Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Grin & Beard It Book Blitz


Grin&BeardItCoverSienna Diaz is everyone’s favorite “fat” funny lady. The movie studio executives can’t explain it, but her films are out-grossing all the fit and trim headliners and Hollywood’s most beautiful elite. The simple truth is, everyone loves plus-sized Sienna.

But she has a problem, she can’t read maps and her sense of direction is almost as bad as her comedic timing is stellar. Therefore, when Sienna’s latest starring role takes her to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park she finds herself continually lost while trying to navigate the backroads of Green Valley, Tennessee. Much to her consternation, Sienna’s most frequent savior is a ridiculously handsome, charming, and cheeky Park Ranger by the name of Jethro Winston.

Sienna is accustomed to high levels of man-handsome, so it’s not Jethro’s chiseled features or his perfect physique that make Sienna stutter. It’s his southern charm. And gentlemanly manners. And habit of looking at her too long and too often.

Sienna has successfully navigated the labyrinth of Hollywood heartthrobs. But can she traverse the tenuous trails of Tennessee without losing her head? Or worse, her heart?

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About the Author:
Penny Reid is the USA Today Best Selling Author of the Winston Brothers and Knitting in the City series. When she's not immersed in penning smart romances, Penny works in the biotech industry as a researcher. She's also a full time mom to three diminutive adults, wife, daughter, knitter, crocheter, sewer, general crafter, and thought ninja.


Monday, May 30, 2016

Stare Him Down Book Blast

This Dom’s life is turned upside down when he agrees to enter into a modern-day marriage of convenience with a woman who’s sassy and vanilla.

Only problem?

She’s not vanilla. And the side of sassy she comes with is sure to get them both into trouble when he finds out.

One deep breath later, she squared her shoulders and sent up a silent prayer that James was still in the front hall waiting for her so she could make a grand entrance. The more she put herself in front of him the less likely he’d be able to turn away.

Oh yeah, when she rounded the corner on the stairway landing, James was there and he certainly wasn’t looking away.

Not even a blink over his rapidly descending scowl. Which told her one thing.

She’d nailed the outfit.


James waited until Mickey stopped on the bottom step. They were almost eye-to-eye between the boots she was wearing and the additional inches afforded by the stair riser. “Did I misread the invitation?” He let his gaze flicker down to her snugly fit bustier. “Are costumes required?”

“Nope, just for me. Don’t you like it? The kids are going to love it.”

No he did not like it. And as for the kids? “Is this an all-boys hospital?”

She made a face that said he was being a jerk, and then tilted her head as though assessing him. “Why would you ask that? Because Wonder Woman is a babe?” She straightened her head and glared at him. “Superheroes are not to be sexually coveted.”

He crossed his arms over his chest and glared right back. “Says who?”

“Says every mother and father ever.”

That made him grin. “Oh. I suppose you went to Comic-Con and took a survey when those mother and fathers were drinking their costume-coiffed faces off, before they sexually coveted each other in their hotel rooms at the end of the evening?”

Author Bio and Links:
Riley Murphy writes sexy, humorous, and emotional romance, happy ending guaranteed. An optimist, she believes life is amazing, people are complicated, but in a good way, and we should never stop learning. Riley currently calls Florida home with her gorgeous husband. She has two phenomenal kids, one adorable-to-the-max grandchild, and a very bossy pooch.

When Riley’s not working she enjoys reading, oil painting, and getting to the Sunday crossword before anyone else does, so she can fill-in all the easy answers first, and pull the smart card with the family.

Things Riley loves:
Writing books

Connecting with readers

Doing giveaways for her readers

Things Riley Hates:
Laundry. Seriously. She’d rather slam her fingers in a car door than do the dreaded bleach load.

A few of Riley’s favorite reviewer quotes:

If you love intellectual mind candy, read Ms. Murphy’s work!

Creative, profound and soul searing scenes abound...

One wonders if Ms. Riley is in the sex therapy and marriage counseling business as a day job. The D/s part of this story is Fabulous.

If Riley wasn’t an author she’d be an international spy with top-level security so she could have a peek at Area 51 and decide for herself if those green guys are for real. Failing that, she’d likely go with chicken sexer.

