Thursday, November 30, 2017

Execution of Justice Review Tour

When three Covert Operatives are brutally murdered while investigating a human trafficker who has taken a congressman's daughter, John Drake is called in. Driven by personal demons, he is determined to deliver his own brand of justice to this ruthless gang.

As Drake tracks the most powerful enemy he has ever faced, an already tough mission becomes nearly impossible when Drake's assignment propels him to the fulcrum of a new World War, and a CIA plot to incite conflict between the Muslim oil countries and Israel unfolds.

Haunted by trauma from his past, Drake must ultimately confront the most terrifying identity of all - his own. Can he hunt down the most dangerous man in the world and prevent a war? Or will he become the monster he hunts?

Outside, Drake had moved to the north side. Men occupied all eight windows, their AK-47s at the ready. By his count, there were over twenty men remaining inside the citadel. It was time for the claymores.

When Drake hit the button, the result was devastating. All the men in the windows on the north side were shredded as thousands of steel balls passed effortlessly through the heavy wooden shutters, then through the soft tissue and bones of their bodies. After the smoke and dust had settled, Drake shouldered his weapon and sprinted toward the aqueduct grating.

Gip was back at his original position, flanking the south entrance. He continued to move to and fro, rattling off automatic fire to create the illusion that he was an entire squad. Abruptly, the earth shook with a massive explosion from the north side. He was caught by surprise. His ears rang terribly. He ceased fire and low crawled his way toward the claymore switch.

Tartus' men were bustling with panic on the south side. After the enormous explosion from the north side, the firing from the rocks had stopped.The northern entrance had obviously been compromised. After much shouting, the men outside stopped their wild firing, eventually realizing they were shooting at no targets.

Gip peeked out and saw heads or silhouettes occupying all the southern windows, rifle barrels waving back and forth across the rock formations. Although he couldn't see them, he guessed there were at least six more men hiding outside among the rocks.

Bracing himself against the sound, he fired the claymores. Again, concussion rocked the night. Body parts were strewn about the compound, falling to the ground with a sickening, wet sound. A preternatural silence followed the explosion. No gunshots, no birds, no insects, no voices; merely the ringing in his ears. Everything outside the citadel was dead.

Gip estimated about a dozen bodies in the south compound. He didn't know how many Drake had gotten on the north side, but with luck he had gotten at least the men in the windows. That left the four snipers on the roof, plus between two and five inside, plus Tartus.

Gip checked his watch. Drake would be in the aqueduct soon. It was time for phase two.

My Review:
4 stars

While the book got off to a slow start, I was soon drawn in and along for the ride. Just a heads up, this was definitely an action adventure, not a thriller. For some reason, after reading the blurb I thought this was a thriller, but once I got into the story, I found the focus was more on the action and adventure than the intrigue (though there was plenty of intrigue). While I was a bit disappointed, I ultimately liked the action adventure angle more, as it worked well here.

The book was also more existential than I was expecting, as it does put some thought into how a cold-blooded assassin is made and the morality of it, rather than just making said assassin. It was a bit unsettling to see glimpses of how Drake became the stony killer, especially when seeing the connection between his personal life and his military life. The level of detail here was unexpected and took this from a 3 star to a 4. 

The only thing that kept this from being a 5 for me is because while I loved the realism and detail in Drake's characterization, I also felt that at times, it was unrealistic. Okay, he already has qualities that make being an assassin easier. Fine. But to go from being a regular Joe with violent tendencies to expert assassin right out of basic training? Slightly doubtful. Also, the story did drag a bit at times, but ultimately that wasn't a big problem as I still greatly enjoyed the story. If you're looking for a good action adventure with an interesting lead, I would recommend giving Execution of Justice a read.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
Patrick received Advanced Infantry Training while stationed at Fort Benning. This inspired him to write his first novel, Execution of Justice, a story driven by John Drake's mission to rescue innocent women from the world's most dangerous criminal. Drake's advanced military tactics prove handy when he steps right into the middle of an impending World War.

Patrick's degree in Political Science helped him incorporate the geopolitical boiling pot of the early 1970s with a military action adventure plot. His Master's degree in chemistry provided a foundation for some of the more creative military tactics used in "Execution of Justice".

Patrick has had eight poems published in the Presbyterian College annual literary magazine, Figs and Thistles, and is a member of Mensa.

