
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Holiday Party Round-up - New Year's Eve

So, we’ve come to the end of not only the Holiday Party, but also the end of the year. It’s been a long year, and a lot has changed from this time last year. I’ve gone back to school and am preparing to graduate with my AA in the spring, I’ve reconnected with some old friends of mine, and I’m another year wiser (though I may not always act it). 

On my blog, I’ve added a reviewer (the wonderful Trix), hosted two parties instead of just one, and celebrated my 22nd birthday. I’ve been to two book conventions, been robbed twice, have moved twice, gotten two new jobs, plus my car got hit twice (why does everything seem to happen in twos?!). 

I’ve suffered and I’ve prevailed, and I’ve met some wonderful people and made some great friends along the way. So here’s looking back at a crazy, amazing year of change and growth, and here’s looking forward to an even better year.

What about you? Looking back on 2014, what have been your favorite/most memorable moments? What are you looking forward to in the new year? Though we'll save the resolutions for tomorrow though. We get to have one last night of debauchery and pigging out first :)

I hope you all have a safe and happy New Year’s Eve, and that 2015 is even better and brighter for you than 2014.

Also, don’t forget today is the last day to enter the grand prize giveaway, and many of the author giveaways as well.

P.S. I also had another contest going that I left open, but since no one else entered, the Black Friday Challenge is closed! Jbst guessed that I was in Florida, but the full answer was I spent Thanksgiving in Duck Key (Marathon), Florida. Great job guessing Jbst!


  1. Happy New Year. I hope that 2015 brings a better emotional and spiritual me. He's to reading a lot of great books by great authors. May the new year start safe and happy for all

  2. This year has been "just get by". But, next year looks to be be much brighter.

  3. What an eventful year for you, Emily! How exciting about your AA degree, but scary about being robbed twice & so stressful to be in two auto accidents. I've had to attended a number of funerals this year so it's been sad in many ways. Will check out Marathon, FL on the web. It was challenging trying to guess even the state where you were vacationing.
    Wishing you and everyone a Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year!! "throws confetti"
    Next year I wish to have more courage to do all the things I want and to show the world how I really am :).

  5. Seriously! You have a seriously interesting, to put it incredibly mildly, year! Mine has been rather eventful as well, with one of the highlights being a shattered hand and wrist, and the now titanium plates and screws holding it together. Good times! :) But yeah, 2014 was a good year, but not a great one. I am looking forward to 2015, and I am praying that it will be a blessed year, and a happy one! Hopefully some little ones! Great year for me and the hubby, and our pups and families! 2015 is going to be a good one, I have a feeling! Thanks for all of the awesome holiday posts, the time and effort that went into it. Congrats on your accomplishments in school. And finally, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  6. Oh my, you've really had an eventful year. I hope the New Year will be safer and much more fun than the last =) I haven't had a very eventful year but it wasn't bad. Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year!

  7. Happy New Year! I hope this year contains a little less drama for you - you've had an eventful 2014, to put it mildly. I'm glad there's been some really good things mixed in amongst the not so good. And thank you for a fun party, too!
