Thursday, March 31, 2016

Eolyn Book Blast

In a land ravaged by civil war, the Mage King Kedehen initiates a ruthless purge of the magas. Eolyn, last daughter of the magas and sole heiress to their forbidden craft, seeks refuge in the South Woods.

When she meets the mysterious Akmael, heir to the throne of this violent realm, she embarks on a path of hope, seduction, betrayal, and war. Desire draws Eolyn toward Akmael’s dark embrace, but fate binds her to Corey of East Selen, a cunning mage whose ambition challenges the limits of love and loyalty.

Can she trust either man?

Hunted in a realm of powerful wizards and brutal deceptions, Eolyn must find her own path to freedom or she will burn on the pyre.

"Vigorously told deceptions and battle scenes, with a romantic thread." -Publishers Weekly


Eolyn knew Akmael did not agree with her decision, and for a moment she thought he would ruin their last meeting by starting another argument. Instead he drew back his sleeve and said, “I would like to give you something to remember me by.”

The symbols embroidered into the fabric of his robe reflected the forest in multiple shades of green. Underneath the folds, Eolyn saw a silver band around his arm. Removing the jewel with care, Akmael offered it to Eolyn.

Awed, Eolyn turned the bracelet over in her hands. On the etched surface she recognized multiple forms of Dragon: winged serpent, snake, lion, butterfly, river otter, fish and many others. Each figure blended into the next, creating a single creature as fantastic as imagination itself.

“It’s beautiful,” she breathed.

“It was a gift from my mother.” Akmael’s voice broke with quiet emotion. “She gave it to me before she died.”

Retrieving the armband gently from her grasp, Akmael slipped it over Eolyn’s wrist and moved it just past her elbow. The metal coiled into a perfect fit against her skin.

Akmael’s hand traveled back down Eolyn’s arm. He caught her fingers in his and studied her for a moment. “I will miss you, Eolyn.”

Then he leaned forward and kissed her.

Author Bio and Links:
Karin Rita Gastreich writes stories of ordinary women and the extraordinary paths they choose. She lives in Kansas City, Missouri, where she is part of the biology faculty at Avila University. An ecologist by vocation, Karin has wandered forests and wildlands for over twenty years. Her past times include camping, hiking, music, and flamenco dance. In addition to The Silver Web trilogy, Karin has published short stories in World Jumping, Zahir, Adventures for the Average Woman, and 69 Flavors of Paranoia. She is a recipient of the Spring 2011 Andrews Forest Writer’s Residency.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

House Hunt Book Blitz

House Hunt Blitz Banner

Jack Horwood hates owing favors. But when a simple day out to treat Gareth to the best oysters in England leads to a discovery of drugs and counterfeit money—things that neither Jack nor Gareth have the jurisdiction to handle—he has to call in help. Help that doesn’t come cheap, and that forces him to do something he promised himself he’d never do again—walk away from Gareth and the family he’s starting to make for himself.

Three months undercover is a long time. After missing Gareth’s birthday, Jack is determined not to miss their first anniversary. But coming home and being home are two very different things. So when he is asked to assist with a corporate espionage investigation, Jack can’t say no, despite knowing it will impact his already straining relationship. Except, of course, he’s walking into a trap….

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House Hunt Cover
A deep, throaty rumble broke the quiet of the morning and Gareth frowned. It didn’t sound like Jack’s beloved Gixxer, and anyway, he had been told they were not riding to… wherever it was they were going. The sound neared and settled outside his house, and when Gareth opened the front door and walked to the end of the drive, he came face-to-face with Jack Horwood—in a way he’d never seen or imagined him before.

He was used to Jack in skintight jeans and with a screwdriver between his teeth, bent over desks, or crawling into spaces rodents would have found restrictive. He was used to Jack in leather, astride his bike, and Jack in sleeveless tops and jogging bottoms moving through kata with grace and precision. He was even used to Jack the tease, meshing leather, music, and suggestive moves until Gareth thought his skin would catch on fire. Jack appealed to him whatever incarnation he chose, and this time around he had surpassed himself.