You can visit Riley's website or on TwitterFacebook or Goodreads

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Fire Up My Heart by Asta Idonea

London bartender Fane thinks he’s hit the jackpot when he finds a rare and expensive service Bot discarded in a dumpster, and he takes it home to get it working again. The Jo-E brings some much-needed companionship to Fane’s lonely life, but there’s something different about this Bot, as indicated by its odd behavior. Fane’s developing feelings toward Jo-E trouble him, and things go from bad to worse when a robotics engineer arrives on Fane’s doorstep, demanding the return of his property. Fane is forced to choose between a hefty reward and following his heart. Giving in to his forbidden desires might get him killed—or change his life forever.

Dreamspinner Press     |     ARe     |     Amazon US     |     Amazon UK

Author Bio & Links:
Asta Idonea (aka Nicki J Markus) was born in England, but now lives in Adelaide, South Australia. She has loved both reading and writing from a young age and is also a keen linguist, having studied several foreign languages.

Asta launched her writing career in 2011 and divides her efforts not only between MM and mainstream works but also between traditional and indie publishing. Her works span the genres, from paranormal to historical and from contemporary to fantasy. It just depends what story and which characters spring into her mind!

As a day job, Asta works as a freelance editor and proofreader, and in her spare time she enjoys music, theatre, cinema, photography, and sketching. She also loves history, folklore and mythology, pen-palling, and travel; all of which have provided plenty of inspiration for her writing.

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Friday, May 27, 2016

Euphoria Blitz

Euphoria Banner

The kingdom of Faldoa has thrived under its new queen. Euphoria has changed the land, yet evil lies in wait. During a mission to dispose of the last pieces of the magic mirror, she is attacked by a dark elf assassin using a mysterious box. Taylon, her captain of the Royal Guard is able to fight off the assailant, but not before damage is done to the queen.

Deep in the Territories, a strange prophecy comes forth from the elves, and Council Member Gantha is sent on a mission to find a wizard of races. Little does he know that this little foretelling speaks of resurrection of pure evil.

Taylon, with the help of a local medicine woman, seeks out a cure for the queen’s sickness in the far reaches of the kingdom, while the pieces of the magic mirror cause their own havoc.

euphoria1400Euphoria’s dark, chocolate-brown hair flew wildly in the wind as the horse freely galloped beneath her. She held back a laugh, enjoying the ride, trying to let her emotions regarding the kiss go. But they would not be suppressed.

Ever since she attained this body upon the cracking of the mirror, life had been strange. No longer trapped inside a necklace, Rose possessed someone else now. Euphoria. She didn’t understand the magic behind it. Her husband Guilaud would have, but he…

The horse jumped a fallen log, jostling her thinking into disarray.

The feelings alone of being alive again were extraordinary. But at what price? Her true husband was dead centuries ago. I am queen. A vibrant, beautiful woman. But even with all of that, Rose felt that something was missing. Sure she was attracting handsome young men, in a different time, in a different land, posing as someone else. As happy as she was, sadness rooted deep within.

Taylon knew the truth, of course. They had been through the wraith ordeal together. And they were even closer now. She felt their attraction, and she wanted it. But was she betraying Guilaud?

Her horse swiftly took the corner and a tree brushed her shoulder. Thoughts scattered again. Taylon pulled up beside her as the trail widened.

“Next town is only a little farther. We can stop there.” He flashed a smile. It soothed her worried mind.


One moment Taylon was there, and the next only his horse. Euphoria brought back the reigns. Her horse neighed, threw its head back in retort but quickly heeded the command. Taylon lay in the dirt clutching his shoulder, a crossbow bolt protruding.

What was…?

But those were the only two words she could muster before a scream filled her head. A piercing wail, shattering active thought. Suddenly, pain flooded her body. Fire, burning, scorching agony ripped through her heart. Her own voice echoed the scream.

A force jerked her out of her saddle and she fell to the hard-packed ground. Her eyes wildly danced about, unable to focus through the tears. She heard Taylon, but another torturous scream erupted from within her. Something like needles traveled through her skin, poking and tearing. She swung her arm up, expecting to see cuts, blood, but there was only dirt and pain.

Euphoria thrashed, arms and legs splaying out at all angles, trying to shake away the pain. Chaos convoluted her senses, a taste of something foul, putrid; an aroma of burning wood, and an obnoxious odor filled her nose. Above her, sky and forest blended into one.

“Euphoria!” Taylon was over her, his brow creased, and his eyes roaming erratically over her. In a second between bursts of agony, she locked eyes with him, pleading. She heard someone laugh from the trees.

“What have you…?” But the rest was lost as her own banshee cry drowned all else out. Death would be a terrific release for her.

