and Rivals - After residing nearly a year in Portland, Nichole’s life seems to finally settle down: with her classes, friends, and lover.  But troubling rumors about secret deals between the City’s master and the savage horsemen to the east reach her ears.

With her own skills augmented by her friends and allies, she sets plans into motion she hopes will thwart those in opposition to her dream of a peaceful future.

Once again denied a quiet, normal life, Nichole is faced to make hard, dangerous choices that will jeopardize her, her friends, and the survival of the City itself.

Excerpt from The Fourth Law:





“LILY!  You’re not a wolf!  Wake up!”

She groggily sat up from her bed.  Huh?

“It’s three in the morning... you need to help your kids!”  Ai shouted at her from her phone.

The kids!

She flung the cover aside and pushed her glasses onto her face.  Now she could hear the siren.  What was it this time?  Tornado, airstrike, barbarians... the last was almost a year ago when they lost Texarkana.  Wait.  She shook her head to try to wake up.  This time, she’d an unimpeachable information source.

“Ai.  Status.” She said into the darkness.

“A fission weapon was detonated outside San Francisco about ten minutes ago; the weather pattern indicates fallout will travel north of you, into parts of former Kansas and Oklahoma.  But, winds do change...”

“Right.” She started pulling her clothes on.  “Wake up the Fitzhughs; I’ll be there in a minute.”

She walked from her bedroom through her main room, glancing at the monitors.  She suddenly bit hard on her lower lip.  On the monitors, Ai stood at attention in a Texas Field Forces uniform.  For some unknown reason, she forgot to render her pants.  Striped green and white panties?  Lily worried about her friend sometimes.

Clayton, thanks so much for stopping by. How did you get started writing?
I’ve beaten this into the ground on other stops, so please allow me to take the question at a tangent:  my early to mid-teen years as a Dungeon Master for AD&D laid the foundation of keeping a complex plot in my head while reacting to outside actions that would later bear a rich harvest when I finally began to write stories.

What was the inspiration for your books?
Tangent, again:  when the idiots of the MSM prattle on about “AI,” they don’t know what the hell they are talking about.  We’ve not achieved AI yet; what we have are a few robust expert systems with solid heuristics.  My novels aside, I think that the creation of a true AI will, like most great discoveries, be an accident.  I also think we will not know it, nor be able to understand them even if we did.

I touch on this toward the end of my first novel, “The Fourth Law.”  A human, chemical-based brain moves information around at, basically, the speed of sound.  A machine will think just below lightspeed; before you reach for your calculators, that’s about a ratio of one million to one.  Do you really, think we will understand a life that thinks one million times faster than we do?  I don’t.

What’s a genre you haven’t written in yet that you’d like to?
I tried, years ago, to write a politics/crime/espionage novel… it became both confusing and hard work very quickly.  It concerns a part of Machine Civilization I’ve only mentioned:  the Breakup of the US and the formation of the Republic of Texas, so I would like to return to it someday.

Are there any genres you won’t read or write in? Why?
From my one foray into Wattpad, there is an astonishing amount of degenerate filth out there.  I’m not being some Gen X prude – read the sex scenes in “Cursed Hearts” after all – but sometimes it seems pop culture is nothing more than a race as to who can not just get into Hell, but make it into the lowest level possible.

Do two of my books have people who are having sex outside of marriage?  Yepper.  Am I going to Confession for that and taking those parts out?  Nope.

But, neither am I indulging in what I shall politely refer to as contributing to the death of Western Civilization.  WestCiv, the best thing ever, rests upon pedestals such as the family, rule of law, and Christianity.  Start knocking those out and you end up with what Robert Heinlein charitably referred to as “bad luck”:  barbarism.

That’s not a future I want for my two daughters.  Politics is downstream of culture and I am doing what I can to improve the health of our culture.

What are you up to now? Do you have any releases planned, or are you still writing?
“Worlds Without End”… in which, pace the previous rant, finally has a couple get married before banging.  There’s a short story I wrote that I adore, set in a kind of Purgatory, with a character from “Cursed Hearts” and another from Nichole 5’s saga, but as it’s set in another’s sandbox, so to speak, I don’t know enough about international copyrights to proceed with it or not.

Alright, now for some random, fun questions. Favorite color?

Favorite movie?
Far and away, that would be “The Lion in Winter.”  I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve watched all or part of it!  Some of the lines even ended up in my books!

“What family doesn’t have its ups and downs…?”

Book that inspired you to become an author?
There were not any.  It was instead a ten-year diet of anime and manga that inspired me to be a story teller!

You have one superpower. What is it?
“Unlimited Liver Repair Works!”  From the Hemmingway maxim of “write drunk; edit sober,” it seems I’m killing myself.  Really.

You can have dinner with any 3 people, dead, alive, fictitious, etc. Who are they?
Jesus, obviously… at least we know we won’t run out of wine!  Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Rome’s first real dictator and long a role model of mine.  For the third… hmmm… no one immediately comes to mind.

Last question: Which of your characters are you most like and how/why?
I’ve directly addressed this one another tour stop, so allow me to modify the question:  “which of my main or secondary characters…”

If that’s the criterion, then I’d say Leslie Hartmann of “Echoes of Family Lost.”  A dedicated family man who had his life twice yanked out from under him, changes careers several times and ends up with a non-White wife while trying to better the world as best he can.  I can check all of those boxes.

That’s all from me, thanks for taking the time to stop by!

My pleasure… thank you for putting up with me!

