Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Secrets from Myself Review Tour

Twelve-year-old Katelyn has always heard voices and had visions. She's long suspected she was hearing from past lives. But when she runs away from home and hides out with an old friend in Vancouver, things become more real. She even finds herself writing the words of someone else in a diary - the words of someone whose fate was deeply impacted by the Komagata Maru incident.

As Katelyn learns more about the Komagata Maru and the person communicating with her, she realizes that she has a task to fulfill that will correct a wrong from the past.

“I think it’s time to talk about sending you back home,” says Jane.

I am sitting in her office for a session. I am anxious, torn about leaving Vancouver. Arbutus House is starting to suffocate me, but I am not finished. I can’t let Akasha down and I’m certain I can’t do anything for her from Nelson. Proving she was real and finding justice for her murder will take some form of hands-on evidence.

“I don’t really think I’m sick, mentally or physically. I’ve never believed that. I don’t have much control over my little ‘episodes,’ but I would never
run away from my mom again, I can promise that. I just don’t know if I’m ready to go home,” I say.

“I hear what you’re saying, but given all the tests you’ve had, and all the therapy we’ve worked through, I think Arbutus House has exhausted what we have to offer you, Katelyn. That said, before we talk about ending your treatment, I do have some things to say I think you’re not going to like.” Jane is wearing a poker face. My skin prickles at the prospect of what she’s about to say.

“I can’t imagine what you’re going to say that would bother me. I’m weird. I’ve heard it all before.” I give a dismissive shake of my head.

“Before, we talked about your attempts to seek attention with your behavior. It seemed to me that your mother had to be the intended recipient. But after meeting with you both, separately and together, I don’t think that’s the case. Then I met your friend Bryce at the barbeque and I started to put the pieces together. I think you have strong feelings for him and you haven’t been handling his move to Vancouver very well.” Jane waits for my reaction. I can feel heat flooding my face. If Jane could tell, in one meeting no less, that I have a crush on my best friend, who else has figured it out? I’ve worked so hard to make sure nobody knew!

“How is that any of your business? What does Bryce have to do with my ‘episodes’ and my mental health?” I can’t conceal the offence and anger in my voice.

“When did your condition worsen? When did you really start the strange writing in your diary and having these intense dreams?”

“I don’t know, exactly. I’ve always had blackouts, you know that. It all got worse a few months ago, maybe a little farther back.”

“I’m not saying you did this consciously or even targeted Bryce’s family …” Jane is still talking but her voice fades out of my hearing after the words “targeted Bryce’s family” — as though I’m a malicious stalker. I sit in my chair, folding and unfolding my hands, waiting for the noise to end and for her lips to stop moving.

“Do you think another two weeks here at Arbutus House would prepare you to head back home to Nelson?”

“I don’t know. It’s hard to say. Can we talk about it again next time?”

“By all means. You’ve done some good work today. I know I challenged you and it was hard to hear what I had to say. You’re being very mature. So I have a homework assignment for you. Do you still have your diary?”

Oh no! She wants to read my diary! I frantically go over in my mind everything my precious book contains. It’s no use. There’s no way I could share even a part of it. In a flash, I picture being forced to hand over the book to Jane or Mariah.

“Yes, I do. I brought it with me when Mom and I left Nelson.”

“Excellent. I want you to write a new entry in your diary. I want you to say goodbye to Akasha. Tell her whatever you want her to know, anything that feels like unfinished business.” Jane’s enthusiasm for this task compels me to ball my fists.

“Do I have to show you when I’m done?”

“Not unless you want to. A diary is a private thing and it’s important for you to know you still have a private space. We would never cross that line unless we feared for your safety, or the safety of someone close to you.”

I do find it comforting to know that she won’t go through my things unless she thinks I’m potentially violent.

“I’ll go ahead and put the paperwork together for your release. We need one final meeting with Dr. Werdiger. He can refer you back to Dr. MacDonald in Nelson. We’ll have your mom come by as soon as she’s able. All we need is her signature and you can go home.”

“Great. That’s great. I’m looking forward to it.”