Seconds, minutes, maybe hours passed as she released her pain through tears and screams. Why? Who? When? All were questions that briefly formed before they were shattered, lost.

As suddenly as it’d begun, it stopped.

Swords clashed near her, but Euphoria barely registered it. Every cell throbbed and waited, anticipating the next wave of pain. Her mouth hung open, ready to scream. But nothing came.

Except someone did scream.

For a moment, Euphoria thought the pain was back and she had yelled. But it wasn’t her. Turning her head, black spots danced about her eyes. The cry stopped and now someone yelled words. To her? Was it Taylon?

And he appeared at her side, fresh blood dripping from a cut on his cheek.

“My queen!”

She looked up, trying to answer him. The dark spots grew and she felt herself slipping away. She wanted to say thank you, and even I’m sorry. She wanted to say so many things, yet her mouth wouldn’t respond.

Her eyes closed as the darkness took her.

Meet the Author:
Author Bio PicEver since Scott’s mother denied naming him Scott Fitzgerald Kramer, writing has been in his blood. He watched his grandfather use an old-fashioned typewriter to compose memories about his grandmother. Finding out quickly that typewriters didn’t like him, Scott began carrying a scrap of paper and a pencil. Word processing changed his fate. Scott lives in Cincinnati with his beautiful wife and two adorable little girls. During the day, Scott as Mr. Kramer terrorizes sixth grade students, forcing them to read and write. Slowly, they come to realize that reading is fun and writing is something they have to do to pass his class. Euphoria is Scott’s second novel in the Territory Series. Soon the conclusion Taylon will be published. The first book is Kara. You can visit Scott on Wordpress.

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Hand Over Fist Review Tour

When an old friend disappears, Martin learns nothing is what it seems…

Martin Russell can barely face the future. With dismal life prospects and an estranged family, he is at the end of his rope. When an old friend, Hannah, elbows her way back into his life, Martin’s luck begins to turn around.

Hidden within the shadows of evil, there must be some good…

Ex-policeman Bobby Tanner lost everything one rage-filled night. Now he runs a reading group for alcoholics where he meets a young drug dealer, Zack, who disturbs him in a way that’s hard to define. Bobby soon discovers the teenager is in over his head and has been dealing with a despicable individual known as The Chemist.

The roots of evil run deeper than we imagine…

Martin’s lucky streak begins to unravel when Hannah suddenly goes missing, and he turns to a friend of a friend, Bobby, for help. Thrust into an underworld empire of corruption and half-truths, he learns his friend may not be who he thought she was.

In a shadowed world of deception, stalkers, and despicable drug dealers, Bobby and Martin must uncover the truth, and fast…

Several lives depend on it.

…but there was something gnawing away at him; something about Zachary Jackson that was just not right. He seemed like a good kid, a good son to a troubled mother and a dying father. But now Bobby stood in the shadows watching Zack leave The Chemist's house and he cursed his sixth sense.

The Chemist's house was one of a pair of semis that were angled at the end of Shortcross Drive. The area was the roughest part of the city, an independent borough with its own self-administered terms of crime and punishment. The crimes that carried the heaviest forms of punishment were those that affected The Chemist negatively. Punishments ranged from being forced to cut his lawn for a month to having both your knees smashed by a crow bar. And even worse penalties if you failed to insist to A&E staff that you'd been hit by a car.

By the time the local police force had recognised The Chemist's power, it was easier to leave him well alone than to face the cost of breaking down his power base. The semi detached council house was fortified more strongly than a clearing bank's vault. Over the years, every door and window had been replaced and so heavily reinforced that it would take a tank to force entry into the property.

 My Review:
3.5 stars

I had mixed feelings on this book. To start, I was very impressed with the characters and the worldbuilding considering this is the author's debut novel. The characters were fleshed out and engaging, not to mention realistic. Even when they did some not so heroic things, you still wanted to root for them to win in the end. 

Now comes my mixed feelings. There was a lot going on in this book, which worked both well and not so well. At times I felt I was reading two different stories, since Bobby and Martin seemed like two unrelated characters. So I spent a good part of the beginning confused and found the switching between storylines disjarring. However, once the stories connected and I found the link, I was hooked and enjoyed the rest of the book. Looking back, I can see hints of where the story was going, but it didn't always translate well. However, I admire the author's choice to try this method of storytelling as it is difficult and he mostly manages to successfully pull it off. 