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
One time engineer, some time pharmacy technician, full time husband and father, Clayton Barnett stumbled into writing a traditional novel November 2014 during National Novel Writing Month.  Liking the results, he edited what would become “The Fourth Law” and set about teaching himself self-publishing.  In the following four years he has produced four more novels as well as a children’s early reader, all in what is now called Machine Civilization. 

Clayton Barnett lives in central Ohio with his wife, two daughters, and two dogs.

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Monday, February 25, 2019

Mother of the Chosen Book Blast

Adriella is pregnant with the child she's always wanted.

She can't wait to share the joy with her husband. Prophecy has other plans. The countryside is a ablaze with rumors of a soon-to-be-born child who will destroy the High King.

A royal decree demands the death of any child who could threaten the throne, including Adriella's unborn baby. Worse, her husband is one of the soldier's enlisted to carry out the king's demands.

Now Adriella must keep her secret and flee, rather than celebrate with her spouse.

With the High King's men searching for anyone who defies him, the country is full of grieving parents, and the streets run red with the blood of the innocents. Adriella knows her chances of survival are slim, but she'll sacrifice everything to stay one step ahead of the law.

If she can't evade capture, she'll lose the one thing more precious to her than her own life—her child.

Book One of her Mother of the Chosen series.

“If I’m honest, you weren’t the husband I dreamed of having. It was hard, adjusting to an existence I didn’t expect. I shut myself off from the world.” I finally looked at him. “From you.”

He reached out, cupping my face with his hand. “You don’t have to shut yourself off from me anymore.”

My throat tightened, like a lump of root got caught in it. I swallowed hard, watching the light dance across his lips.

We had kissed—of course we had—though not much. What would it would be like to kiss him now that I knew him better and actually wanted to kiss him? That there’d be emotion behind the action?

But would he kiss me back? Was it a risk worth taking?

His gaze lured me in, making me lean forward.

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

About the Author:
Janeal Falor lives in Utah with her husband and three children. She loves both reading and writing fantasy--with romance, always romance. In her non-writing time she teaches her kids to make silly faces, cooks whatever strikes her fancy, and attempts to cultivate a garden even when half the things she plants die. When it's time for a break she can be found taking a scenic drive with her family, dating her husband, or drinking hot chocolate.


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The High Sierras Series Book Blast

A decade after Logan walked out on Maddy, he returns, and emotions long banked surface, then everything becomes complicated and dangerous.

Thrown together, and neither is happy about it, Meg and Declan navigate their unwanted growing attraction as they fight to keep Meg alive.

Excerpt from Already Gone:
She chewed her bottom lip, then gave the knob a slow turn. The door opened silently. Keeping her body outside the door in case she needed to run, she flipped on the light to the kitchen. Sinks and dishwasher against the far wall, racks of baking supplies to her left, the aroma of dark roast told her the coffeemaker was doing its job. Everything looked as it should—except the storeroom door was closed, and the storeroom door was almost always open.

Call the police—that was the smart thing to do. She should call the police, have them check, make sure no one was lying in wait, ready to attack a lone baker. But she’d feel really stupid if it turned out she’d just had an absentminded moment. It had taken long enough for people to take her seriously, to accept her as a competent businesswoman. Perky, ever cheerful Madison Gallagher, the girl next door, captain of her high school cheer squad. Do-gooder.

Okay, there were way too many hiding places. The idea of searching behind the counters, then the dining room, the bathrooms made her uneasy. She took out her cell and tapped in her password. She’d do the sensible thing and call the police station, have them send out whoever was on duty. They’d do a walkthrough, everything would be fine, and she’d give the officer hot coffee and a muffin for his or her trouble. And hope they didn’t spread the word that she’d freaked over nothing.

Dark spots on the floor snagged her attention. She frowned. Lulu had mopped yesterday, but there were dark spots on the floor. Wet, dark red spots.

A slight sound from behind had her sucking in a breath to scream even as a low, male voice rumbled in her ear, “Madison.”

She didn’t know how her heart could nearly jump out of her chest and keep beating. The shriek in her throat came out as a muffled yelp when a hand covered her mouth from behind. She struggled, jabbing back her elbow and connecting solidly against a hard body.

A pained grunt and the hand over her mouth loosened. “God almighty, blondie.”



He loosened his hold and she turned around, trying to convince herself that her rapid heartbeat came from surprise, not because Logan Ross’s hands sent electricity zinging right through every part of her. Every part. “Why’d you sneak up on me? Are you trying to give me a heart attack? And what are you doing here?”

She stepped back, her gaze running over him. A dark knit cap covered his head, the blue-gray eyes that had once so intrigued her looked exhausted, and his beard was scruffy, and not in a good way. He held what looked like a bundle of rags and a flashlight in one hand.

“I need your help.”

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

About the Author:
National Readers’ Choice Award winner for her novel, Solitary Man, Diane Benefiel has been an avid reader all her life. She enjoys a wide range of genres, from westerns to fantasy to mysteries, but romance has always been a favorite. She writes what she loves best to read – emotional, heart-gripping romantic suspense novels. She likes writing romantic suspense because she can put the hero and heroine in all sorts of predicaments that they have to work together to overcome.

A native Southern Californian, Diane enjoys nothing better than summer. For a high school history teacher, summer means a break from teenagers, and summer allows her to spend her early mornings immersed in her current writing project. With both kids living out of the house, in addition to writing, she enjoys camping and gardening with her husband.

Diane loves hearing from her readers.

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