For Sale:
March Morgan still believes in
true love, but her faith in finding her soul mate is slowly vanishing. She’s
been married but never in love. So, it is a miracle to find that fantasy exists
on the last page of a glossy women’s journal. Mayfair Electronics, Ltd., in
black and white, offers Love for Sale. The London firm has engineered sentient
androids indistinguishable from humans. She flies to England and meets the man
she has been searching for her entire life.
Christian requires no programming to love March at first sight. He’s handsome,
cultured…absolutely perfect…and a little different from the other androids. He
has an unexpected independent streak. March signs on the dotted line, buying
her dream man. They return to Houston, but soon her past and his future
threaten their Happily Ever After—indeed their lives.
D’Arcy: A Vampyre Rhapsody
The greatest enemy of a vampire
is boredom. Four centuries of existence have taught Lord Morgan Gabriel D'Arcy
to fear nothing and no one. Humans and
their weapons have little chance against his preternatural speed and arcane
powers. Vampires are viral mutations of human DNA. Still, the Vampyre code
requires secrecy, and he has learned to hide his nature from the world. The
lure of mortality, of a life in the sun, puts Morgan again and again at the
mercy of calculating human women though they fail to consider his charm and
determination into the equation. However, even grooming a future bride from
infancy proves to be fraught with heartbreak. And second chances are not always
what they seem unless... you are Morgan. Immortality and beauty, aren’t they
Excerpt from Love for Sale:
Motionless, she watched the
parade of beauty, but none of them struck the special chord that would make her
heart sing. These men—androids—can be customized, March reminded herself. Still, it took more than looks to make her
fall in love.
Then he strode through the door,
and her heart did a double back flip. She inhaled a soft gasp. He was perfect, no customization needed. The only programming required was a sense of
humor and an intense libido. Lord, she
wanted to touch him, run her fingers through his hair and kiss that luscious
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” His voice defined musical and played that
special chord she’d dreamed of. “I was
on the phone.”
The Special Editions had gathered
around her. The auburn haired woman
whispered a laugh. “Is there any need
for more than one introduction, Ms. Morgan?”
That someone was speaking barely
registered. March didn’t respond. She was speechless and couldn’t peel her gaze
off the most beautiful man she’d ever seen.
His eyes were crystalline blue, his hair wheat colored. She’d wanted sparks. She’d gotten fireworks! No way in hell was she leaving London without
Spellbound, March was drawn one
step toward perfection, her willful eyes traveling over his body, pausing at
his zipper, sliding down his long legs.
The wasted years looped through her memory, regret stinging her eyes.
Melissa squeezed her hand. “Ah, you like our blond.” She beckoned.
“Come, Christian.”
In tight jeans and a tux jacket
with plaid cummerbund and bow tie, her dream man paused in the light of a
crystal and gold chandelier. His
shoulder-length hair shone like silk.
Mischief sparkled in his eyes.
Full lips parted on a smile, his teeth white and even. March loved a beautiful smile, and everything
inside her melted.
Linda, thanks so much for stopping by. Tell
us a little about yourself.
How did you get started writing? I wrote short stories and
poetry as a teen—dark and angsty stuff—but received some harsh criticism from
an editor at the local newspaper and put down my pen for 20 years. I started
again during the ‘great vampire revolution’ in the early 90s which saw the
emergence of sexy, svelte vampires rather than the horrible Nosferatu
type. My first book Sinners’ Opera was
1000 pages, but of course when I began submitting it, it had to be cut
dramatically. I loved the hero and
followed him everywhere!
What was the inspiration for your book?
Since this tour is actually two books, I’ll have to answer
Morgan D’Arcy: A Vampyre Rhapsody is an anthology of short
stories about the hero from Sinners’ Opera. As I said, I loved Morgan and wrote
lots and lots about him. He is an English lord, a concert pianist and a
vampire. The inspiration for Sinners’
Opera was the new vampire in romance. In 1992, Morgan won the Georgia Romance
Writers Magnolia Award with Cardinal Desires.
Contrary to what my editor for Love For Sale asked, the
human-life androids the Japanese are testing were not the inspiration for
LFS. It began life long before the
robots hit the news. The real
inspiration was the wonderful Silver Metal Lover by Tanith Lee. I have loved this book since I was a young
woman and love it still. Check it and
its sequel Metallic Lover out. Many moons ago, Love for Sale won first in a
short story contest with the Houston Writers Guild.
What’s a genre you haven’t written in yet
that you’d like to?
I write pretty much across the genres—whatever strikes my fancy
at the time—and this question is hard to answer—until my Muse takes flight
again. Currently, I am working on a prequel to Sinners Opera’.
Are there any genres you won’t read or write
I wish I could enjoy Horror, but I can’t. I wrote one horror story for Halloween but as
horror goes it’s mild.
What are you up to now?
As I said, I’m working on the prequel to SO and have approx..100
pages. The rights to Sinners’ Opera
reverted to me in May, and I sent it to my editor at The Wild Rose Press. I hope she likes it as much as I liked
writing it. I don’t have any new releases coming up. My latest book is Gylded Wings, a dark
fantasy about a fallen angel’s quest to find his true destiny.
Alright, now for some random, fun questions.
Favorite color?
Depending on the day and what the color is on. I like the different shades of pink.
Favorite movie?
Tough question. The
Libertine. Johnny Depp delivers this
fantastic monologue that I wish I’d written.
Book that inspired you to become an author?
Silver Metal Lover by Tanith Lee
You have one superpower. What is it?
You can have dinner with any 3 people, dead,
alive, fictitious, etc. Who are they?
Edward VIII, Charles II and Morgan D’Arcy, the hero I created
and fell in love with. haha
Last question: Which of your characters are
you most like and how/why?
There are bits of me in each of my characters. I’d like to think I was like Isabeau,
Morgan’s love interest in Morgan D’Arcy: A Vampyre Rhapsody.
That’s all from me, thanks for taking the
time to stop by!
Thank you for letting me be your guest. I enjoyed my visit!
Author Bio and Links:
Born in South Carolina, Linda has
lived in England, Canada, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Atlanta and Houston.
She’s seen a lot of this country from the windshield of a truck pulling a horse
trailer, having bred, trained and showed Andalusian horses for many years.
Linda has won several writing
awards, including the Georgia Romance Writers Magnolia Award and the SARA
Merritt. She retired from a career as a
retired legal assistant, just joined the Houston BMW Club, and the stars in her
crown—two wonderful sons. In a former life, she must have had to walk
everywhere because today she is into transportation with fine taste in
expensive horses and hot cars! She likes to dress up and host formal dinner
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