Thursday, May 31, 2018

Gumshoe Girl Book Blast

Sheagan O’Hare got more than she bargained for when her newly inherited detective agency lands its first case; a missing person, embezzlement, and murder. Sheagan’s out to prove she can hang with the pro's, despite the constant reminder of her amateur status from an annoyingly attractive FBI agent, Colin 'Mac' MacEvine, who’s forced himself into her life.

How does she feel when an old high school friend hopes to ignite a new romance?

Will she be able to discover if detective work and love can mingle before someone gets hurt?

“Does this have to do with this detective stuff you decided to play around with?”

She shot a dirty look at the wall. “Listen, don’t worry about it. I’ve got it under control.”

“Obviously you don’t. I’m going to the police.”

“Um, no. You can’t call, uh, not yet.”

“Why can’t I?” He came back into the room.

“I can’t explain that.”

“You’d better explain something, because I am calling 9-1-1 right now.” He picked up the phone.

“Stop!” she yelled.

He looked at her like she was crazy. “Why?”

“Listen, just let me call my friend first.”

“Your friend?” It was his turn for sarcasm.

“Yes, my friend.” She snatched the phone from him, grabbed her bag, and went into the bathroom. She fished around until she found the card from Mac and punched in his number on her cell.

“Yup,” Mac answered.

“I have a sticky situation.”

“What is it?”

“Well, I’m at my old place.”

“I’m not here to settle disputes for you and your boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend? What are you talking about, we broke up?” Then it dawned on her. Her address showed she was still living with Rat Bastard.

“Sheagan,” she heard him shout, breaking into her thoughts.

“What!” she shouted back.

He grunted. “What is the situation?”

“The O’Dwyer boys came to visit my ex-boyfriend last night.”

“I’ll be right there. Don’t call the police.”

“I know. I called you.”

“Well, you got something right.” He hung up.

She screamed into the receiver, “You son-of-a-, I’ll give you, ‘you got something right’. You can kiss my butt.”

When she emerged from the bathroom, Rat Bastard cocked his head. “Friend, huh?”

“It’s complicated!” she snapped.

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
Andi Ramos grew up in central Massachusetts where she still lives today with her family, goat, and Boston Terriers. Her love for reading grew into a passion for writing. She dabbled with pen and paper for a long time and eventually stopped pushing her amusements aside and started developing those stories into novels. One of her favorite things to do is to hop into her motorhome with her family and write while traveling down the road as they journey to various destinations.

This is the author's debut book.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

You Never Forget Your First Earl Book Blast

With her three good friends all recently married, Elizabeth Turley is ready for some husband-hunting of her own. One gentleman in particular sparks her interest. Geoffrey, Earl of Harrington is tall, handsome, and dashing. He’s also just a bit too sure of himself. But Elizabeth has observed enough about the rules of attraction to pique the earl’s attention. Yet once she has it, the discovery of a troubling secret taints her future happiness . . .

Lord Harrington must marry or lose a prestigious position in Brussels, and pretty, well-connected Elizabeth fits his needs admirably. But could it be that he has underestimated his bride? She doesn’t bat an eye in the face of the danger they encounter overseas. She’s strong-willed, intelligent, and more enticing each day—yet also more indifferent to him. Now Geoffrey faces his greatest challenge: to woo and win his own wife, or risk losing her for good . . .

Once Gavin had accompanied Lord Harrington into the house, her aunt looked at Elizabeth. “Well, what did you think?”

“After his initial stiffness, he was quite charming.” Even if he didn’t kiss her fingers.

“He’s a handsome man,” her aunt mused.

She had studied him as he’d strolled off with Gavin. She had been right. It was clear his tall frame and broad shoulders had no need of padding anywhere. “Yes. His eyes in particular are a beautiful color blue. They almost match the sapphire he wore.” His hair was blond but slightly darker than hers. “I like the way his hair curls.”

“But he is not pretty,” Aunt said. “Not like Byron.”

“No. He is very manly looking. His jaw is firm.” Not able to get the vision of his shoulders and shapely legs out of her mind, Elizabeth fought the urge to sigh. She might be a little too interested in his physical attributes.

