An ancient legend spanning eras, continents, and worlds. To some, it’s nothing more than a dream. To others, a pretty fairy tale handed down through the generations.
For those in critical need of their own happy ending, a gift.
For sheltered Lily Kiers, it’s all too real. Her escape from danger, straight into the arms of her destiny.
Thrust into a realm made of fantasy and unbridled passion, Lily faces violent resentment and jealousy from extremely powerful enemies. Amidst fierce creatures whose very existence defy all common sense, Lily pieces together a past she could never have imagined.
Claimed by Kord, Prince of Battle Draconian, their love will not be denied, even as malevolent forces plot to rip them apart.

Royals had strict duty to family and kingdom. Kord’s mate had been near her time of majority when he’d traveled to Anglican to meet her. The kingdom in an uproar, her tearful parents had met him with the devastating news of her death. Instead of a joyous announcement of impending joining, he’d returned to Draconian alone.
His dragon had been uncharacteristically silent since that fateful day, and Kord missed his beast’s conversation.
Enough, he thought bitterly, saddened and angered by the loss of a mate he never knew.
Refusing to dwell on things he couldn’t control, he cleared his mind of the memories and dove lower, seeking what enjoyment he could muster from the day.
Suddenly, something dropped onto his back, between his wingspan.
Something cold and soft.
Something that had limbs . . . and smelled unfamiliar. Not of this realm.
“What the demon?” He banked quickly as he felt the lightweight, chilled lump slide precariously to the left. Worried it might fall—whatever it was—Kord maneuvered gingerly, until he could descend safely into an open pasture.
He touched down lightly over the bumpy ground-scrub, careful to avoid jostling his unknown burden, turned his head to glance behind him . . .
And stared disbelieving at a vision from a dream.
My Review:
3.5 stars
3.5 stars
When I first read the blurb, I wondered how so many elements could be contained in such a short story without being overwhelming. Yet it worked here as everything going on kept the story fast-paced and exciting, though a bit overwhelming at times. Yet even when the plot got crazy, it was still fun to read.
My favorite part was the writing, as I loved all the world building and fantasy. And even though there were two authors, the story flowed. Plus I also liked the characters, especially Kord and Lily. It was fun seeing the banter and chemistry between them, which really helped drive the story. However, the villains were a little over the top and ridiculous, so I never took their threats seriously, which took away from the story for me.
*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.*
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Author Bio and Links:
CiCi Cordelia is the pen name for the writing team of BFFs Char Chaffin and Cheryl Yeko.
Published authors in their own right, they share a love for well-written stories infused with their favorite romantic genres: paranormal, suspense, and erotica. Both are fans of Alpha Men and the women they’d lay down their lives for.
As a writing team, they bring a solid know-how for accomplishing the foundation of what makes a great romance read: a strong story, a passionate romance, fascinating characters, and a happy-ever-after ending.
CiCi Cordelia:
Thanks for hosting!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed getting to know your book; congrats on the tour and I hope it is a fun one for you :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your review!
ReplyDeleteIf you could meet one literary charachter, who would it be? Thanks for sharing. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com
ReplyDeleteWhich book have you read the most? Thanks for hosting the giveaway. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com