Long, low-slung, and roofless, with sexy, graceful curves, the deep green two-seater sparkled in the early morning sunlight. Jack sat snugly ensconced in magnolia leather, a dark green fleece top and matching ball cap complementing the color of the car. Fingerless driving gloves of soft black leather and aviator sunglasses added to his rakish look. He grinned from ear to ear, revving the engine, playing with the throaty sound.

“Come on, Flynn, the morning’s wasting.”

“What the fuck is that?”

“Transport. Get your gear and get in before I wake the neighborhood,” Jack sniped at Gareth’s question. “This isn’t a sound you can ignore for long.”

Gareth had to agree. The deep bass notes of the car’s engine rippled down the street and back again. He quickly ducked inside and reached for wallet, phone, and keys before he grabbed a jacket from the rack and sunglasses and a ball cap from a drawer. Moments later he stood beside the car’s passenger door and frowned at the lack of a visible door handle. Surely Jack wasn’t expecting him to vault over the door?

Jack’s laugh, carefree and enticing, bubbled up over the engine’s rumble, and without Gareth being able to see what he did, the passenger door popped open, ready for Gareth to climb in.

The seat was a surprisingly long way down. And once he sat, all he could see were acres of creamy hide and gleaming walnut trim, with a tiny slice of glittering green bonnet stretching out in front of him.

“Where did you get this monster?” he asked as he pulled the seat belt across his chest and Jack peeled away from the curb with a deep V-8 growl that was sure to rattle windowpanes along the quiet cul-de-sac.

“It’s mine. Well, half of it is.”


Book 1 - Job Hunt
Job Hunt Book #1 Cover
You don’t greet your new boss dressed like an underage rent boy. But when Jack Horwood—ace hacker and ex-MI6 operative—opens the door to Gareth Flynn, he's too busy to worry over details like that. And anyway, his potential new boss is his former Commanding Officer – the same guy Jack has had a crush on since he was seventeen. So he should understand, right?

When he applied for the job in Nancarrow Mining's corporate security division, Jack had hoped for peaceful days repelling cyber attacks. Maybe a bit of corporate espionage on the side. His plans didn't include rescuing abused children, hunting pimps, or dealing with his overly protective and hot-as-hell boss, Gareth Flynn. Walking away is not an option. Jack never takes the easy way out. More than that, meeting Gareth raises old ghosts that Jack needs to put to rest. Rescuing kids. Taking risks. Saving the day. Jack can do all that – but deciding what to do about his attraction to Gareth isn’t the sort of cloak-and-dagger game Jack plays well. Yet Gareth, strong and smart and always on hand when needed, might be Jack’s salvation.

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ARe     |     Dreamspinner Press


Book 2 - Ghosts
Ghosts Book #2 CoverJack Horwood doesn’t do families. Or Christmas. From the time his mother sold him to her pimp to the moment he walked out on the man he loved, Christmas has always been about change and painful choices. This year seems no different. Helping Daniel and Nico recover from their imprisonment and hunting down those responsible puts Jack in a frame of mind he doesn’t want to inflict on anyone. Least of all Gareth and the tentative relationship they’ve started to rebuild.

But Gareth, for whom Christmas is all about new beginnings, won’t let Jack take the easy way out. He makes him face his ghosts instead. Even when said ghosts invade their bedroom. When Daniel’s parents are found, Jack is determined to settle the matter without involving Daniel at all. But fate decrees otherwise, and it’s Gareth who helps him finally understand that the strongest bonds are those forged together. Once he gets that, Jack can step up and make a decision designed to lay his ghosts to rest—for good.

Amazon     |     B&N     |    KOBO     |     iBooks     |     ARe     |     Dreamspinner Press


About the Author:

Jackie Keswick

House Hunt Blitz Giveaway Graphic

Calling the Reaper Book Blast

The time of the Unity has ended. Now, the realm of man is stranded between Paradise and Purgatory. The Valkyrie and Reaper battle over the fate of all who pass from the land of the living and into the afterlife.