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
Located on BC’s beautiful West Coast, I write from my suburban Langley home on the border between peaceful forests and urban streets.  I love writing about places and spaces with rich history and visually fascinating elements as a backdrop for the surreal and spectacular. 

In addition to my undergraduate degree in writing and literature, my background also includes corporate communications and design. I am a current member of the Federation of BC Writers and SF Canada.
When not writing, I have a habit of breaking stuff and making stuff – in that order – under the guise of my Etsy alter-ego Sleepless Storyteller.  I share my eclectic home and lifestyle with my husband and our two energetic children.

Buy links:
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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A Change of Plan Release Day

A few years ago, I met a wonderful author named Melanie Jayne at Coastal Magic and fell in love with her books. So when I found out she had a new book coming out today in her Change series, I wanted to share, especially since, in celebration of her new release, book 1 is free and the other three are on sale for 99c. If you haven’t read any of Melanie’s books yet, I highly recommend giving this series a try.   -Emily

And now, for more on her new release…

Change of Plan Blurb:
It was supposed to be casual. I never wanted a relationship but I keep coming back for more. When Osi Browne looks at me, I know that he is waiting for the right moment to demand my surrender so I take off.

Ramsay Kent is elusive and I enjoy the chase, but I’m tired of waiting. The woman has a life plan but mine is better for her, me and for us.

The lovers are resourceful, successful, and very stubborn. Who will give in first?

Excerpt from Chapter One:

“Five, four, three, two, one, Happy New Year!” The party guests counted down in unison.

I already had one arm draped around Ramsay’s slender waist. She allowed me to roll her into my body so that we were touching from chest to pelvis as I kissed her long and hard. “Better than last year’s.” I grinned.

She pulled away from me and gave me a haughty look, raising one eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

I didn’t loosen my hold. God, she’d lost weight working so hard on, first, Tye and Billie’s wedding, then Cress and Brian’s, and finally this annual extravaganza. I could feel the knobby bones along her spine. “Last year, I had to track you down for my kiss. This year, you’re by my side.” Where you belong, I added silently. Ramsay Kent was an elusive woman. Although we’d been involved to some degree for over a year, we’d yet to make our relationship official. But I’m a patient man. One of the reasons I’m good at what I do. With Ramsay, I could settle in and wait a while longer.

“Well, I suppose kissing you is better than making out with some random guy.” She turned her head to look around at the other party guests, her green eyes narrowing as though to assess their kissability.

I gave her a hot glare. “Not going to work, Ramses.”

“What?” She drew her eyebrows together in confusion, as if she didn’t know what she was doing.

“You aren’t going to push me away or make me mad. Not tonight,” I said, resolution ringing in my words.

A hint of something like panic entered her gaze. “I’m working… I don’t know what time I’ll get out of here tonight, er, this morning.”

I shrugged, pretending I didn’t see her fear. “It’s not a problem. You know I like to watch you work.”

One side of her mouth hitched upward in consternation. I could almost see her plotting a way to make me go. Before she could blurt out something I didn’t want to hear, I bent toward her. “If I get bored, I’ll head back to my place and send a car to bring you home.” Of course, I wouldn’t get bored. I got off on watching her run the show. Ramsay in command was a thing of beauty. She could multi-task as well as any military strategist—make that better. Handling the rest of this party would be a breeze for her, just like breaking down and reassembling my rifle was second nature to me.

A faint line appeared between her eyebrows. “Are you sure?”

I placed a light kiss on her vibrant red lips, not caring if I now wore the same color. “Go make someone miserable.”

“Asshole.” She snorted as she fought a smile.

“Shouldn’t they be putting out the food?” I asked innocently.

“Shit,” she hissed and spun around on her three-inch heels. “I’m seriously considering cutting the gratuity Tye left for them.” She took off in the direction of the kitchen. Perhaps it was the way her long legs ate up the ground or the red tint to her hair, the guests moved out of her way.

I was admiring the sway of her ass encased in some kind of silky material that was as sleek as her naked body, when I heard my name being called.