Patrick's newest project, Mortal Coil, is a techno-thriller about the catastrophic possibilities of genetic engineering.

From the Author
In "Execution of Justice", I wanted to add deep characterization to the military action adventure genre, exploring concepts such as: revenge vs. forgiveness, universal vs. relative morality, self-discovery and the roots of what makes each of us who we are. Family, abuse, trauma, personal loyalties, betrayals and patriotic obligations conflict and eventually form the amalgam that is our protagonist, John Drake.

During the tour, Execution of Justice will be FREE. To receive your copy of the book, please visit the author's website.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Evolved VBT

Humanity has spread to the far reaches of space with The Golden Door, a planetary colonization monopoly, selling off every desirable and not so desirable planet to desperate settlers.

Each new world comes with new challenges, and to meet that challenge the children are evolving.

When Pieter, and other gifted children like him, become the target of government research they must fight not only for their lives but the future of their kind.

NOTE: The book is on sale for $0.99.

His gut roiled and something dark and cold escaped from inside him. Words that frightened him to say,

“I could kill you,” he hissed.  What he considered doing was against everything he believed. To kill was to violate the fifth commandment and would damn him for all eternity.

“I don’t doubt you could. But if you do you will never leave this room alive and your entire family will be killed. Is that what you want?”

Pieter paused while their eyes locked. Something feral had been awakened in him. “Nyet.”

“Good. That’s settled. We’ve made arrangements to hold you in a secure place, and in a way that will protect our people. You understand the necessity for this, Pieter?”


“Good. I’m glad we had this chance to talk. Someone will be along soon to move you to your new room.”

Never Underestimate the Power of a Good Villain

So, you dreamed up a great hero. Strong, confident, handsome (or beautiful as the case may be). He's smart to the point of being freakishly brilliant, stronger than Atlas, faster than Hermes and so on an so forth. How are your readers going to know how hot digity awesome the hero is without an equally awesome villain. I learned very early on that a hero is only as good as the bad guy (or girl).

No one is going to admire a hero who fights off a hoard of renegade Girl Scouts pushing knock off cookies. That being said a villain should appear unstoppable up to the climax of your story where your hero finds a way to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. I have employed demigods, tortured souls twisted by circumstance and power mad bureaucrats convinced they are following God’s will to save mankind from a mutant menace. However, it is crucial to remember that evil does not see him or her self as evil. Hitler saw himself as the savior of his people.

Conversely not everyone we consider a hero actually is. Andrew Jackson is widely heralded  as the hero of the battle of New Orleans and a populist President. But it should be noted that he was also the architect of the Trail of Tears and the American Holocaust. His treatment of the Native American population became the blueprint for Hitler's Final Solution.

Good Guy- Bad Guy there are endless shades of gray and it is the writers job to paint them that way. The writer must look for an underlying motivation that drives their desire for revenge, conquest and destruction or for peace and unity. Remember the most important element is to find a balance between the forces at war in your story.

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
Archer Miller emerged from the East Texas hill country and set his sights on finding the life of which few of his contemporaries dreamed. In 1974, he migrated to Boulder, Colorado to enroll at the Naropa Institute – now known as the Naropa University, a tiny Liberal Arts college founded by the renowned Tibetan Buddhist scholar and lineage holder, the Ven. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche (1940-1987). Rinpoche was enormously influential in spreading the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism to the West.

Archer earned a degree in herbs and creative writing. He was a four-year Letterman on the Varsity Competitive Meditation Team.

After graduating in 1978, he took a year off to hike the Jack Kerouac literary trail. He became a top freelance gun-for-hire with dozens of ad agencies across the south and southwest. As a way to deal with the proliferation of Disco, he took up Zen Archery.

Buy Links:
Smashwords     |     Amazon

Monday, November 27, 2017

If I Want You VBT

When local journalist, Tori Peterson, fails to prevent a child abduction outside her niece’s school, her horror and guilt sparks a vow to do whatever it takes to get little Abby Brady home to her parents.

While Tori battles the vile memories of her own kidnapping as a child, she accepts the help of widowed father, Mark Bolton. As he and Tori join forces with the local police, their attraction and intimacy grows…along with their fears for Abby.