Eight mortal spirits from vastly different worlds tread the same, inevitable path toward their last, crucial decision. Within them all exists the defining conflict every man must face—to look upon the end of their life with glory and honor, or to give credence to their baser longings, calling the Reaper to their own demise.

In this rich, harrowing tale of pride, deceit, honor, vengeance, and redemption, each individual must battle their inner turmoil, facing the sacrifices they have made before their unavoidable end in the land of the living.

But their last day in life is also their first day of death amidst the terrors of the underworld. Lord Master Death wants them all…and the real battle has only just begun.

“In the beginning. In the time before. When the Unity sat atop the throne in Paradise and reigned over the world of man below, all was good and fruitful. There was life without end for every spirit drawing breath within the embrace of the Unity. Things were as such for a time longer than memory itself. But such things end. The day of the Shattering came upon us all. Paradise above and the realm of man below were forever changed. The Unity became no more, and from it was born both Life and Death. On that day, it was decreed that all who lived must one day die. And we the Valkyrie, the children of Paradise, became its warriors. Our robes were replaced with armor, and hands once empty now grasp sword and shield. Our charge is to watch over those who dwell below in the realm of man. We are tasked with the guardianship of every spirit that yet holds life. We shall protect them until that life is at an end. Then it must leave the realm of man. For each spirit that meets its end with virtue and courage, we the Valkyrie shall fly to them and bid them welcome into the warmth of Paradise. For each spirit that meets its end with fear and wickedness, they shall call the Reaper, and I shall mourn them as they are cast into the cold realm filled with weeping and the gnashing of teeth.”
—Laurel, ArchValkyrie of the Thorn Crown

Author Bio and Links:
Jason Pere is a born-and-raised New Englander. He always had a passion for the arts and creative storytelling. At the age of thirteen, Jason took up the craft of acting for film and theater. He pursued that interest for over a decade until refocusing his medium of expression into writing.

At first, Jason took a causal interest in writing, starting with poetry and journaling. Over time, he honed his direction and finally began writing larger works. In November of 2012, Jason self-published his first book, Modern Knighthood: Diary of a Warrior Poet.

Since then, Jason has continued writing on his own, mostly short stories and poetry. Calling the Reaper was his first experience committing to a full-length Fiction title.

In early 2015, Jason became affiliated with Collaborative Writing Challenge (CWC). Since then, he has joined many other writers on numerous collaborative projects. Jason is a regular contributor to CWC and is scheduled to have multiple pieces of his work appear in their publications throughout 2016.

You can find out more about Jason Pere’s involvement and publications in collaborative fiction at:

To connect with Jason, check him out at Facebook.

Jason also writes fanfiction for Team Covenant on their Blog of the Pheonixborn, dedicated to the new game by Plaid Hat Games, ‘Ashes’. Go to to read Jason’s flash fiction work.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Ghosts (The Power of Zero, Book 2) Review

Jack Horwood doesn’t do families. Or Christmas. From the time his mother sold him to her pimp to the moment he walked out on the man he loved, Christmas has always been about change and painful choices. This year seems no different. Helping Daniel and Nico recover from their imprisonment and hunting down those responsible puts Jack in a frame of mind he doesn’t want to inflict on anyone. Least of all Gareth and the tentative relationship they’ve started to rebuild.

But Gareth, for whom Christmas is all about new beginnings, won’t let Jack take the easy way out. He makes him face his ghosts instead. Even when said ghosts invade their bedroom.

When Daniel’s parents are found, Jack is determined to settle the matter without involving Daniel at all. But fate decrees otherwise, and it’s Gareth who helps him finally understand that the strongest bonds are those forged together. Once he gets that, Jack can step up and make a decision designed to lay his ghosts to rest—for good.

My Review:
3 stars

To start with, this was much shorter than both the first and the third book, so I knew that there probably wouldn’t be as much going on.

The focus of the book was on Jack and Gareth’s furthering relationship. We got to see them spend Christmas, New Year’s, and Valentine’s Day together, as well as take some very big steps in their relationship, which I loved. The book also focused on Nico and Daniel, leading to a big change in the lives of all four characters (which I won’t spoil here). I liked this because I felt like we got to really know the characters, especially since there wasn’t so much going on like in the first book. Unfortunately, this caused the story to drag a bit at times, but for the most part, it worked.

