
Thursday, December 25, 2014

Holiday Party - Merry Christmas

Christmas... a wonderful day, full of love and happiness (or at the very least, some peace and quiet).

I love Christmas because it's the one day where my siblings and I call a truce to the sibling rivalry and instead my family and I spend the entire day just hanging out with each other, watching movies, eating good food, and just relaxing. I look forward to it all year long, not just for the gifts and the food (though they are pretty awesome), but because I love having this day to basically reconnect with my family. We put aside our differences and just get along. Christmas is a very powerful, amazing, miraculous day.

So for those of you celebrating, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. And if you’re not, then I’ll wish you a Happy Hanukkah, Merry Festivus, Happy Kwanzaa, and/or a Happy New Year. You can choose J


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. Thank you. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and your family =)

  3. Happy Holidays to everyone!

  4. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Christmas is such a special time of year, and being together with family, everyone of us, is the best thing I could hope for.

  5. Thank you for you interesting posts and happy holidays to you all :)