Links are uncovered between Abby’s disappearance and Tori’s kidnapping, and Tori is forced to accept the monster who held her captive is back. But this time, Tori is all grown up, and there is no way she will let him hurt another little girl.

It wasn’t the just the smell of fresh air and sandalwood that alerted Tori to the fact Mark had joined them. It was the way his shadow fell over her as though covering her body with his wide, deep and potentially dangerous protectiveness.

She didn’t bother to look at him...even though her Cally was seriously looking. Tori lifted her hand in a half-hearted wave. “Take a seat, superhero.”

“I will.” He sat beside her. “Thank you.”

Every now and then, when she was alone at home, she’d picked up a book. And every now and then, Tori would toss the book across the room whenever she read the words, “the air crackled between them.” Well, whatever instantly plagued the atmosphere between her and Mark as she forced her gaze to his, she was loath to call it crackling. Maybe humming… screaming… burning… but definitely not crackling.

She swallowed. “What are you doing here?”

“Olivia’s staying at a friend’s. I was at a loose end.”

Despite her best efforts to fight her smile, it was ruthless and broke through her barriers like they were made of sugar paper. “Loose end, my ass. You were no doubt pacing around the house and doing everything you could not to get in the car and go get her.”

He smiled and put a glass on the table. “Merlot, right?”

Rachel, thanks so much for stopping by. So, tell us a little about yourself.
Hi! It’s great to be here J I live very close to Bath, England with my husband and our two teenagers as well as my beloved chocolate Labrador, Tyler. I write mainstream romance, romantic suspense and historical romance. When I’m not writing, I love to read, knit, watch far too much TV and walk the countryside with Tyler.

How did you get started writing?
I’ve wanted to write since I was eight and nine and wrote short stories from around this age – eventually deciding I wanted to be a journalist. Unfortunately, life took a different turn and I didn’t start writing again until 2001. I had a few short stories published in magazines and online before I embarked on my first novel in 2005. The Wild Rose Press published Searching For Sophie in 2007 and the rest is history!

What was the inspiration for your If I Want You?
The inspiration came from a newspaper article of a missing little girl – thankfully, she was safely reunited with her parents, but the inevitable ‘what if’ musings started in my head and I soon knew the outline of the story I wanted to write.

As a mother of two young girls, this book was incredibly hard to write at times but as I write romantic suspense, the happy ever after was inevitable J

What’s the one genre you haven’t written in yet that you’d like to?
I would love to write a crime novel some day, but I’m more than a little intimidated by the advances in forensics and DNA investigation. If, or when, I write this genre, I imagine it will be set in the Victorian era so the forensics aren’t quite as advanced. I also have quite a lot of knowledge of this period having written four novels set in the 1800s.
Watch this space!

Are there any genres you won’t read or write in? Why?
Horror and paranormal – even paranormal romance. My imagination just doesn’t stretch far enough to even consider writing these genres with the respect and passion all genres deserve.

What are you up to right now? Do you have any releases planned, or are you still writing?
I’m always busy, busy, busy! I am currently polishing a new romantic suspense that I hope will be the start of a series, as well writing a second Edwardian romance (the first is under consideration). As well as that, I’m promoting If I Want You and will soon start promoting A Stranger In The Cove, book 8 in my Templeton Cove series with Harlequin Superromance (all books can be read stand-alone).

Alright, now for some totally random, fun questions. Favorite color?

Favorite movie?
Forrest Gump

Book that inspired you to become an author?
Child – Enid Blyton’s Secret Seven series
Adult – Montana Sky by Nora Roberts

You have one superpower. What is it?

You can have dinner with any 3 people, dead, alive, fictitious, etc. Who are they?
Margaret Mitchell, Oprah Winfrey & Peter Kay (what a dinner that would be, lol!)

Last question: Which of your characters are you most like and how/why?
Ooh, that’s SO hard! There are aspects of me in every character I create, young, old, male or female. If I had to choose, I’d say Cat Forrester/Garrett who stars in book 1 (Finding Justice) of my Templeton Cove series as well as appearing in several others. She’s caring, feisty when she needs to be and looking for true happiness for herself and others.