We also got to see a lot more of Gareth in this book, which I loved. We learned a bit more about his past, saw him interacting more with Nico and Daniel (which was just freaking adorable), and got to see how much he loves to cook. I constantly wanted to eat while reading this book, the food descriptions were so vivid and sounded absolutely delicious.

This book also provided closure on the prostitution case from book 1; emotional closure in the form of Nico and Daniel facing their fears and plot closure with Goran going on trial and Jack tracking down the johns.

While I like the character development in the story, I also had a lot of issues with it. First, the book didn’t touch on any of the events hinted at in the epilogue of the first book. I expected at least some mention of those events here or something to happen, but there was nothing. Second, I had an issue with the whole plotline behind Daniel’s parents being revealed. I expected this to be a big part of the story, and it didn’t deliver. The confrontation with his parents was anti-climactic, not to mention how something felt missing or unresolved. Maybe this is going to be further explored in book 3 in some way, but even that isn’t clearly addressed. There was a vague potential mystery introduced that made it seem like this would be further addressed, but I’m not sure, especially since the case was wrapped up. Third, most of the secondary characters from the first book were barely mentioned or weren’t even in the book. After getting to meet so many people who had big roles in book 1, it was a bit jarring to barely see them in the story.

All in all, while I had my issues with the book, it was still enjoyable to read. Some loose ends were tied up, some mystery was introduced, and we learned some more information about four of our main characters. If you read book 1, I would recommend reading this book, just know that it is differently paced than book 1. This was definitely a character-based story, with action and mystery taking a backseat here. Personally, I am going to read book 3, because I want to see how the rest of the loose ends from book 1 and book 2 will be addressed and how Jack and Gareth’s relationship further develops.

*I received this book in exchange for an honest review.*

Monday, March 28, 2016

Collective Ramblings Anthology Book Blast

2015’s Twenty Short Story Contest winners assembled in one place. Five stories from each category (Super Powers, Deserted Island, Horror, and Labyrinth), including the top winners of each contest shown below.

The Era of Super Weapons – Roger, America’s super-soldier, embarks on what seemed a routine mission –until his enemies turn to allies against a horde revealing information that will turn the entire world on its head.

Synchronysi – A steampunk masterpiece. After her volunteer operation, a woman awakens to a world made entirely of tine crystals. As she travels the shining island, the product of her surgery reveals much more than she may be able to handle—neither the land of crystals nor the world from which she arrived are exactly what they seem.

Terrors Great and Small – A couple barricades themselves in their home to escape a viral outbreak carried by mosquito bites. As the days of panic and solitude stack up, they battle with both their own crumbling sanity and the terror of what really awaits them beyond their front door.

The Walls Are Alive – in a world where violent offenders are placed in a deadly, automated labyrinth—designed to let no one escape alive—the labyrinth’s caretaker steps inside for a routine maintenance. When the automation turns on him, he’s forced to run the maze like all the criminals he’s sent to their own demise.

Excerpt from The Era of the Super Weapons:
“Too much talk,” she hissed impatiently. “Still prey nearby.”

“How do you know?” I wasn’t picking anything up but there were plenty of other ways to see.

“The forest tells me. How I found you and other prey.” She stalked back into the underbrush, and I fell in behind her.

“Hey, hold up a second! Doc?”

“Project Panthera: human-jaguar hybrid with altered epidermal neural transmission,” he rattled off.

“In English!”

“Right,” he grunted. “The same way your skin picks up vibrations in the air, hers picks up the biochemical signals from plants. It’s like she’s plugged into the forest. She probably feels anything that so much as bends a blade of grass.”

“Great,” I muttered, turning back to Panthera. “Why are you hunting Legion?”

“Man in glasses told me they were prey.” She shrugged. She didn’t seem to have any more intel than I did, assuming she was being straight-up with me.

“So what did he say about me?” I asked. Call me paranoid, but I was a little hesitant to trust a Weapon which had launched itself at me not five minutes before. She stopped and regarded me thoughtfully, blinking her eyes slowly.