“And he was attentive to you,” her aunt prodded.

“Yes, he was very attentive.” Especially when he talked about going abroad. In fact, that was almost the only thing he discussed. He had not asked anything about her likes and dislikes.

“Very well.” Her aunt’s tone was a bit impatient. “He is tall, blond, and handsome. He appears, from his conversation, to be intelligent and well read. He comes from a good family. He will be a marquis someday, and he wishes to be wed.” Aunt Bristow arched a brow. “Tell me. What is it about him that you do not like?”

Her aunt was right. Something about Lord Harrington had struck Elizabeth as . . . off. She pushed is physical looks aside and focused on what was bothering her. Lord knows it wasn’t his appearance. It was not his demeanor as such. It was . . . was he really interested in her? “He wants this position so badly that I believe he will marry any suitable lady just to have it.” She scrunched up her face. “Do you know what I mean?” Her aunt stared at her, clearly not understanding. She’d have to find a different way to put it. “It strikes me that in a way he is like a fortune hunter. He does not care who he weds, so long as he can have what he wants. In the case of a fortune hunter it is the money. In Lord Harrington’s case, it is the position with Sir Charles.” She rubbed the space between her eyes, trying to ease the tension she felt. “I do not wish to be the means to an end.”

Aunt rang the bell on the table next to her. “You do not think he cares if his affections are engaged.”

A footman appeared carrying two glasses and a decanter of claret. After setting it down, he returned to the house.

“I am not even sure if he cares about compatibility.”

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
USA Today bestselling author Ella Quinn’s studies and other jobs have always been on the serious side. Reading historical romances, especially Regencies, were her escape. Eventually her love of historical novels led her to start writing them.
She is married to her wonderful husband of over thirty years. They have a son and two beautiful granddaughters, and a Portuguese Water Dog. After living in the South Pacific, Central America, North Africa, England and Europe, she and her husband decided to make their dreams come true and are now living on a sailboat. After cruising the Caribbean and North America, she completed a transatlantic crossing from St. Martin to Southern Europe. She's currently living in Germany, happily writing while her husband is back at work, recovering from retirement.

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Monday, May 28, 2018

Ruby Book Blast

Forty years ago Lexi Barstow and Collins Wentworth thought they had made the biggest mistakes of their lives. Heartbreaking choices and bitter tears cemented a pact that would shape who they were and what they would be. But now so much has changed...except the passion they share and the differences between them. But some things are fixable, and with forever staring them hard in the face, they learn all their decisions brought them to this ever after filled with love.

The club was even more crowded than it had been earlier and the audience was lively for a Sunday evening, clapping and stomping and answering Lonnie’s quips with boos and catcalls. There was electricity in the air. They were a fun crowd tonight.

Lexi’s eyes danced as they sang their first song. She was in her element.

They were about halfway through their second set when the front door opened and a familiar figure stepped into the club. The hostess’s eyes widened and the bartender did a double take. It wasn’t all that often a United States Senator darkened their doors.

Lexi’s curiosity burned as the flustered hostess showed Collins to the last vacant table by the front window. There was a bit of a stir as a good percentage of the audience recognized the man who had joined them, and then realized Lexi was performing for her old lover.

Whatever was he doing here tonight? This wasn’t his kind of club. It wasn’t even his kind of music anymore. She’d overheard him tell Danny he loved listening to him and his mother on their dulcimers, but that given the choice he was fonder of the classical music Chessie and Isabel played.

Had he come to hear Lexi sing? Had he come to repeat his invitation to join him on an evening out?

The thought sent chills up her spine.

She tore her eyes away from him. No way could she concentrate on her singing if all her attention was on Collins. Ever the professional, she didn’t miss a beat in the song they were singing, or the next, or the one after that. If anything, her voice became sultrier and her smile wider. Collins had come to hear her sing. She wanted him to know that she still had it, and she wanted to rub in what he’d missed all these years.

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
The author of over thirty romance novels, Emily Mims combined her writing career with a career in public education until leaving the classroom to write full time. The mother of two sons, she and her husband split their time between central Texas, eastern Tennessee, and Georgia visiting their kids and grandchildren. For relaxation Emily plays the piano, organ, dulcimer, and ukulele for two different performing groups, and even sings a little. She says, “I love to write romances because I believe in them. Romance happened to me and it can happen to any woman—if she’ll just let it.”