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
Rachel lives with her husband and two teenage daughters in a small town near Bath in the UK. After having several novels published by small US presses, she secured agent representation in 2011. Since 2013, she has had seven books published by Harlequin Superromance (Templeton Cove Stories) and an eighth coming in Feb 2018. She also has four Victorian romances with eKensington/Lyrical Press.

Rachel is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association and Romance Writers of America, and was selected to mentor the Superromance finalist of So You Think You Can Write 2014 contest. When she isn’t writing, you’ll find Rachel with her head in a book or walking the beautiful English countryside with her family. Her dream place to live is Bourton-on-the-Water in South West England.

She likes nothing more than connecting and chatting with her readers and fellow romance writers. Rachel would love to hear from you!

Website    |    Blog    |    Twitter    |    Facebook    |    Goodreads

Friday, November 24, 2017

The Christmas Carriage and Other Writings of the Holiday Season Blurb Blitz

To celebrate holiday reading, author Alice Jane-Marie Massa invites you to join her on a snowy, imaginary carriage ride featuring her holiday memoirs, short stories, essays, and poetry from her book, THE CHRISTMAS CARRIAGE AND OTHER WRITINGS OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON.

Spanning from Thanksgiving through the new year, this collection includes her remembrances of Hoosier holidays in the 1950s and 1960s.  "The Christmas Carriage" (set in Milwaukee) and "The Puppies of New Year's Eve," along with stories about a military family, two holiday weddings, and a homeless person will warm your heart this winter.  From "Zoe's Christmas Eve" to "Snow Dancers," Alice's poetry provides merry and memorable reading for both adults and children.

With a beautifully festive cover, this book is one you will want to wrap as a holiday gift, as well as a book that you will want to keep beside your chair while you settle into the sparkle and joy of this holiday season.

For additional information about ordering this 101-page book in either print, electronic, audio, or braille versions, please visit the author's web page.

Alice also invites you to visit her weekly blog.

Somewhere along a snow-covered road on route to Santa Claus, Indiana, I came to a terrible realization--no pretty patent leather shoes were on my feet.  In a burgeoning panic, I told my dad that he had to go back home for my dress shoes because I could not possibly see Santa while I was wearing my house slippers!  My dad tried to explain to me that he could not return home, that the roads were slippery, that we had to arrive in time for Mother's meeting, and that Santa Claus would not mind my wearing boots within which were house slippers.  I was not swayed a bit by his logic.  This time was one of the extremely rare occasions when my wonderful dad did not grant my wish.  I cried real tears.  Nevertheless, that first weekend in December, I did wear my red house slippers, covered by my big red boots, to see the real Santa Claus.  Thankfully, all worked out well.  I do not think Santa had a clue about my footwear:  he still brought me the nice gifts I had shyly requested as I sat upon his knee.

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
Although Alice Jane-Marie Massa has lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for over 25 years, growing up in the rural Indiana town of Blanford (with a population of approximately 400) influenced the subject matter and style of her writing. After earning master's degrees from Indiana State University and Western Michigan University, Alice, still a Hoosier at heart, taught for 25 years, including 14 years of teaching writing and public speaking at Milwaukee Area Technical College. Having retired from teaching English and grading stacks of student papers, she now focuses on her own writing.

Alice invites you to visit her blog where, since January of 2013, she has posted weekly her poetry, essays, memoirs, or short stories. Her writings on Wordwalk frequently focus on her Indiana hometown of Blanford, her four guide dogs, her Italian ancestors, and writing. Additionally, some of her writing pieces have been published in Indiana Voice Journal, Magnets and Ladders, Dialogue, Newsreel, and The ACB Braille Forum, as well as in the anthology Behind Our Eyes: A Second Look.

Away from her desk, Alice enjoys reading, container gardening, and the television program Jeopardy. Since March 21, 1990, Alice's guide dogs have added sparkle, spirit, and independence to her life. Currently, most of all, she is grateful for her long walks with her fourth Leader Dog, Willow (a black Labrador), who is following very well in the amazing pawprints of Alice's beloved first three Leader Dogs—Keller (a Golden Retriever), Heather (a Yellow Labrador), and Zoe (a Black Lab/Golden Retriever mix).

Buy Links
DLD Books    |    Amazon    |    B&N    |    Apple    |    Kobo    |    Smashwords

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

You Taste Like Whiskey and Sunshine VBT

There's an evil queen, a demented father, some amateur boxing and a trailer park story. Even a silver fox makes an appearance. Why wouldn't that entice you?