All in all, while it takes a while to really get into it, this was a very interesting and engaging thriller and I cannot wait to see what the author writes next.

*I received this book in exchange for an honest review.*

Author Bio and Links:
It was a strange and twisting road that led to the publication of my first novel. From my humble beginnings, as an office clerk, to ownership of a multi-million dollar business I always maintained my love for literature.

Born and raised in Bristol, England. I spent most of my life in business, my companies turning over in the region of $500 million. The majority of that time marketing cars, eventually owning the largest Saab specialist in the world, before a bitter divorce forced me rethink my priorities. Particularly between 2003 and 2005 when I had to accept that I was no longer a millionaire but literally penniless. I avoided bankruptcy by the skin of my teeth and slowly rebuilt my life.

This led me to the life changing decision to leave the bustling city and move to live halfway up a mountain in the Welsh valleys. At the same time I started a part time six year English Literature course at Bristol University, and attended creative writing classes at Cardiff University. I left school at sixteen and this was my first taste of further education and an immense challenge.

I eventually adjusted my thinking to the academic life, and on 30 June 2015 had confirmation of my 2.1(Hons) degree from Bristol University. At the same time I also won the prestigious Hopkins Prize for my essay on Virginia Woolf and the unsaid within her text. Now the university courses are finished it will, with any luck, gives me plenty of extra time that I can devote to my fiction writing.

Thanks to the university experiences, my interest in English literature has flourished over recent years. Hopefully I have evolved as a writer from my earlier work in short stories (over ninety of them.) Although interestingly my first three novels have all been developed from a long forgotten short story.

Life is, once again, very good, and I live very happily halfway up a mountain, in the Welsh Valleys, with my wonderful partner Mari, and our rescue dog Wolfie.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Fibers NBtM Tour

Anna Reynolds is caught up in the middle of a secret interdimensional government agreement... and she doesn't even know it.

There's a medical anomaly loosely dubbed Morgellons disease afflicting a number of people. Symptoms include open sores that produce colorful string-like fibers, fatigue, and nightmarish visions of shadowy figures. No one knows where it came from. No one knows what causes it. There is no cure.

When Anna begins having nightmares and waking hallucinations of the shadow people, her uneasiness about her condition grows. Enlisting the help of her doctor and some friends, Anna is determined to find out what's really going on and why Morgellons is such a mystery.

With her health declining and doubts about whom she can trust, is Anna doomed to become a slave to her condition? Or will she and her unlikely group of would-be heroes come through, saving her... and, ultimately, the world?

As Anna walked home through the glistening streets of Deeplake, Washington, she adjusted her scarf and wrapped her coat around herself tightly, her breath fogging up the air in front of her. After a brief glance over her shoulder, she quickened her pace, her bag of groceries teetering in her arms momentarily as she readjusted her grip.

She’d been feeling like someone was watching or following her for weeks. At first she just shrugged it off as her own overactive imagination, but the other day, she could’ve sworn she saw a shadow out of the corner of her eye. When she looked, there was nothing there. That wasn’t the first time she had seen shadows. They were always there, just out of sight, their existence never confirmed by a direct glance. But every time it happened, she got goosebumps and the hair on the back of her neck stood on end like it does when you know someone is watching you.

Her left eye began to feel itchy and grainy as she walked, and she cursed herself for not driving. She blinked several times, but after a few moments her eye felt like it had sand in it again. This was accompanied by an unpleasant tickling sensation, which became annoying very quickly.

Her thoughts wandered as her eye got worse. She felt guilty but justified for not mentioning her problems to Casey, who had more than enough on her plate already. She also didn’t want to come across as crazy; Anna was certain she wasn’t. Some of the recent events in her life were crazy, but she was definitely sane.

Do crazy people think they’re sane?

Jennifer-Crystal, thanks so much for stopping by. Tell us a little about yourself.
First, I’d like to say thank you so much for hosting this interview on your blog! I appreciate your time in doing so and hope you and your readers enjoy it =).

Most people just call me Jen, which is what I prefer. I’m a single mother of three awesome kids, have worked from home as a freelance writer/editor/designer since late 2007, and have a total of nine books under my belt.

·        The Outside Girl: Perception is Reality (out of print)
·        Our Capacity for Evil
·        Napkin Poetry

The domestic violence anthology is currently seeking submissions if anyone has a story to share: www.SoulVomit.com.