“You are different. Strong. Fun. But not prey. Maybe you are hunter like me.”

“If you’re hunting Legion, our enemies are the same.”

For now.

“Be careful, Roger,” warned Dr. Morrison. “I’m not sure how stable she is.”

“I’ve seen worse.” Augmentation was a dangerous game. The human mind could only process so much stimulation. Too much information overwhelmed the brain. That was why the government stuck to basics when they designed me. Enhanced performance in all areas, but still human performance. Weapons like Panthera with abilities no human brain was ever meant to handle…those were the ones liable to snap. Hell, that was probably what happened with Legion. Someone tried to create a god and wound up with a monster.

Click here to view the other tours on the stop.

Author Bio and Links:
Just as it says, Collective Ramblings is a collection of various works, an anthology. In 2015, we completed our quarterly writing contests, each with its own theme. For each theme, the five best entries were selected from the contest to have their works published. All twenty stories have been compiled into this book for your reading pleasure. The four contest themes were:
•        Super Powers
•        Deserted Island
•        Horror
•        Labyrinth.
We know everyone will love these imagination-stretching stories, that are filled with suspense, bravery, and danger, as much as we did.

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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Mix 'N' Match Blog Tour

The heart wants what the heart wants.




Become little more than words in the dictionary when the heart sets its sights on its desire.

Join our authors as they explore interracial themes ranging from the challenges of loving someone from another culture to fighting for the right to love at all.

Celebrate diversity with us.

Buy Links
Don’t miss the March Sale! All Wayward Ink Titles titles are 35% off on the WIP website and 30% off on AllRomance, and 30% off on Amazon.

WIP     |     Amazon US     |     Amazon UK
Amazon AU     |     Amazon DE     |     ARe

Stories Included:
Forbidden by Layla Dorine
Sage never imagined a trip down south would lead to so many discoveries.

He also never expected to meet Eugene, who is as different from Sage as north from south.

Two young men from different backgrounds.

Can they find friendship and love while surrounded by those who consider their desires to be forbidden?

Through The Front Door by Eddy Lefey
A front door could be many things:

Hope, fear, a fresh start, a cold expanse of nothingness.
What will Thomas Ng’s front door mean for Daniel Grimm?

Deceptive Histories by Eric Gober
When Miguel falls for Van, he gets caught in the crosshairs of an angry spirit.

A spirit who cursed Van’s family long ago.

Can Miguel and Van break the curse?

Or will their lives end in ruin?

Meschianza Meetings by Asta Idonea
Philadelphia, 1778

Lieutenant Penton has two problems: dealing with society functions and hiding his passion for Isaac, a slave.

When invited to assist with preparations for the Meschianza, he sees it as a brief escape from both.

However, the night will prove to have more to offer than he ever would have dreamed possible.

A Hopeless Mirage by Kevin Caucher
After hearing "no rice" enough times, Guy decided to swear off dating apps and men, only to find himself falling for his best friend's boyfriend.

A Touch of Paradise by Alina Popescu
Hauled to work in Hawaii, Tudor has little time to enjoy the island paradise.

His obnoxious friend Radu has it much easier, using his free time to set Tudor up, dangling a willing Hawaiian beauty in front of him.

Having been burned by long-distance relationships before, Tudor stubbornly resists Kahoni’s advances.

But can Tudor be worn down enough to enjoy a touch of paradise?

A Surprising Service by A. Lusch
It's another frustrating chore in Nick's day: getting the boiler serviced.

But when Prince walks through the door, it's not just the heating that gets hot.

Belong by Lily Velden
Sent by the Royal Flying Doctor Service to curb an outbreak of influenza in an Australian outback aboriginal community, Dr. Dan is ready for anything.

Except Tommy…

A half-caste aboriginal who feels he doesn’t belong…


Kiss of the South by Kassandra Lea
The north and south have been divided by war. But love has other plans for Joseph Calder and Ephraim Pickett.

Home by Dale Cameron Lowry
What if the man you thought you could never have was waiting for you all along?