Author Bio:
Melanie Jayne has the best life. She spends her days chatting with feisty females, waking up to sexy men, eating chocolate and wearing pajamas. In March of 2015, she published her first book and never looked back. She currently has four series and will be adding to that number in 2019. Her books predominantly feature characters over the age of thirty-five, facing life head on. They are woman positive and advocate empowerment. She writes about the world that she lives in and collects many of her ideas from her friend’s lives and daytime TV.

She lives a quiet life on a grain farm in central Indiana with her very patient husband and their two mastiffs, Ginger and Duncan Keith. She has been employed in retail management, managed a federal courtroom, worked behind the scenes in a casino and closed home loans. By her own admission she has an inquisitive mind and gets bored easily.

She is an active member of the IRWA Chapter, an avid Reader/Author Conference Attendee, and avid Romance Reader. She is so grateful to the many authors and bloggers who have so generously supported her career and she in turn is giving back to new and aspiring writers.

Moonlight City Drive VBT

11:18 p.m. Subject is checking into the Desert Palms Motel, accompanied by an unknown female.

Snapshot in the parking lot. Man and woman embrace. Betrayal, I see it every day, like my own reflection in the mirror staring back at me. Another case, another bottle of booze, life is no longer a mystery to me …

… Because I’m the private eye, hot on your trail; the top gun for hire. You’ll find me lurking in the shadows, always searching for a clue. I’m the bulletproof detective. I got my eye on you …

What’s a little sin under the covers, what’s a little blood between lovers? What’s a little death to be discovered, cold stiff body under the covers?

I’m digging you a desert grave, underneath the burning sun. You won’t be found by anyone. Vultures circle in the sky, and you, my dear, are the reason why.

… I was always easily influenced.

Smith twisted the key as hard as he could and heard a popping noise as the locking mechanism finally gave way. He pushed open his office door and entered the dark room. He tossed his keys onto his desk; they slid a short distance before a stack of time-faded papers and case-file folders abruptly stopped them.

Flicking the light switch, the room illuminated with an anemic-brown glow from the single dusty bulb. He took a step toward the coffee percolator on the windowsill, and his toe caught the corner of a tied-up pile of newspapers dating back at least ten years.

Smith exhaled loudly with a frustrated grunt and kneeled beside the newspaper bundle; the air escaping from his lungs carried the stench of day-old consumed alcohol, topped off with more last night that led to closing time this morning. He really hadn’t slept. He napped for a couple hours, then came here. He removed the Swiss Army knife from his pants and cut the twine, freeing the newspapers, watching as they avalanched to the floor.

He used his palm to shuffle and smear the newspapers around his office floor. His gaze quickly scanned his name plastered on all the headlines, praising the ex-deputy-now-turned-private-eye for all the scum he had gotten off the street, as well as locating abducted kids, reuniting long-lost biological parents of orphans, and exposing spouses who may have forgotten their vows. Smith had seen more than he cared to remember while he had been a sheriff’s deputy and could now safely check the box marked Seen It All since becoming a private eye.

Background of the book

Moonlight City Drive is a rock-fiction novelization of Dog Fashion Disco’s album Adultery. (Rock fiction is turning an album or a song into a novel or short story, like when a novel is adapted into a film. And like turning a novel into a film, the reader doesn’t ever need to know anything about the source material to understand or enjoy the book.) The album ambiguously follows a private detective circa 1940s Las Vegas while he’s on the trail of a Jack-the-Ripper style killer. So, I took that concept, used the lyrics of the album as my outline and story arc, and then expanded on it to create a full-length novel. The novel is a Dick Tracy meets Sin City crime noir, with sprinkles of romance and supernatural happenings. After making sure that I had all the plot points from the album’s lyrics included in my outline, I was able to expand on the character’s backgrounds and let the storyline breathe on its own.

