
Friday, January 31, 2014

Negotiation Tactics NBtM

Fans of the Sutton Capital Series have been waiting for Jennie and Chad’s story for a long time and they won’t be disappointed! And, new readers are sure to fall in love with the series.

After the crushing heartache of losing her husband at a harshly young age, Jennie Evans had finally found a place to call home. She had a job she loved and new friends to support her. With the exception of having to continuously fight off the feelings she had for Chad Thompson, she was happy again. As happy as she could be anyway. When Jennie’s well-meaning friends meddle in her life, they send her world into a tailspin once again. Soon, she’s on the run from some very dangerous people with the one man she doesn’t want to be with.

Chad Thompson has loved Jennie from afar for the last year, but he’s maintained control. Jennie’s made it clear she wants nothing to do with him and he won’t cross the line she’s drawn in the sand. Until she asks him to. And, when that happens, their world is turned upside down. Chad’s left scrambling to keep Jennie safe as he tries to right their world again. Unfortunately, Chad has to accept the fact that his heart is likely to be crushed in the process and nothing will ever be the same again.

Jack laughed at Chad’s frown. “Hey, get yourself a wife and you won’t miss us so much.”

“Funny.” Chad scowled as the men picked up their bags and started toward the exit.

Jack and Andrew got quiet and Chad groaned inside. He knew what was coming.

Can’t everyone drop the whole Jennie and Chad thing?

He had barely managed to get the image of Jennie in a T-shirt with no bra, out of his head for the last hour of the basketball game and now they had to put it front and center again without even mentioning her name. That sight had plagued him for two damn days and he wasn’t likely to get over it anytime soon.

“Chad, you really need to see where this thing with Jennie might go. Have you even been on a date with anyone else since you met her?” Jack asked.

They crossed the parking lot toward their cars, but it was clear Jack and Andrew were going to stay until he gave them an answer. Chad didn’t want to tell Jack the answer to that question and he didn’t want to have this conversation with Jack and Andrew again. As far as they knew, he didn’t want to date Jennie because he was her boss at Sutton Capital. And, that was part of it, but Chad hadn't told anyone the truth.

Lori, thanks so much for stopping by. So, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m a brand, spankin’ new writer (just started last year) and a mother of two incredible children. I live with them and my husband and a menagerie of animals in Austin, Texas. I’ve had one heck of a ride this first year as a writer and I can’t wait for more!

So, what are you working on right now? Got any releases planned, or still writing?
I’m beginning a new series that takes place in a fictional town called Evers, Texas. I’m a sucker for small town romances so I thought it was time I began my own town. This book will come out at the end of January and then I have two more books planned for the series so far. I hope it goes on for a long time, though! And, I’ll revisit Sutton Capital in 2014 also. There are still a few people who need stories in that series.

How long does the writing process take for you?
It takes a good one to two months for a rough draft, sometimes more if I’m struggling with the plot or a character isn’t speaking to me (they do that sometimes). Once it goes to my editor, it comes back and forth several times for six weeks. So, a few months, total.

Book that inspired you to become an author?
It wasn’t really one book. I was reading a slew of romance novels and I began to have ideas for twists and turns. In my first book, Legal Ease, I twisted a marriage-of-convenience story by having the heroine (who was also the underdog because she had no money and the hero was a wealthy and powerful CEO) waltz into his office and “propose” to him. It’s still one of my favorite books because of that twist.

Alright, you have one superpower. What is it?
Rewinding time so things could be changed. I could fix anything that way. Save any life. Undo mistakes.

You can have dinner with any 3 people, dead, alive, fictitious, etc. Who are they?
Wonder Woman, Jack from Virgin River, and Jill Shalvis.

Last question: Which of your characters are you most like and how/why?
None. There’s really a touch of me here and there in each but none of them has enough of me to really be like me. I try to do that on purpose – if they were all like me you’d be reading the same boring stuff over and over again.

My Review:
4.5 stars

I absolutely love this series, and I have been waiting for Chad to get his HEA ever since I read book 1. To finally be able to see it was amazing. I don't know what else to say that I haven't already said so many times. Amazing characters, humorous yet moving and romantic all at the same time. A can't-put-down-read. Another great book from Lori Ryan. I could go on, but I think you get where this is going. I would highly recommend this series, as it's witty, fresh, and just plain fun to read.

Lori will be awarding a $50 gift certificate to Amazon to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour, so the more you comment, the better your chances of winning.

October 18: Unabridged Andra
November 8: Beyond My Writing Space - review only
November 22: Musings and Ramblings
Novmeber 29: The Reading Addict
November 29: Musings From An Addicted Reader - review only
December 6: Reading In Twilight
December 13: Crazy Four Books
January 3: Harlie's Books
January 10: Simply Ali
January 17: Booklover Sue
January 24: Brooke Blogs

Author Bio and Links:
Lori Ryan is a NY Times and USA Today bestselling author who writes contemporary romance with a twist of suspense. She lives with an extremely understanding husband, two wonderful children, two mostly-behaved dogs, and a lone little cat in Austin, Texas. It’s a bit of a zoo, but she wouldn’t change a thing.

Lori published her first novel in April of 2013 and has written three more books since then. Each of Lori’s books have made their way to the Amazon bestseller list and she quickly climbed the Amazon bestselling author list, as well. In November, 2013, Lori and a group of romantic suspense authors landed on the USA Today and NY Times bestseller lists with an anthology only eight months after the release of Lori’s first book. Lori loves to connect with her readers. Follow her on Facebook or Twitter or subscribe to her blog. Oh, and if you’ve read Lori’s books and loved them, please consider leaving a review on Writers live and die by their reviews and Lori promises to do a happy dance around her office every time you write one!

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To buy my books, visit my author page on Amazon.


  1. It's been a great tour thank you. I've enjoyed the stops along the way.


  2. It's the last day of the tour and I want to say it's been fun following you, getting to know you and your work.

    kareninnc at gmail dot com

  3. I have enjoyed the tour. The book sounds great.


  4. I have really enjoyed your tour. Loved this excerpt.

  5. Thanks for the tour and the chance to win.

  6. Lori...Count me in to read Negotiation Tactics. It sounds like a great read.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  7. Nice interview! Thanks for sharing
