
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Holiday Party - K. Piet

This next author is another favorite of mine, who I've had the pleasure of getting to know and meet at RainbowCon (which she actually helped host). She's an absolute blast to know, and a very interesting person (read her bio and you'll understand). I loved getting to meet her, and now I'm glad to be able to introduce her to y'all. Ladies and gentlemen, Ms. K. Piet!

Ah, December. The holiday season is in the air, and it's difficult in this day and age not to think about religion. Christmas music is everywhere, the occasional Hannukah or Yule song tossed in for good measure, and everyone—or at least everyone in the northern hemisphere—is looking for a way to celebrate the darkest time of the year and welcome the return of the sun and a new year full of opportunity. 

For many people, it's a time of year to examine themselves, see what damage has been taken over the last year, what triumphs have been achieved, and give thanks for the help they've received along the way. Whether that help is of the divine sort or not is up to every individual, but I know this time of year always brings back ponderings of my spirituality. For me, it's usually very fluid, very vague, and romanticized images of angels and demons and nativity scenes flit about in my brain, sparking that need for erotic fiction involving religious figures. 

What? Don't look at me like that! It can't be that uncommon for us readers and writers in this genre! 

Seriously, though, I love reading fiction that takes characters or inspiration from religious mythologies. Be it tales involving the Greek pantheon, a more Pagan exploration of anthropomorphized elements or season, or an unusual take on angel and demon relations, I devour erotic fiction with a religious twist. It's that love that spawned my own first published piece, The Keeper, which involves Judas as he was loosely portrayed in the Gospel of Judas but with a paranormal/vampire twist. 

I've since written a lot of angel and demon pieces as well with my co-author, S.L. Armstrong. Our tastes align when it comes to the paranormal/supernatural and religious sides of erotic fiction, and we just couldn't help ourselves. When other authors expressed interest in priest-kink, we jumped on the opportunity, and our latest anthology at Storm Moon Press was born: Devout

The call was more vague than the term priest-kink denotes, since we were open to any devoted religious figure across the spectrum of organized religion, but our authors all delivered amazing pieces that show men of the cloth in action, both fighting the dark forces that oppose them and, in some cases, giving in to them with delectable consequences. There's nothing quite like the wicked play between good and evil, and this anthology definitely brings the heat in a way that will see you through the chill of the holiday season! 

Here's a bit about Devout and some delectable cover art to whet your appetite. C'mon. You know the temptation is just too great. ;D 

Also, COMMENT with your e-mail address and your favorite kind of erotic religious fiction. Do you like angels and demons? Gods and goddesses? Elemental dieties? Priests and other men/women of the cloth? TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS for a chance to WIN an e-copy of Devout!

Devout – A Storm Moon Press Anthology – ON SALE NOW!

Let's face it; spirituality can be sexy. That goes double for men of the cloth, who display such passion and devotion toward their chosen deities. For some, nothing is more erotic than men dedicating their lives to faith and service. However, even the most pious men aren't above temptation, and the men of Devout find themselves more than eager to explore a more carnal interpretation of worship. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy five doses of old-time religion spiked with erotic intrigue and a delicious hint of sin that will have you reaching for some holy water, preferably with ice. 

Anthology includes the following authors: 
A Question of Faith – D.K. Jernigan 
Never Not a Priest – Annabeth Leong 
Lust Allure – Ann Anderson 
Waterwheel – Angelia Sparrow 
Son of a Preacher Man – Cari Z. LINK: 

 PRICE: $5.99 (ebook) 


Another religious themed book of mine that I co-wrote with S.L. Armstrong is The Keeper.

Generation after generation, an unattached male is plucked from the same family line and sent to the home of the man they only know as Dhakir. It is a duty all men in the line are brought up knowing, but none can know which male will be called or when. 

Twenty-six-year-old Hadi Rahal is plucked from his fast-paced life among the brilliant lights and shallow vanity of Milan's fashion world when he is told his uncle has passed on and he is the next Keeper. Knowing only vague legend, Hadi travels to Sétif, Algeria, where his heritage waits in the form of an ancient name and sorrowful eyes he cannot turn from, even as he prays to God for the fortitude to resist. 

PRICE: $2.99 (ebook); $6.99 (softback)

K. Piet currently lives in Tampa, Florida, but misses the snowy mountains of her hometown. After studying in three different states and graduating magna cum laude with a degree in Kinesiological Sciences, K. pursued a career in therapeutic bodywork and massage. 

Along with co-author S.L. Armstrong, she helped found Storm Moon Press as well as RainbowCon, an annual celebration of QUILTBAG artistic diversity. They have also co-authored and released several books together, including Catalyst, Immortal Symphony: Overture, and their illustrated novel, Making Ends Meet.

K. enjoys writing in the high fantasy and paranormal/supernatural genres, adding her own homoerotic, and often kinky, flair to her fiction. She's passionate about writing and publishing all over the QUILTBAG spectrum, including trans* and genderqueer characters, with whom she closely identifies. 

In her spare time, K. also enjoys hoopdancing, musical theatre, and circus arts. Her love of the human body and its endless possibilities bleeds into nearly every facet of her life. All she’s missing is a beau to admire up close and personal. Or two. The more the merrier. 

K. loves hearing from readers, who can e-mail her at She can be found on her website or on Twitter. 


  1. It would be elemental deities would be my favorite. Thanks for your post!
    strive4bst(AT) yahoo(Dot) com

  2. Demons are very interesting. The books look interesting. I'll have to look into them Thanks for the post

  3. I like them all but I think most of the time I'm reading stories between angel and demons. Thank you for the post =)

    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  4. I enjoy angels and demons. They are amazing to read.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  5. I do love angels, especially when they're dealing with human feelings for the first time!

    Trix, vitajex(At)Aol(dot)Com

  6. I enjoy reading books about Angel's and Demon's they are so different. I like the idea of the Anthology and I'm adding it to my wish list.


  7. I love reading about angels (and demons). I'm fascinated with the wings. While I have many angel stories I keep re-reading (including Cari Z.'s) I think my favorite series is Nalini Singh's Guild Hunters. Can't wait to read this anthology and check out new authors and old favorites.
    dreamseeker331 (at) gmail (dot) com

  8. Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway! :D We're pleased to announce that the giveaway is closed. Congrats to Debby for winning a copy of Devout!

    We hope all of you will give the anthology a try and have a wonderful holiday season into the new year! And for those of you who love angels and demons and the like, we definitely recommend Love & Agony as well as Cari Z.'s Cambion: Dark Around the Edges. Cari Z.'s story in the Devout anthology is actually in the same universe as Cambion, so definitely check it out if you like her short story in here! <3

    ~K. Piet

  9. I am not sure that her books are for me, but she definitely sounds like an interesting gal.