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
Brian Paone was born and raised in the Salem, Massachusetts area. Brian has, thus far, published four novels: a memoir about being friends with a drug-addicted rock star, Dreams are Unfinished Thoughts; a macabre cerebral-horror novel, Welcome to Parkview; a time-travel romance novel, Yours Truly, 2095, (which was nominated for a Hugo Award, though it did not make the finalists); and a supernatural, crime-noir detective novel, Moonlight City Drive. Along with his four novels, Brian has published three short stories: “Outside of Heaven,” which is featured in the anthology, A Matter of Words; “The Whaler’s Dues,” which is featured in the anthology, A Journey of Words; and “Anesthetize (or A Dream Played in Reverse on Piano Keys),” which is featured in the anthology, A Haunting of Words. Brian is also a vocalist and has released seven albums with his four bands: Yellow #1, Drop Kick Jesus, The Grave Machine, and Transpose. He is married to a US Naval Officer, and they have four children. Brian is also a police officer and has been working in law enforcement since 2002. He is a self-proclaimed roller coaster junkie, a New England Patriots fanatic, and his favorite color is burnt orange. For more information on all his books and music, visit

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Monday, February 26, 2018

Lawbreakers Blurb Blitz

If you like strong women who take a detour from the straight and narrow, this collection is for you! From computer hackers to art heists, to a mysterious woman reclaiming her legacy and a re-telling of a classic with a billionaire twist, this box set has it all.

Join us for a ride-along on the wrong side of the law, and see if you fall in love with a Lawbreaker.

Collection includes The Fighting Lancasters by Deb Julienne, Two Truths and a Lie by Daryl Devoré, The Storm and the Sea by January George and Painted Love by Viviana MacKade.

Painted Love by Viviana MacKade:
Thou shalt not steal.

Oh, but Florence had, and would do so one last time.

Ten pieces her grandfather painted for her because he loved her.

Ten pieces her mother lost, along with anything else, for loving the wrong man.

She couldn’t get back everything he’d wasted away, but she’d be damned if she’d give up those paintings.

Easy and genuine, Rhett loves his life–his family, his market, his town. Until he meets a British woman with grey eyes and a cute little smile. The woman he’s been waiting for.

The thing is, to love her is easy, but can he trust her?

When Rhett pushes to uncover her agenda, Flo knows she will lose something–the man she loves or what she’d been fighting for years.

Which road will she choose?

“Mister Beckett?”

“Yes, but probably not the one you’re looking for.”

Flo drew in a long breath, praying for patience. “Have I got the wrong number?”

“Nope, just the wrong guy.”

The man didn’t make any sense. Go figure. “I don’t understand. I need to speak with Scott Beckett, please.”

“That would be my brother, who’s currently working. Who are you?”

“Florence Harper. Mr. Beckett and I have been in contact for renting the flat–the apartment.”

The line jumbled for a moment, but when his voice came back had cleared from the worst of the background noise. “Okay, what was that again?”

Few hours in the States and she already missed some nice British manner. And propriety. A rivulet of sweat ran down her temple; January heat was definitely wrong, even more so when she hadn't showered in too long. “That was me, trying to get in contact with the man who assured me he had a place for me to rent starting tonight.”

“Oh, yeah. The apartment. Look, we’re in the middle of a thing here, where are you?”

“At the address Mr. Beckett gave me,” she said between clenched teeth, then recited the street name and number.

“You’re at the restaurant. Stay right where you are, I’ll be with you in ten.”

Oh, gosh. What was he talking about? “You? I thought the flat belonged to your brother?”

“Let’s say I’m his delegate for the next few weeks. Wait for me, I’m coming.”

He closed the call without waiting for an answer.

With one long intake of breath, Flo rested her back to the wall.

Stupid Crescent Creek.

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour to read about the other stories!

Author Bio:
Beach bum and country music addicted, Viviana lives in a small Floridian town with her husband and her son, her die-hard fans and personal cheer squad. She spends her days between typing on her beloved keyboard, playing in the pool with her boy, and eating whatever her husband puts on her plate (the guy is that good, and she really loves eating). Besides beaching, she enjoys long walks, horse-riding, hiking, and pretty much whatever she can do outside with her family.

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Friday, February 23, 2018

Havana Blues Blurb Blitz

The year is 1952 and Ramon Rodriguez’s life as a teenager in fun-loving Havana is filled with typical activities and concerns: girls, education, religion, baseball, parties, and hanging out with friends. The country is enjoying a period of prosperity and happiness--until General Batista stages a coup that topples the government and Ramon’s life is flung into chaos.

In a few short years, the carefree fifties morph into a vicious and repressive dictatorship highlighted by corruption, organized gambling, school closures, student demonstrations, police brutality, and assassinations.