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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Asta and the Barbarians Book Blast

Asta heard about King Torvald's crusade and watched her people fortify the town's defenses, but she never imagined foreign invaders would come to her peaceful shores. In one fateful night, she loses everything she holds dear and somehow gains the favor of the warrior god. Has he given her the tools she needs for revenge or does he have a greater plan in store?

“Find another reason to live,” Bryn urged. “There has to be some drive within you, something you still want or need.”

Suddenly, a new goal blossomed in my mind. A need that burned away the desire for death. I would excel in this hellish academy. I would be nominated for King’s Defender. I would become the greatest, most skilled warrior anyone on this damned island had ever seen. And when the general came for my graduation, I would slaughter him and his precious king.

Bryn’s jaw dropped when he registered the new light in my eyes. “You mean to kill the general, don’t you?”

“I’ll end this acursed crusade,” I said. “If I die in my pursuit, so be it. I’ll see justice served on those who’ve wronged me.”

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
Becca Fox was that strange girl in high school, who always seemed to have her nose in a book. She didn’t talk much because, more often than not, she was daydreaming about different fantasy worlds. During class, under the guise of taking notes, she wrote scenes for her works in progress.

Becca is a bit more social now but still enjoys reading, writing, and daydreaming. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband, a fat orange tabby cat, and a forever-puppy. She has published three books to date, I Dare You to Love Me (a young adult romance), In the Dark (a new adult paranormal romance), and Asta and the Barbarians (a new adult fantasy.)

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Monday, May 21, 2018

Old Gold Mountain VBT

Justin Vincent is a San Francisco based artist who leads a secret double life as a cat burglar. He likes the freedom, money, and self-determination his unusual career provides but also increasingly feels that it is a life he fell into by accident. When a valuable painting is stolen from his lover Valerie, Justin agrees to use his underworld contacts and knowledge of the black market to help. The search leads him to an antiquities dealer who has fallen on hard times and a mysterious European middle man. With the help of his friend Ashna, a skilled hacker, and Gabrielle, owner of an art gallery in Nice, Justin gathers clues that lead him to a mysterious chateau in the South of France and a dangerous web of secrets and lies. To escape with his life and complete his objective, Justin’s skill, luck, and perseverance will be tested to their utmost limit.

“What happened to that painting you used to have above the bed?” I asked.

“Above the bed? I didn’t—” Val turned, stopped speaking, breath caught.

A moment later, she whirled, flipped on the light switch, jumped onto the bed, and placed her hands on the wall above the headboard. In the light, I noticed there was a picture hanger still nailed into the wall and a square of slightly brighter paint where the painting had hung. She ran her hands over the bare wall then turned to look at me. Her eyes were manic, her body tense. “Tell me this is some kind of joke, Justin.”

“No joke,” I replied. “Was it there when you left for the gallery?”

“Yes, I think so.” She stepped down off the bed and started frantically pacing the room, looking everywhere. “I’m sure it was.”

“Did you have cleaners scheduled today?”

“No. They come on Wednesdays.”

“Did you leave your balcony door open?”

She looked at me, suddenly focusing. “No. I never leave it open.”

“It was open when we came in. Was it locked?”

“Maybe not. I don’t know. I was in a hurry.”

“Let’s see if anything else is missing,” I said, turning toward the door.

Valerie grabbed my arm, pulling me around to face her. “I don’t care if anything else is missing.” She was on the brink of tears, a tight, almost hysterical, edge to her voice. She raised her hands, placed them over her ears, shaking her head back and forth. “I don’t care. That painting is the only thing I own that I care about, Justin.”

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
I am a writer and educational technology professional. I lived in San Francisco for the past fifteen years but recently moved to Los Angeles with my wife and five year old son. My first book Old Gold Mountain is out now. Buy it at Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Also available through Apple iBooks, Google Play, and Indigo.

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The book will be $0.99.