If you are looking for something different from the rest of the books out there, something that might make you question your sanity then you will love this book.

Mom? Are you reading this? Maybe you should have a drink first. Can we get a rum and coke over here? She’s gonna need it...

A lot of people have asked me throughout this process, why I would want to write this book. There are a few reasons why I decided to completely expose myself for the world to see, but certainly one particular moment comes to mind. During a heated argument with my ex-husband, post-divorce, he blurted out that he thought I was incapable of loving another human being. It’s one of those things you hear that is so shocking to you that the argument just ceases. I was speechless, I didn’t know what to say. Normally I would have chalked it up to the fact that he was in fact a disgruntled ex because it wouldn’t be the first time we got down and dirty in an argument, but this time I didn’t. I never forgot that comment, mainly because I wondered for years if it was true. There was just something about the way he said it that made me wonder if I was really that irrevocably screwed up. So, I decided to delve into my past, for my sake as well as my daughters, to find out why I walked out on a relationship that everyone thought was perfect.

A Day in the Life of an Author

Many people in my life have wondered what an author does throughout the day. I’ll warn you ahead of time, there is no glamour involved and sometimes I’m on the cusp of cabin fever, but at least I can make my own schedule. My schedule can change to fit my needs at a moment’s notice. If I want to go and visit friends, I can do that because my schedule is never set in stone.

My ex-boyfriend used to look at me with judgment as his alarm went off at 7 am and I just nuzzled deeper into his warm and suddenly vacant pillow. I’m not much of a human being in the morning and that’s usually because I’m up writing until two or three in the morning. I’m fairly certain my boyfriend thought that I was having a Stephen King marathon on Netflix and eating Lindt chocolates all day and he would only be half right.

Typically, I start the morning slowly; caffeine is the only thing that gets my eyes to stay open for long. I don’t even change out of my pj’s unless I have errands to run or have to drop my daughter off at school, so I’m not going to lie, there are days where I lounge around in my comfy clothes for a full day. Don’t judge! I turn the kettle on to make tea and I often spend the first part of my morning journaling and manifesting the things that I want in my life. It’s a great way to start the day because it puts you in a positive mood right away. From there, I get on my laptop and check my emails, start some social media posts and then it’s time to get creative, which is my favorite part of the day. Sometimes, it’s even hard to get out of that mood when my stomach starts to growl and the laundry starts to pile up.

I wasn’t always like this though; I used to get up at the break of dawn, hating my life because I despised mornings and my job. But one day I decided to work on my passion and you know what, it all worked out. Now, I write and blog with you wonderful people. It took a lot of hard work and a belief that I could do anything to accomplish it, but here I am holding a tea and in some of the warmest comfy clothes that I own.

As much as I love being an author working from home can be a pickle at times because it takes discipline to make it work. I have to constantly keep myself motivated, otherwise, the next thing that I know I’ll be bathing my pet gecko or sitting out on my porch drinking champagne. Seriously, these things have happened! Another problem I have is not going stir crazy because writing all day can be a lonely task. Depending on if my muse is working effectively that day, I can put a solid five hours of writing in, so that can make for some pretty lonely hours. I’m typically home alone for long hours and if the radio is not at least playing I feel a little kooky at times. What typically happens is that I will play episodes of Law & Order: SVU in the background, so it’s like I’m hearing people around me at all times. Yes, I know it’s weird, but it works. Plus, I get awesome inspiration for my thriller novels.

At the end of the day, I have a pretty awesome job and I’ve never once regretted for a moment to follow my heart and my passion. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else but clicking away on my laptop in my comfy clothes. The best any of us can do for our lives is to follow our passions and do what we really love. If any of you are thinking of taking the plunge and doing what you love, I support you and can attest that happiness is on its way to you.

Don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
Kimberly spend her days writing about serial killers and playing on her blog while trying not to get sucked in by her Facebook notifications or get into the whiskey decanter (just kidding...kinda). Check out her blog.

If you are looking for something different from the rest of the books out there, something that might make you question your sanity then you will love this book.

Seriously! The comedic and sassy perspective will make you see things differently, and you may even find yourself laughing out loud. It's a good story and one that I truly believe needs to be told. Period.