As Ramon experiences the thrills of his first romantic relationship, graduates from school, and struggles to plan for an uncertain future, he is forced to make important decisions that may be dangerous to him, his family, his friends, and his girlfriend – the beautiful Sonia -- and could turn deadly.

A car turned the corner with a screeching of tires. With mechanical harmony, another screeching echoed from the opposite direction.

Siren noises combined to wreck the peacefulness and drown my father’s voice as two cars skidded face to face in front of my house. I recognized the blue and white stripes. Car doors opened and slammed. A stream of policemen armed with rifles and machine guns crashed through the garden door and spilled over our garden like insects.

My mother shrieked once. My father stood paralyzed.

I stared in growing disbelief at the bulk who loped into the garden and stopped just outside the bright range of the porch lights. The clean-shaven face, the brittle smile, were familiar to me. So was the voice.

‘Buenas noches,’ Santana said. ‘Lovely night, isn’t it?’

Even with a veneer of politeness, Santana’s voice made the hair in the back of my neck stand on end.

‘What's the meaning of this?’ my father asked, surprising me. ‘Crashing into our house, as if we were common criminals.’ Santana’s stare was cold. ‘Just doing my duty, Señor Rodriguez.’ He turned to me, smoothing out the front of my dinner jacket with his hand. ‘You're very elegant tonight,’ he said. ‘Don’t tell me, let me guess. You were at the Club Profesionales, weren’t you?’

‘Yes, we were,’ my mother said sharply, ‘and we had to leave because of some terrorists. Disgusting. And on his graduation dance night too.’ She glared at Santana.

He gave her a polite smile, more of a smirk, and turned to me.

‘Being in the building as you were, you could have planted that bomb very easily, couldn’t you?’

‘What? You think I…? No!’

‘No what?’

‘No, I couldn’t.’ My heart pounded in my chest. ‘My mother can testify to that.’

My mother had turned a chalky white and her lips were open and round like an O. She seemed at a loss for words.

Don't forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
David Pereda was born in Havana, Cuba. The award-winning author of seven previous novels, he enjoys crafting political thrillers and edgy mainstream novels with unique characters placed in exotic settings. He has traveled to more than thirty countries and speaks four languages. Before devoting his time solely to writing and teaching, David had a successful international consulting career with global giant Booz Allen Hamilton, where he worked with the governments of Mexico, Venezuela, Peru and Qatar, among others.

A member of MENSA, David earned his MBA from Pepperdine University in California. He earned bachelor degrees in English literature and mathematics at the University of South Florida in Tampa.

He lives in artistic Asheville, North Carolina, with his youngest daughter Sophia, where he teaches mathematics and English at the Asheville-Buncombe Community College. He loves sports and is an accomplished competitor in track and show-jumping equestrian events.

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Buy links:
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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Realm of the Dragon Review Tour

An ancient legend spanning eras, continents, and worlds. To some, it’s nothing more than a dream. To others, a pretty fairy tale handed down through the generations.

For those in critical need of their own happy ending, a gift.

For sheltered Lily Kiers, it’s all too real. Her escape from danger, straight into the arms of her destiny.

Thrust into a realm made of fantasy and unbridled passion, Lily faces violent resentment and jealousy from extremely powerful enemies. Amidst fierce creatures whose very existence defy all common sense, Lily pieces together a past she could never have imagined.

Claimed by Kord, Prince of Battle Draconian, their love will not be denied, even as malevolent forces plot to rip them apart.

Free to ponder, as his mother had urged, Kord shook off the troublesome feeling of being torn in several directions. He knew his parents worried, and he couldn’t avoid the inevitability of choice much longer.

Royals had strict duty to family and kingdom. Kord’s mate had been near her time of majority when he’d traveled to Anglican to meet her. The kingdom in an uproar, her tearful parents had met him with the devastating news of her death. Instead of a joyous announcement of impending joining, he’d returned to Draconian alone.

His dragon had been uncharacteristically silent since that fateful day, and Kord missed his beast’s conversation.

Enough, he thought bitterly, saddened and angered by the loss of a mate he never knew.