Order Up Blurb Blitz

Nancy Braley is the Chicago Gazette's food editor with a taste for hot chefs and talent for replicating their "secret" recipes. But when she finally gets up the nerve to ask out a hot local café owner, Doug Johnston, she's crushed when he says she's not the "marriage material" he's looking for.

Doug is perplexed by his attraction to Nancy whose take-no-prisoners personality reminds him way too much of his cheating ex. To keep Nancy and his conflicted feelings at bay, he throws out the only excuse he can come up with—she's just not marriage material.

Not one to be deterred, Nancy becomes obsessed with figuring out what exactly that means—partly because she doesn't want to emulate her oft-married but divorce-settlement-wealthy mother, and partly because her attraction to Doug is driving her to distraction. So when a married and very pregnant colleague gets put on bed rest until her baby arrives, Nancy volunteers to feed her family, hoping to get a first-hand look at what marriage is all about. And when Doug's ex opens a new coffee shop nearby, stealing business from his café, it's Nancy who comes to his aid! Eager to call Doug's bluff, can she convince him she's the real deal?

With a fresh wave of warmth riding up her neck and cheeks, Nancy folded the yolks into the saucepan, whisking the concoction until it thickened just enough to coat the sides of the pan and her complexion had returned to normal. Handing control over to Doug, she watched as he poured the mixture through a strainer into a metal bowl that he had set in the middle of a larger bowl filled with ice water.

With a nod over to the assembled ingredients, Doug instructed her, "Go ahead and stir in the vanilla."

"How much?" Nancy asked before her brain could stop her.

Doug cut her a look from behind his sorry seventies frames that, had he used the measuring spoons she had offered, might have made her knees wobble.

"Trust your instincts."

Shields up, she tipped the vanilla container over the bowl for a quick second before deflecting his mandate with ease. "What is this, Doug? Zen cooking? Next you'll be telling me to use the force."

The whole class, annoying young woman included, snickered.

Successful, award-winning, well-connected professional—1; hunky quiche slinger—zip.

The next thing Nancy knew, Doug was directly in front of her, holding up a spoon half filled with the sauce. "Close your eyes and open your mouth."

"Oh. Uh, well, ok."

Flustered, she had no sooner closed her eyes and parted her lips than she felt the hard tip of the spoon covered with warm velvety sauce on her tongue. Closing her mouth around it, she pressed her lips against it, just tight enough to prevent any dribbles while he pulled it out.

"Now keep your eyes closed and tell me how it tastes."

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
Author of the popular Assignment: Romance series, Barbara was named "Indie Star of 2015" by Publishers Weekly when her first book earned a coveted starred review. A member of Romance Writers of America, she looks forward to the days when her to-do list includes tasks such as “Attend premiere of movie based on my book” or "Accept Godiva's request to be a taste-tester” …much better than “Vacuum hallway” or “Pick up clothes from dry cleaners,” don’t you think?

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Friday, May 18, 2018

The Renaissance Club Blurb Blitz

Would you give up everything, even the time in which you live, to be with your soul mate? That’s the question my heroine, May Gold must answer in this time travel love story. And she has to answer it in three short weeks, on a tour of Italy. A college adjunct teacher, she often dreams about the subject of her master’s thesis—17th century sculptor Gianlorenzo Bernini. In her fantasies, she’s in his arms, the wildly adored partner of the man whose passionate art invented the Baroque style. But in reality, May has just landed in Rome with her teaching colleagues and older boyfriend. She considers herself a precocious failure and yearns to unleash her passion and creative spirit. May finds she has to choose: stay in a safe but stagnant existence or take a risk.

“Signorina, please. I cannot concentrate. Do you not have something else to do?”

His open arrogance was true to his time, an era when powerful men flaunted their status to the point of rudeness. Bernini’s fame, even at his young age, was second only to the cardinals and popes he served. His arrogance had been legendary.

“I thought the church was open today,” she said.

“It is not open to you, unless you are applying to become my assistant. But you will not be any use to me in that long skirt.”

She looked down. She had acquired voluminous folds of blue silk, a dress she hadn’t been wearing before. She felt air on her shoulders—her dropped-sleeves left them bare. “Well, not in this I wouldn’t,” she said, appreciating the rustle and texture. “But I’m not applying. I just want to watch you work.”