I was an Army brat, so I spent the majority of my childhood moving around and being the new kid everywhere lol. This taught me how to make friends easily and I am grateful for that because I think it’s helped to make me a pretty well-rounded person.

I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with my three kids, our three cats, and our puppy.

Spaz the cat landed us on a reality show

How did you get started writing?
I originally got started writing through music because I learned how to play the keyboard/piano when I was eight. Within a few months I was composing my own songs, and song lyrics followed shortly thereafter, although I also enjoyed writing stories at that age. For me, music and writing are both necessary for happiness, even though I haven’t been playing the piano or singing nearly as much as I would like to. For now, I’m focused on my writing career and getting these stories out of my head and into the world =).

What was the inspiration for your book?
The inspiration for Fibers came from researching Morgellons disease, which is a real condition that has no cure and is steeped in controversy. I thought that it was intriguing, so of course my imagination ran off with an initial idea and started piecing things together to create a full-fledged story. I didn’t want to feed the real life controversy, however, so I adjusted things according to my trilogy’s plot and characters... and made it more sci-fi =).

Are there any genres you won’t read or write in? Why?
To each their own, but I tend to stay away from romance and erotica because it makes me uncomfortable lol. Not only was I raised Catholic, I’m also a domestic violence survivor and spousal rape was an almost nightly occurrence unless he was in the field or deployed, so obviously I have some issues surrounding sex. I also find that a lot of romance is completely unrealistic, which I suppose is the point, but I prefer a realistic partnership as opposed to fluffy fantasies... I had those about my ex-husband and look where that got me. Fortunately, I bounce back fairly well, but the experience definitely made me reconsider how – and how fast – I get to know people.

What are you up to right now? Do you have any releases planned, or are you still writing?
Right now I’m marketing Fibers and working on some client projects that took a backseat during April, but I’m also working on the sequel (Numbers) as well as an educational/practical eBook called The No Bull Guide to Self-Promotion for Independent Authors. This eBook, along with several others in the making, are all part of my website www.NoBullSelfPublishing.com, which aims to teach authors and aspiring authors how to self-publish their own books and promote them without breaking the bank. I can tell you that I plan to release Numbers in spring of 2018 so I have enough time to send the manuscript to beta readers and make revisions until I’m satisfied. The quality of my work is extremely important to me.

Alright, now for some totally random, fun questions. Favorite color?
Purple is my all-time favorite color, followed closely by burgundy =).

Favorite movie?
I have a number of those... Off the top of my head, some of my favorites are Girl, Interrupted; White Oleander; Fight Club; Vanilla Sky; Se7en; Pulp Fiction; Lucy; Limitless; SLC Punk; Suckerpunch; and a number of others.

Book that inspired you to become an author?
It wasn’t one book that made me want to become an author... I was always an avid reader as a child and would take at least one book with me everywhere I went. As I grew up, I started keeping a journal and found that writing was an excellent way to always have a best friend no matter how often we moved. When I was with my ex-husband, keeping a journal allowed me to look back on a number of times when he mistreated me and made me feel like I couldn’t do anything right (and then made me feel like I was going crazy through manipulation, guilt trips, and gaslighting). Because I was able to look back on all of the pain that was usually followed by an apology that really didn’t mean anything, I knew what I needed to do within three years of being married and left him. After that, writing in my journal helped me to sort out panic attacks, anxiety, strange reactions to sex and affection, and how I could overcome those things. I can literally say that writing saved my life more than once, so my heart and soul depend on it.

You have one superpower. What is it?
Tapping into the unlimited power of 100% of my mind & soul at will =). That would be awesome. To harness the ideas and productivity of the mind while simultaneously harnessing the infinite energy of the soul... holy crap, that would be intense lol.

Last question: Which of your characters are you most like and how/why?
Fibers is interesting as far as that goes because Anna is a lot like me now, and her best friend, Casey, is a lot like how I used to be in my twenties. I think that, as the trilogy progresses, they will branch away from my personality more, but I needed a starting point, so I used aspects of myself =).

Thank you for the excellent questions! Please don’t forget to pick up a copy of Fibers on Amazon. If you’d like to receive excerpts as well as updates from me, please head over to www.JenniferCrystalJohnson.com and sign up for my author newsletter. I won’t spam you, but you’ll receive new blog posts as well as updates, announcements of new releases, chances to win prizes, and more.

That’s all from me, thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!