Refusing to dwell on things he couldn’t control, he cleared his mind of the memories and dove lower, seeking what enjoyment he could muster from the day.

Suddenly, something dropped onto his back, between his wingspan.

Something cold and soft.

Something that had limbs . . . and smelled unfamiliar. Not of this realm.

“What the demon?” He banked quickly as he felt the lightweight, chilled lump slide precariously to the left. Worried it might fall—whatever it was—Kord maneuvered gingerly, until he could descend safely into an open pasture.

He touched down lightly over the bumpy ground-scrub, careful to avoid jostling his unknown burden, turned his head to glance behind him . . .

And stared disbelieving at a vision from a dream.

My Review:
3.5 stars

When I first read the blurb, I wondered how so many elements could be contained in such a short story without being overwhelming. Yet it worked here as everything going on kept the story fast-paced and exciting, though a bit overwhelming at times. Yet even when the plot got crazy, it was still fun to read.

My favorite part was the writing, as I loved all the world building and fantasy. And even though there were two authors, the story flowed. Plus I also liked the characters, especially Kord and Lily. It was fun seeing the banter and chemistry between them, which really helped drive the story. However, the villains were a little over the top and ridiculous, so I never took their threats seriously, which took away from the story for me.

Overall, this was a fun start to a new series of interconnected stories written by different authors, and I cannot wait to see what comes next.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
CiCi Cordelia is the pen name for the writing team of BFFs Char Chaffin and Cheryl Yeko.

Published authors in their own right, they share a love for well-written stories infused with their favorite romantic genres: paranormal, suspense, and erotica. Both are fans of Alpha Men and the women they’d lay down their lives for.

As a writing team, they bring a solid know-how for accomplishing the foundation of what makes a great romance read: a strong story, a passionate romance, fascinating characters, and a happy-ever-after ending.

CiCi Cordelia: 
Website     |     Facebook

Individually they can be found here:
Cheryl Yeko:
Website    |    Amazon    |    Facebook
Twitter    |    Pinterest    |    Goodreads

Char Chaffin:
    |    Facebook    |    Amazon    |    Twitter    |    Goodreads

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The Truth Inside Blurb Blitz

For as long as he can remember, Nate’s dreamed of being an MMA fighter. Nothing is going to stand in his way and no one is going to distract him. Everything is going according to plan when Natalie comes along. Even though he wasn’t looking for love, Nate can’t help falling fast and hard. Smart, sweet and supportive, she seems too good to be true, but it’s actually the other way around. Nate isn’t good enough for her, and he’s keeping a secret that will change everything between them. One day, she’ll see the truth inside of him. Until then, Nate’s determined to keep Natalie in his life for as long as he can.

“You really think I’ll win?”

Natalie gave him an incredulous look. “You know I do.”

“I’m asking your opinion as a serious sports analyst and not my girlfriend.”

“Oh, well, if you’re asking me to be a serious sports analyst, then no, you have absolutely no chance,” Natalie joked. “You do know why Davis is called ‘The Machine’, don’t you?”

Nate pretended to look thoughtful. “Um, because he’s in good shape?”

“I’m afraid not, sweetie.” Natalie shook her head as she gave him a pitying look. “It’s because when he goes on the offensive, he unleashes one punch after the other until he takes his opponent out. Punches in bunches.”

Nate laughed. “Punches in bunches, is that the Dr. Seuss school of commentary?”

“Yes, it is. I actually took a class on it last semester.”

“I’m guessing you passed.”

“I got an A without even trying and I’m not lying. I’m good at school. I think it’s cool. No matter the class, I always pass.”

Nate was laughing so hard, he couldn’t catch his breath while Natalie sat across from him wearing a smug grin. Damn, this girl was perfect.

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
Trish Edmisten is the author of several novels, including Extraordinary Will, a Reader Views Literary Award Winner. Her work has appeared in Writer’s Journal, Creative With Words and A Long Story Short. Besides being an author, she holds a degree in criminology. Trish lives in Fresno, California with her husband and their teenage daughter.

Website    |    Facebook    |    Instagram    |    Twitter    |    Blog

Buy Links:
Amazon     |     B&N