He said more gently, “Are you a traveler? You do not look Roman.”

“Yes. I’m a traveler. From a long way away. I’m with a group touring Rome. It’s our first day. St. Peter’s is so gorgeous, I can’t believe it. The Baldacchino is one of your finest pieces.”
Ignoring the compliment, he said, “If you are a traveler, then please travel to some other masterpiece. This church has many.” He waved her away and picked up the rod, checking the column once more.

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
Rachel Dacus is the author of The Renaissance Club, a novel called “Enchanting, rich and romantic…a poetic journey through the folds of time.” Dacus’ book Gods of Water and Air is a collection of poetry, prose, and drama. Her other poetry collections are Earth Lessons and Femme au Chapeau. Her poetry and prose have appeared in Atlanta Review, Boulevard, Prairie Schooner, The Pedestal, and Valparaiso Poetry Review.  Her fourth poetry collection, Arabesque, is forthcoming in August 2018 from FutureCycle Press. Read more on her website: Follow on Twitter: @Rachel_Dacus.

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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Rescued from the Dungeon VBT

Rescued from the Dungeon: Oubliette
It took a tornado and the near destruction of his home for Jason, a professor of history, to learn that his family had once owned his neighbor David’s family. While repairing the damage from the storm, friendship and more blossom between David, Jason, and Marina, Jason’s submissive wife. Determined to ease Jason’s guilt over his family history, Marina proposes a unique way of putting old ghosts to rest.

Rescued from the Dungeon: Love’s Captive
Victoria Padgett is working the front lines as a nurse during WWI. She has just finished celebrating her first wedding anniversary with her husband and Duke of Willby, Ashton Padgett, in Paris. Together they decide it would be best if she returns to England, open up the ducal estate as a hospital and treat the wounded there where she will be safe and can practice the medicine and sanitary practices she thinks will aide in recovery. She returns to Belgium and the front line to turn in her resignation but while there she is kidnapped and held hostage in a château dungeon by Ashton’s once best friend who thinks Victoria should’ve been his. Will Ashton be able to save his Victoria before war and a madman takes the love of his life from him?

Excerpt from Love's Captive:
"Let's both return to England, Ashton." She covered her mouth the second the words slipped past. Damning words, words that smacked at the very heart of who her husband was and would continue to be despite her fear. Her selfish request hung like a black cloud between them. "I'm sorry, Ashton, forgive me."

He pulled her close to his body, to feel his strength and heat. "I love you, my Duchess. A day doesn't pass where you aren't in my thoughts. But, I must return. I know you understand this. I'm only sorry I can't honor your request right now."

Victoria smiled, tears slipped down her cheeks and she didn't bother to hide them. What was the point? She hated this war, she hated this impending sense that something was going to go wrong.

"All will be well. I am to be moved back behind the lines. You know that. I'll be away from the fighting this go around. I will have more leave in July, I'll come back to England and everything will be as it should."

They took a cab to the train station. Her train to Belgium wasn't leaving for another hour or so, so she walked Ashton to his platform. The train was already in place and men in uniform swarmed the cars. Sweethearts embraced and whispered to each other. The cacophony of the station gave her a pounding headache.

"I love you." Ashton rested his forehead against her own. "I promise I will be careful. I promise I'll come back to you."

"Shhh. Don't make a promise you can't keep."

"No matter what happens to me, Tori, I'll come back to you."

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
Kristi Ahlers is a California girl! She grew up in Northern California in a small city called Yuba City. Since then she's lived in Brussels, Belgium, and England along with a myriad of other locations. A former flight attendant, she was able to continue to feed her love of travel. This has greatly influenced her writing, allowing her to pen stories about places she's managed to visit and things she's experienced. 

Kristi loves to hear from her readers and can be reached at Visit her at her virtual home.

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Anarie Brady writes hot, happy ever after love stories filled with strong men and strong women who choose to submit to their own desires. She also loves scratching her chinchilla in all his itchy spots, sipping tea, and savoring whiskey. She absolutely adores hearing from fans, so don’t be shy!

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