It’s dark, raw and takes you to a door that keeps all my innermost secrets. I hope that the book makes you laugh, makes you cry, and inspires you to be the best version of yourself.

Website/Blog     |     Instagram     |     Facebook     |     Twitter

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Revision is a Process NBtM

A first draft holds the possibility of what will be a great story. Revision turns that rough diamond into a spectacular gem worth a reader's money and time.

Writers are individuals but to be a producing writer means creating a system to revise and polish a work so the reader thoroughly enjoys the story. REVISION IS A PROCESS is a guidebook for writers and authors that shows how a simple 12-step process can be tailored to eliminate the most common and chronic maladies of writing genre fiction. This valuable guidebook contains secrets, tips, practical advice, how-to's, and why-to's for taking the frustration out of self-editing.

From Section 9 - Said is not Dead
One of the most controversial aspects of writing dialogue is the use of said as a speech tag. Some think using said is pedestrian and boring, others pepper every line of dialogue with said for fear the reader won't know who is speaking. The fact is that said is nearly invisible to a reader. However, overuse is a common problem, so delete as many as possible without jeopardizing clarity or use beats. (Revisit the Oubliette example on the previous page. Said was not used. Beats were.)

In your review to minimize using said, watch for LY or ING ending speech tags like: "Drop dead," she said dramatically. That tells (and does so poorly). Instead show with a beat: "Drop dead." The anger in her voice was unmistakable. You should avoid such tags as "Of course," he said knowingly (which has an ING and an LY). You may catch the LY and ING tags in the passivity check, which is discussed in Section 11. However, don't mistake the ING words when they're necessary, such as "Oh, that dialogue speech tag has a participle added to it," Marsha said, squinting at the underlined word on the page.

Yes, that's right, squinting is part of a participle phrase, which can be useful in speech tags.

Background of the book

Okay, I will admit it. I began writing as a Pantser, one who writes by the seat of their pants. I also fell for all the rhetoric about BICHOK (Butt In Chair Hands On Keyboard) and let it all flow out as it may.

Of course, that led to extremely messy first drafts wrought with all kinds of problems that had to be fixed or manuscripts ended up in the closet because they dead-ended. Overhauling a completed draft drove me crazy.

Out of such hair-pulling frustrations, I shouted "There has to be a better way!" Not only did I want a better way to overhaul a manuscript but I also sought accurate advice on streamlining the process of telling a story. It's not enough to write well, it's a matter of telling a story well from the get-go.

So I went on a six-month binge of reading and studying all the how-to books I could borrow from the library and buying some that dealt only with revising. That flood of information was an eye-opener. It led to me realizing there were actually ten categories of how writers generate stories. And I was not a Pantser but a Foundation type of writer. (If you're interested in knowing what the 10 Types of Writers are, request a free copy).

Knowing that the story "dump" I get has everything I need to know about a story led to my establishing a Project Bible for all my writing projects. Such knowledge means I answer all the pertinent story questions before I write, netting me the broad brush strokes of the plot, characters, etc. Which means I do not have to overhaul an entire story or, worse, begin a story only to have it dead-end.

However, just because I turn out better first drafts doesn't mean I'm home free. There will always be elements that need looked at, evaluated, rewritten, or checked for. So I came up with my Master Revision Cheat Sheets.

In 2015, at my Writers Cheat Sheets Blog, I did a twelve-part series on the process of revision, going from the Big Picture items to the Final Checks. At the end of the year, I promised my readers to put the series in a book. REVISION IS A PROCESS—HOW TO TAKE THE FRUSTRATION OUR OF SELF-EDITING was published in April. However, in this guidebook, I not only added more information, I included a Revision Master Cheat Sheet checkoff list.

One thing every writer needs to keep in mind, and which I constantly stressed in REVISION IS A PROCESS, is that revision is a process. It's about not reading through a story a million times trying to find and fix things but searching for specifics and fixing them (and only them) before moving on to the next item to check for.

Do you have to do all twelve steps of the process? Of course not. After all, some things you know you did right from the onset. However, other things you know you need to check so an editor won't waste their time pointing out the same things a million times. Having a revision process also means your book is less likely to have errors that will turn off readers, editors, and agents.