Author Bio and Links:
Jennifer-Crystal Johnson is originally from Germany, but was raised an Army brat. She has published one novella under her former last name, The Outside Girl: Perception is Reality (Publish America, 2005 - out of print as of 2013), a poetry book, Napkin Poetry (Broken Publications, 2010), and a collection of poetry, art, and prose called Strangers with Familiar Faces (Broken Publications, 2011). She's also published a collection of short creature horror stories called If You're Human Don't Open the Door (Broken Publications, 2012), a personal development book called The Ten Pillars of a Happy Relationship (Broken Publications, 2014), and a collection of more horror stories (no creatures this time, just people) called Our Capacity for Evil (Broken Publications, 2015). She has several poems and short stories published on Every Writer's Resource and has recently published a science fiction novel called Fibers, the first book in the Infiltration Trilogy. Jen owns and operates Broken Publications and publishes an annual anthology to raise awareness about domestic violence called Soul Vomit. When she isn't writing or editing, she enjoys playing games with her three kids, watching crime shows on Netflix, or reading. She lives in WA State with her three children, three cats, and a crazy puppy named Thor. You can connect with her on her website, Twitter, or Facebook.

Video excerpts – watch the author read!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A Wedding at Meadows Shore Blurb Blitz

Meadows Shore is the childhood home of the five Clayton sisters and the six Harrington brothers, the family seat where these irresistible characters gather regularly…or whenever they need the comfort of Portuguese home cooking and the love and wisdom of elder women.

After Sophie Clayton catches her husband in bed with a young intern, she creates a new life for herself as the executive director of a failing domestic violence agency. It’s the perfect job for a woman born to fix everything. A friend’s broken heart, a tattered agency, a flat tire—she’ll roll up her sleeves and make it as good as new. Sophie rarely encounters anything she can’t fix…until she meets the devastatingly handsome and insufferably arrogant, Max Parker. One of Boston’s most eligible bachelors, he’s never without a stunning young woman on his arm and in his bed.

When Sophie’s forced to deal with Max, sparks fly, and somewhere in the crossfire of verbal daggers and clever barbs, she discovers his darkest secret.

“Do you mind if I throw this in the freezer?”

“Of course not, dear. You may need to move a few things around, but there should be plenty of room. Max, my hands are wet, would you help Sophie get that ice cream into the freezer—the one in the pantry. What flavors did you end up making?”

Sophie headed toward the pantry off the kitchen. “Coffee for Daniel, vanilla, and mint chocolate chip. I thought they’d all work with chocolate cake.”

He took the cooler from her. “You made the ice cream?”

She nodded, opening the freezer.

“I’m impressed. Mint chip is my favorite.”

“Really? I would’ve pegged you more as a rocky road kind of guy—dark, with bitter chunks, and nuts—not too smooth.”

He could only see her back at the moment, but he knew her eyes were twinkling and the corners of her mouth were curved up. He could hear it in her voice. 

He grabbed a piece of ice from the freezer and reached around her, touching the icy half-moon to the hollow of her neck, the sweet spot right where it meets the collarbone. The very spot he wanted to kiss. She jumped, startled by the unexpected cold against her skin, and raised her hand to swat him away.

“I don’t think so,” he crowed. Letting the ice cube fall to the floor he grabbed both her wrists, holding them while she struggled to get free. He leaned against her, pinning her between his body and the refrigerator door. Even the chill from the open freezer wasn’t enough to cool what was smoldering between them. He could feel her pulse racing, saw her lips part in anticipation. He bent to kiss her, but caught himself just in time, emitting a low growl instead. As much as he wanted it, this wasn’t the time or the place to steal a kiss.

Author Bio and Links:
Eva Charles is the author of the multi-titled Meadows Shore Series that chronicles the lives and loves of the Clayton-Harrington family. She invites you to visit their beloved Meadows Shore nestled in the charming seaside town of Fair Harbor, where you’ll enjoy love, laughter, loyalty, and an abundance of mouth-watering food, Portuguese style.

After being a confirmed city-girl for more than thirty-five years, Eva moved to beautiful western Massachusetts in 2014. There, she found herself living in the woods with no job, no friends (unless you count the turkeys, deer, and coyotes roaming the backyard), and no children underfoot, wondering what on earth she’d been thinking. But as it turned out, it was the perfect setting to take all those yarns spinning in her head and weave them into a romantic tale.

When she’s not writing, trying to squeeze information out of her tight-lipped sons, or playing with the two cutest dogs you’ve ever seen, Eva’s creating chapters in her own love story.

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