Now, for you Pantsers, I have a question for you— How many times, on average, would you say you go through a draft to get the words right and sort the story out? Then add to that the number of times you go through the work to polish the grammar and punctuation. Please share your findings with a comment.

Don't forget to visit the other stops on the tour.

Author Bio and Links:
Catherine E. McLean's lighthearted, short stories have appeared in hardcover and online anthologies and magazines. Her books include JEWELS OF THE SKY, KARMA & MAYHEM, HEARTS AKILTER, and ADRADA TO ZOOL (a short story anthology). She lives on a farm nestled in the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains of Western Pennsylvania. In the quiet of the countryside, she writes lighthearted tales of phantasy realms and stardust worlds (fantasy, futuristic, and paranormal) with romance and adventure. She is also a writing instructor and workshop speaker. Her nonfiction book for writers is REVISION IS A PROCESS - HOW TO TAKE THE FRUSTRATION OUT OF SELF-EDITING.

Hub Website    |    Website for Writers    |    Writers Cheat Sheets Blog
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Buy Links:
Amazon     |     Barnes & Noble

Monday, November 20, 2017

Arrested Flight Review Tour

Ex-police detective Michael McLaren is determined to have a peaceful holiday after the fiasco of his first attempt at Windermere, so he stops at a bed-and-breakfast in Moorton, a village in Cumbria.  But mystery and murder seek him out, and he soon succumbs to the B&B owner’s plea to investigate the year-old death of her daughter’s fiancé, a young musician.

The Lake District parish seems peaceful, but a rival  musician’s jealousy and a business partner’s anger boil beneath the façade.  Mix that with ‘Barmy Barry’s’ sightings of fairy lights  at the castle, references to Uther Pendragon's return and the secrets in the woods, and McLaren finds his sanity shaky.

When the vicar is attacked and Barry disappears, McLaren sets a trap for the killer.  But as it plays out, his concern shifts from the potential capture to praying he and his friend can escape with their lives.

Barry looked up, apparently aware of McLaren for the first time, and called, “If Vicar takes you into the church, stay away from the soul in the coffin.”

McLaren turned around, clearly surprised. “Pardon?”

“The soul,” Barry reiterated while chewing, “It lives by the coffin near the north aisle. It’s a big coffin.” He turned to face Church Lane, holding out his arms and gazing at the sky. Wriggling his left arm, he said, “It’s on the north aisle.”

“Have you seen the soul, Barry?”

“Lots of times. Morning, noon and night. He comes out more at night. He doesn’t like to be seen. He told me.”

“He must get cramped, lying in that tomb.”

“He comes out when the fairies fly around with their lights, so he can see. Church is awful dark at night. He don’t frighten me, but there’s others do.”

My Review:
4 stars

I did not know going in that this was book 8 in the series, but I was still able to follow everything. There were a few times where I noticed details or character traits that probably would have made more sense to me had I read the other books in the series, but it wasn't a big problem.

I enjoyed the plot and the writing style. The story was well written, and I was drawn into the mystery, enjoying the level of details as they made the story that much more real to me. 

My favorite part of the book was McLaren himself. While he was talented and smart he was also flawed. In other words, he was human. And I was a big fan of the fact that the author didn't go the "I'm brilliant and a jerk" route with McLaren. I was a little confused by some of his actions, but I think that might be because I haven't read the other books in the series and gotten to know McLaren.

The only part that annoyed me where the viewpoint changes as I wasn't expecting them. Normally I don't mind them, but I found them a bit distracting and disorienting at times (which might have been the point). Also, there were some "huh?" moments when reading that distracted me a bit, but overall, this was a fun mystery, and I cannot wait to read the rest of the books in the series!

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

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Author Bio and Links:
A month-long trip to England during her college years introduced Jo to the joys of Things British.  Since then, she has been lured back nearly a dozen times, and lived there during her professional folksinging stint.  This intimate knowledge of Britain forms the backbone of both the Taylor & Graham mysteries and the McLaren mystery series.

 Jo’s insistence for accuracy from police methods and location layout to the general “feel” of the area has driven her innumerable times to Derbyshire for research.  These explorations and conferences with police friends provide the detail filling the books.

In 1999, Jo returned to Webster University to major in English.  She graduated in 2001 with a BA degree and departmental honors.

Her cat, Tennyson, shares her St. Louis home.

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